This sermon is entitled When a Man of God Looses his Faith by David Wilkerson, the title on youtube is to show the big picture of the story of King Asa, that we may learn from his failure not to do like him.

please open your Bible to second

chronicles 14 and leave it open on your

lap please don’t race the head trying to

find my message you won’t find it I have

to show it to you

second chronicles 14th chapter and just

leave it open on your lap my message

today when a man of God loses his faith

when a man of God loses his faith now

there’s a story in this chapter the

chills me to the bone chills me to the

bone it shaken me to the core of my soul

it’s a story of a very godly righteous

man who lost this faith after many

faithful years of ministry to the Lord

a man mighty in God who lost his faith

in his final days now Paul the Apostles

write that these stories were recorded

in the Bible for our learning and they

are examples for us who live at the end

of time the scripture says then we had

better take heed to what we hear and I

have taken heed to what I’ve heard from

the Holy Spirit and I speak having

trembled at the word God has given to me

this morning

his name is King ASA and he started out

right the scripture says look at verse 2

chapter 14 verse 2 neza did that which

was good and right in the eyes of the

Lord his God in the eyes of the Lord his

God now here’s the mark of a truly godly

holy man he understands that he lives he

walks he moves under the very eyes of an

all-seeing God that there can be

absolutely nothing hidden in his life

there can be no flirtation with sin

there can be nothing that is unlike the

honor of Jesus Christ the honor of the

Lord God to whom he search there can be

nothing because he understands as David

did the Lord in heaven his eyelids trier

test the children of men I exist that I

will walk righteous Oliver clean and

holy life because I know his eyes are on

me every hour of the day that there’s no

to hide there’s nothing in me that I do

in the matter of iniquity that can be

hidden from the Almighty eyes of the


for his eyes are upon the ways of man he

sees all his goings there is no darkness

no shadow of death where the workers of

iniquity may hide themselves there is no

place that a man of God or a woman of

God who whats be used of God can hide

sin there can be no dark place there can

be nothing that book the life has to be

an open book and this is what Isaiah it

says of him he was did right in the eyes

of God

this sense this constant knowledge that

God is looking at me God sees everything

I do as a new that God brings to light

the hidden things of darkness and

exposes the counsels of the heart he

knows that there’s nothing hidden from

the eyes of him with whom we have to do

now this man knew he was called by God

to a special ministry to a backslidden

church of backslidden people he’s a

young man when he comes to power the

scripture says he made a decision

somewhere in his young life he made a

decision that he would be a seeker after

God now I believe that this young man

studied the life of his

great-grandfather Solomon because they

had the Chronicles at the time and I’ve

read this young man because it’s

apparent he said it’s hard to seek God

and a seeking heart will always bill I

was called to preach when I was 8 years

old and my dad my father’s preaching my

grandfather and I was always a trig by

the work I heard of God in the life of

my grandfather I picked up everything I

could and I know in my heart that ASA

studied from The Chronicles the stories

of his his great-grandfather Solomon he

heard of his wisdom he read his proverbs

and he heard and read of the majestic

way that he approached the Holy of

Holies and the majesty the all and the

respect and the honor he read of the

blessings of God of this man how the

whole world came to hear his wisdom

I’m sure he was deeply moved by the

stories of his great-grandfather and he

read what his grand great-grandfather

had written lust not after a strange

woman you’ll be taking fire in your

bosom whoever commits adultery destroys

his own soul an adult will bring on

himself dishonor shame reproach and

poverty his reproach will never be taken

away her steps the adulterous steps lead

straight to hell he read this and then

he learned that his great-grandfather’s

own lust for strange and different women

cost him everything and that his

reproach was still there written in the

pages of the Chronicles he’s the man who

said your reproach will never be removed

if you give yourself to fornication and

you give your body over to lust into

adultery and you flirt and play with

these things his old great-grandfather

said that a man the wisest man who have

lived on the earth other than Jesus

Christ preached this powerful message

yet himself in his last days lost his

