The Armor of God, a Bible study by Priscilla Shirer, is more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory; it is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.


Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 tells us

exactly what we are supposed to do in

order to make sure that our minds are

protected well against the schemes of

the enemy it is a passage that you

probably have heard before you might

know by heart but listen to it again I

urge you therefore sistering by the

mercies of God you present your bodies a

living and Holy Sacrifice acceptable to

God which is your spiritual service of

worship and listen do not be conformed

to this world but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind that you may prove

what the will of God is that which is

good and acceptable and perfect the

instructions here are to participate in

the sanctification process that is

molding you into the image of Christ

Jesus by renewing your mind our minds

are renewed through the Word of God the

book is alive y’all like this a lot

living and active and sharper than any

two-edged sword it is not just pen put

to paper it is not just black and white

ink it’s not just sixty-six books it’s

not just an old and a New Testament this

is the only book on the planet where you

can read a passage and the Holy Spirit

can cause a divine highlighter of sorts

to be on a specific passage and it leaps

up off the page and it grips your soul

and it intersects with something that

happens to be happening in your life in

that particular moment and give you

specific direction that will guide you

towards God’s will for your life

there was only one book that can do that

and it’s the Living Word of God and as

you apply it to your mind like a helmet

as you do your brain your thinking your

mind your thought patterns your your you

can take control back that which the

enemy has sought to steal away from you

strongholds are torn down by the Word of


fortresses are dismantled by the Word of

God as you and I apply our identity in

Christ to our regular everyday living we

literally restructure and rewire our