faith lost his touch of God and lost his

anointing cost him everything his

approach was still with him a total loss

of confidence in God turned to idolatry

Asia must have wondered how could a man

who starts so right and has such an

anointing in his life how is it possible

that such a spiritual heritage a clear

revelation such gifts in a man how could

he blow it at the end what happened to

my great-grandfather who ends up his

life saying it was all vanity vexation

it all had no meaning and I know that

gripped him he says I don’t want to be

that man I’m not going to weigh my

great-grandfather went he also knew what

happened to his own grandfather oh ho ho

The Chronicle said of him he did evil

because he prepared not his heart to

seek the Lord and he saw the results of

not seeking God

scripture said revolve had war

continually all the days of his life

there was no divine order his whole

family everything in the kingdom

everything he touched everything he did

was wrong there is no divine order

there’s nothing but turmoil because he

would not become a seeker of God he was

not a man of prayer at the same time

this young man had the good example of a

bye to his father he had to have been

there with his father when eight hundred

thousand Israelites declared war and

King against him against Judah and

stirred this small army of Abijah his

father his father was a praying man a

man who sought God his mother

maja was absence daughter she was born

and raised in an adulterous rebellious

home and she was an idol worshiper but

his father was a righteous man and he

was down to mountaintop when the

Israelites came around an ambushment

from behind and he heard his own father

say In God We Trust the battle is the

Lord’s we have sought the Lord and He

alone is our captain those are the very

words that he heard and something

happened this young man’s life he said I

give my life to God I’m going to be a

prayer warrior I’m going to be a man of

Prayer I’m going to seek God the rest of

my life and he said his heart to seek

God because they relied on the Lord God

of their fathers God delivered them so

AZ comes to the throne having three

great lessons that before his heart

first of all that good and holy man who

overcome by their lust good and holy men

who give themselves to fornication

adultery end up ruined loss of God’s

presence and anointing they end up

miserable failures they lose their faith

secondly men who do not set their hearts

to pray and seek God in

everything end up with no peace they end

up with war on all side turmoil in every

walk of life no divine order in their

lives or their homes thirdly he learned

that the secret to having God’s favor

the secret to victory over all the

powers of hell is simple and available

to anyone who desires it and that is

simply to see God with everything that

is in you he said I will seek God with

all that is in my heart he commands

Judah to seek the Lord God of your

father’s and then his own testimony was

this because we have sought the Lord our

God we have sought him he has given us

rest on every side so they built and

prospered because we have sought God he

himself has put everything order in

order when he prayed God spoke to him

about his own mother who was queen that

she had an idol on a hillside he went

and destroyed and stamped out that Idol

and took her away from the Queen ship

and sent her aside

he loved herbage that you no longer

Queen you have my daughter tree in your

heart because when you pray God

straightens out your home God

straightens out your business he

straightens out everything does a divine

order that comes to the church that

comes to the home when you seek in the

face of Almighty God divine order

because we sought the Lord he’s given us

rest on every side and they built and

prospered but praying man godly man

those who seek God with all their heart

are not immune to attack from the enemy

and an enemy attacks Rises against this

godly man the largest invading army

recorded in history the largest in

history a million man army of Ethiopians

come against him 300 iron chariots the

battle was said in the Great Valley and

the Bible says in verse 10 he went out

against him he went out against this


when we tell you something he had no of

Asia had no other war plan but to pray

and seek God none whatsoever

look at chapter 14 verse 11 beginning to

read it verse 11 and ayzik cry verse 10

the nation went out against him they set

the battle away in the valley as if a

thought and Morasca and ASA cried unto

the Lord his God has said Lord it is

nothing with thee to help whether with

many or with them who have no power

help us O Lord our God for we rest on

thee and in thy name will go against

this multitude o Lord thou art our God

let not man prevail against thee till

the Lord smote the Ethiopians before

Asia and before Judah and Ethiopians

fled no other plan no other strategy but

then to seek the face of God now where

did this man get this the spirit of rest

that was upon him he went into this

battle without turmoil he faced this

Bible said he rested in the Lord there

was a calm there was a peace where did

he get it he said his heart to seek the

Lord he was a man of prayer and folks he

did it in the time when God said there’s

no war there there was peace in the land

that was prosperity they were building

everything was peaceful there was no


there was no crisis Oh many many of

God’s people pray in crises every time

trouble comes I run to the secret place

and cry out to God that’s fine

God did that that’s that’s all in good

order but folks the man who really wins

the battle the man who’s ready to face

anything that the devil throws out of

hell is the man or woman in which

studying God when there’s no crisis when

everything is well when there seems to

be blessing and prosperity that man is

diligent before God and seeks

face and that’s what Asia did he sought

the Lord with all of his heart and then

we under hilltop and he sees a million

man army he is not powered a praying man

is his bold as a lion there’s no demon

or no devil in hell that will scare him

if he’s praying in faith so the Lord

smote Ethiopians before Asia and they

returned to Jerusalem with great spoil

and as he’s marching toward Jerusalem

God sends a prophet out dinner cept him

now why would God send a prophet with a

warning to manage this one the greatest

victory in his career in his life

everybody shouting they’re praising the

Lord they’re giving God glory even aces

praising God because he trusted the Lord

and because he trusted God gave him the

victory but here comes a prophet and

stands before him face to face with the

loving warning the other Bible said of

Jerusalem of Israel Jerusalem waxed fat

grew prosperous and forgot God hey God

understands the danger those who love

Him those who are holy those who are

gone to the danger of becoming weary and

relaxing and becoming spiritually lazy

after the greatest victories my dad

taught me that when I was a teenager he

said when you go out you preach and God

blesses you and you see soul saved watch


you’re the most dangerous place you can

be after your greatest victories azor I

as the Prophet comes to him and says

look at chapter 15

first one the Spirit of God came upon

Azariah the son of Odin see they’re not

coming into Jerusalem with this great

spoil in bounty after victory the Spirit

of God comes on

Azariah the son of it obut Oh Deb and he

went out to meet ASA it said unto me

hear ye me ASA and all Judah and

Benjamin the Lord is with you while you

be with him if you seek him he will be

found of you but if you forsake him he

will forsake you now listen why would

God send a man with that message to a

godly praying man because God for Saul

what was going to happen in this man’s

heart he foresaw that this man in his

blessings in his prosperity would wane

in his love that some pride would arise

in him confidence in his own flesh he

would leave the secret closet he would

try to ride the crest of his reputation

as a praying godly man and he would lose

the anointing and eventually lose his

faith and the Lord knew that potential

the Lord force all the danger lay ahead

and he comes to him loved and he said

now look agent you’ve come this far by

faith you come by you’ve come this far

by staying on your face before God you

bring everything to God

you’ve brought everything to prayer and

you trusted the Lord and because of that

you’re blessed and he is saying you know

if you’ll continue in this path if

you’ll continue being a seeker after God

if you’ll stay on your knees God will

continue to bless you you’ll have his


you have divine order in your home and

in your kingdom and in your life but if

you neglect it if you go the way

Jerusalem is gone over its past history

if you go like your grand

great-grandfather and your grandfather

if you turn your back and stop

seeking my face I’m going to lift my

hand I’ll lift my favorite and that that

word for sake means to relinquish to let


he said if you let go of me if you no

longer cleave to me if you no longer

trust me with everything that is in you

then he said I’ll have to let go in the

way of favor and blessing and anointing

upon your life he goes on for long

season Israel has been without the true

God without a teaching priest without

law but when they and their trouble did

turn unto the Lord God of Israel taught

them he was found of them he said AZ

check your chronicles shift from the

very beginning every time people had

their homes messed up every time there

were problems every time the enemy tried

to come and destroy the plan of God if

they would fall on their face and return

to the secret calls it if they would

learn to call on me once again I was

found of them every time not one time

did I fail to respond to those who set

their hearts to seek me look at history

in those times there was no peace team

that went out nor did that came in but

great vexation were palmed inhabitants

of the country’s nation was destroyed of

nation city of City for God did vex them

with iversity so be strong therefore let

not your hands be weak for your work

shall be rewarded

what do you think heesu I bring a word

from God’s throne to you be diligent now

be diligent more than you verb you’re

going to need God more than you’ve ever

needed in that you’ve had a great

victory God has blessed youth God has

rescued so but now you’re going to need

it you’re going to be tested like you’ve

never been tested in your life now God

wants to reward you’ve got his plans for

you but be careful as you get so busy

unless you get to building it into

projects unless you’re family unless

your ministry

lest other things come in and track you

and take your time the anointing will

left the favor will left the divine

order will be gone and you’ll just be

like every other generation that is

failed lost their faith

but when they in their trouble did turn

of the Lord God of Israel saw him he was

found of them if you’d have gone to Asia

after this and said ASA what’s the

secret of your blessing and favorite God

god’s favours on you folks you couldn’t

tell when god’s got his hand on somebody

you see the favor of God you see yes

many of the flicks of the righteous but

you see God God stop every war there’s a

war but God brings the war to a

conclusion God by His grace brings mercy

and blessing he brings strength to take

till a hold of the promises of God to

seidman through their toughness and

roughness times and those Wars cease he

make it all worse deceased many the

frictions of the righteous but God

delivers them out of them all there’s a

difference in you concede the divine

order you to asking where where did this

divine order came from he would tell he

wouldn’t point to his half million man

army he wouldn’t point to all in

buildings he’d built in all the walls he

built and all of the inventions that he

had invented he would point to any of

that or of his own ability he would say

the secret is I go to my closet and I

pray I seek God and in prayer he tells

me what to do where to go and he gives

me promises so there is no other secret

than that

I hear talk nowadays of church growth

we’ve got armies of young expert joining

all over the world with their charts on

how to bring people into the house of

God and some say y’all you’ve got to

have flags and March down with flags and

wave the flags and and all kinds of

charts and skills on how to be people

friendly and bringing the people without

offending them most of that is

nauseating to the heart of God let me

tell you something you show me a pastor

or pastors you show me Sunday School

teachers workers Christian workers car

members whoever it may be

usually those who have a call of God in

their heart

shut in with God daily diligent and

fervour and prayer permanent prayer and

I’ll show you a place of attraction I’ll

show you a place I’ll show you true

biblical growth verse 9 chapter 15 and

he gathered all Judah and Benjamin

strangers with him out of he frame and

Manasseh and came out and out of Simeon

and they fell to him out of Israel in

abundance when they saw that the Lord is

God was with them so they gathered

themselves together Jerusalem in third

month listen what it says they fell out

to him this man of Prayer this man who

spoke because he came from the throne

there fell out the vision and abundance

when they saw that the Lord his God was

with him it was not great preaching

there was no threat there was no army

trying to gather them but there was a

fire burning at Jerusalem at the throne

there was a man of prayer and people

came from all over best in Israel to be

a part that what God was doing in

Jerusalem because God was moving by his

spirit because there was a man on his


and because it set the example all of

Israel had called for a covenant and

they coveted to seek God with all of the

heart the Bible says they entered into a

covenant to seek the Lord God of their

fathers with all their heart and with

all their soul and they sought him with

their whole desire and he was found of

them and the Lord gave them rest

roundabout and everybody came said when

you walk into Jerusalem now you feel the

Spirit of God there is rest of there’s

peace in the land nobody is fighting

there’s unity there is joy in the land

why because they had set their hearts

their whole soul in their mind to seek

God folks just one thing to seek God

when we have some body trying to build

50 stories over us yes that’s a crisis

and that’s we need to lay hold of God

this one thing to pray when there’s

there’s sickness or disease it strikes

your family or an accident in trouble

yes that’s fine but what God desires

more than anything and I think what

blesses the heart of God in heaven is

that those in their good times when all

is well they’re not parked in front of a

television set watching some filth they

are not foolishly laughing at some

program they are taking special loving

time alone with God they’re praying for

their families building up faith for the

hour of tribulation they’re seeking the

face of God and God is bringing divine

order on all sides and they know the

secret of it and there’s I’m not gonna

let go of it I know why God’s blessing

me I know why there’s peace in my home I

know why God’s blessing my Mary’s I know

what’s happening I talked to a bastard

too many months ago whose family was in

great turmoil he was told and I heard it

told to him if you’ll seek God with all

your heart you’ll get ahold of God by

faith now and pray this thing God will

put your family and order God will heal

your marriage and that pastor began to

pray and see God God began to melt all

of his family he started a healing

process but it blew up in this case

and in a conversation with me not too

long ago I said I I can tell you what

happened and I said you know it let me

tell you what happened you got too busy

you saw God moving and used to God you

were praying to a secret garden God was

healing God was doing a miracle in your

family in your home and you got too busy

you don’t pray you don’t read your Bible

and see God anymore he said that’s right

and he said because I haven’t sick I

haven’t been seeking God I end up

blaming God for my problems and because

I’m not seeking God and blaming God and

I’ve opened my heart to temptations that

I’ve never experienced in years and it

goes down and down and down because in

no longer seeking the face of God

every time I got to preach for

conference I am asked to preach about

marriage because many ministers

marriages the families are there in

great trouble there’s divorce there’s

turmoil in so many Minister homes now

and I’m asked to preach on it I don’t

have I’ve thought that I don’t have a

special message God has people who God

uses specifically for that and it’s

their calling I don’t have a special

message for ministers and they keep

asking I’m sorry I don’t have one but

let me tell you something I know one

thing sir if your family your pastor

your Minister your Christian worker and

your family is in trouble if you’re not

a praying man no amount of preaching no

amount of teaching no amount of

counseling nothing going to get through

you nothing going to do the job until

you yourself get on your face before

gotten ahold of heaven all my preaching

I can preach the most powerful message

God can ever give a man on earth

how about marriage and how to get your

marriage healed but if that husband and

wife not willing to go home and turn off

the television or take some godly

precious time alone with God and pray in

faith and take authority over the devil

in their home no amount of preaching

no matter streaming from the pulpit is

going to change anything this godly man

who started out so right ended up losing

his faith in God’s favor and his

anointing he’d been warned by Azariah

that the height of his blessing Efrain

just defeated the world’s largest army

having spent years seeking God years of

doing only what God had told him to do

it was then that God had warned him

let’s skip now from this great battle in

this test where he comes home with

Azariah says rice prophesized to him if

you seek him he’ll he’ll stay with you

if you forsake him you’ll forsake you

and for a season he had such hatred for

sin there was a genuine revival in the

land but somewhere along the line

something happened in this man’s life we

skipped to the 36th year of his reign

he’s now in his mid-60s according to it

as best I can tell from those who search

out these things as it is earlier in mid

60s the 36 year of his reign and another

enemy rises against Judah but 15 years

have gone by since the great revival

since the warning from the Prophet and

now the king of Israel comes and just

five Muslim Jerusalem in Roma he sets up

he takes the city captures it and

fortifies it to stop the trade caravans

coming and going to Jerusalem trying to

cut off all trade and it was a threat to

the survival of Judah

Jerusalem this man who at one time would

never make a move without seeking God

this man who was so godly had such faith

in the Lord looks at this enemy at his

gate he doesn’t even counsel with the

Lord this time doesn’t even go to the

Lord not one mention of prayer was

seeking the face of God we find him now

setting out his own plan

he goes into the temple and he strips at

all of its gold and silver he goes to

the princess and says I want your gold

and silver I want all the riches you

have any gathers together a hoard of

silver and gold and he sends an

ambassador to the king of Syria this is

Israel’s deadliest enemy enemy God hated

the very enemy that God was now planning

to destroy God had a plan to end once

and for all the invasions of Israel and

Syria against Judah God had a plan in

place you’ll see it revealed by a

prophet another prophet that comes to

him then he sends his ambassador and he

bribes the king of Syria he said I want

you to go against Israel declare war on

them I want my city back and here’s

bribery this kind of bribery is skillful

political maneuvering succeeds his real

abandons the city stops his declaration

of war against Judah and against Asia

the nazar sits back and he feels quite

comfortable what he has done he didn’t

need God this time he had his own plan

but God was incensed God was totally

displeased because he had not trusted in

the Lord his God chapter 16 please verse

7 you see he’s just succeeded in his

plan and at that time and any the seer

of the Prophet came to ASA king of Judah

and said unto him because that was

relied on the king of

Syria and not relied on the LORD thy God

therefore is the host of the king of

Syria escaped out of thine hand

we’re not the Ethiopians and the lupins

a huge host with very many chariots and

horsemen yet because thou didst rely on

the Lord he delivered them into thine

hand for the eyes of the Lord run to and

fro throughout the whole earth to show

himself strong in the behalf of those

whose heart is perfect that means

cleaving toward him the heart that

Cleaves to him

herein thou has done foolishly therefore

from henceforth thou shalt have warts

look at me please God sends a prophet

said you’ve played the fool and look at

the next verse then a said verse 10 ASA

was rocked with the seer and put him in

a prison house and he was in a rage with

him because of this thing and a zapped

race oppressed some of the people at the

same time now I want you to listen very

very closely I think of George Miller

great men of faith England it was – it

was he was not an ordained minister but

God put it on his heart to care for

orphans and through this prayer alone

through nothing but prayer this man

prayed daily he said the secret of his

ministry was that he sought God daily

with all his heart and he determined to

have a conscience clear of offense

toward God man and clear conscience and

stay on my knees and he raised up

orphanages that cared for more than

2,000 orphans at a time and when he’s 70

years of age God came to George Mueller

and said you’ve been a man of prayer but

now I want you to pray more than you’ve

ever prayed because I’ve got something

else I’ve got something for your last

days that you couldn’t conceive I want

you to go all over the world and set

pastor soles on fire it’s 70 years of

AIDS this man renewed

his prayer life this man thought God he

never saw him and I want you to know if

you know the story of George Miller even

at 95 he was still preaching he traveled

for 25 years around the world and

stirred and changed the lives of

thousands of Ministers because he stayed

on his face he didn’t miss out he didn’t

lose his faith it moves his anointing

because he stayed on his face before God

and yet I can tell you the story after

story of men of God who been used to had

anointing who were blessed of God were

men of prayer who are prophets and in

their older age in their mid-60s and in

their seventies and I’ve been with some

of them and all I hear are stories of

old-time religion or old revivals and

there’s no new word because the man is

sitting in front of a TV set now he’s

not on his face mean yet he wants to be

respected for what he was and what he

had and all I hear is something in the

past he doesn’t set my soul on fire but

when a man comes to this pulpit or any

pulpit and I’m sitting in the

congregation and this should be true of

every one of us when a man has been

siding with God you’ll know he’s been

with Jesus and that be something touch

your heart before you walk out but not

so with this man he’d lost his faith he

was no longer a man of Prayer and now

he’s doing his own thing his own way

trying to work out his problems by

himself here inversed

Danny’s in a rage a prophet came to him

and said because you’ve relied on the

flesh you’re not a man of prayer anymore

and you were warned now you’re going to

have nothing but turmoil the rest of

your life why is he in a rage why did he

throw the Prophet in jail why did he

start oppressing the godly people who

are shocked at this

I tell you why he’s in a rage they’re

standing before him as a man who

represents everything he once was

they’re standing before him as a mirror

here’s a man who is very consciously and

evidently been shut in with God because

he speaks the howl of God and it so

strikes him and it so angers him because

he remembers what God told him he

remembered how he walked just like this

man said to her one day a little

preacher hood committed adultery God had

lifted anointing he was in poverty

everything in his life messed up his

home his life is everything in a mess

and his only thought is counting the

days till he died the young minister

came to me once he said brother Dave I

don’t know what to do he had moved into

the city and just overnight built a

great Church and in that city was an

older man in his sixties a man who in

that same city years ago had been such a

man of Prayer and raised up a great

church himself

this man had power and authority with

God he was known and loved to respect it

all of the city because it was a man of

prayer and faith with God but over the

years he got so busy in his own affairs

he got so busy in his own projects no

longer son God he stood in the pulpit

with borrowed messages we get something

from a book and stand and delivered to

the people this young man movie said

Pastor Dave I got a problem

I love this man I’ve respected and loved

him for years but now he is angry at me

there’s a bitterness toward me and I

don’t under

and why and I told them I said I’ll tell

you why because this you’re representing

everything that this man had it’s

everything he lost and you have it now

because you stayed on your knees this

young man I’m talking about is a man of

Prayer he’s a man of diligent prayer and

seeking the face of God he was a


praying young men I know I had a chance

to speak to that pastor God gave me a

few hours with him we’re walking the

street and I’ve never heard such

harshness in my life

he said bless God my church know she was

on who’s boss in our place I’m the boss

he said anybody want to cross me I show

him the door you see that’s what happens

when you don’t see God there’s a

meanness there’s a self-pity you see

this this man was hit whole time was

giving me advice how to pass the times

for church because you see he wanted me

to look at him as the man he was he

wanted me to listen to the wisdom he

once had he wants to change me and

affect my life because once he had

something that would work but now all I

hear is noise all I hear is something I

have to buy here this mean as I hear

this cruelty and I told that young man I

said just love him and pray for him and

folks you know what they pastor the last

thing he said he said I can’t wait til I

retire and I thought to myself Lord Rush


there’s four people the poor people that

sit under that backslidden days of

ministry and aids in the 39th verse 12

Reina vis his reign was diseased in his

feet his disease was exceeding great yet

in his disease he sought not the Lord

but to the physicians now this man spent

his last two years and nothing but pain

and agony he had the disease in his feet

we don’t know what it is now this is not

an indictment against doctors what the

real indictment is here is that in that

time in the Eastern culture the doctors

primarily were nothing but mystics and

charmers who use potions and

enchantments from the devil there’s

nothing – all you have to do is read as

far as it says and he’s not not the Lord

stop right there you don’t have to go

any further you know what’s his heart is

forget the doctor it’s nondating against

doctors God gives doctors wisdom we have

godly doctors in this house

god bless every one of them I know that

every doctors in this house you know

that you can’t do anything God does all

the healing our true doctor knows it God

does the healing he thought not the Lord

in his last days now I started this

message by saying that this story chills

me to the bone

and I’ll tell you why before I closed

because I remember his call in my life

I remember how my father taught me to

pray I remember my teenage years when I

sought God and the glory God would come

upon me I would roll under the bed and

the glory of the Lord would come upon me

sometimes when I was a teenager I

couldn’t even get up off my back

I remember before I came to New York

City pastoring little country church and

I remember just a handful of people Lord

said if you’ll seek me there’ll be no

room to seat the people and I saw within

five years at Tel Aviv I would brother

at that time or Roberts is the only one


and I had a television program covering

good part of eastern United States and I

was 25 years old that was a man of

Prayer and I saw people line up to get

in the church talking logic act if it

where Souls being saved and I’ve known

the glower in the power of the favor of

God and the divine order that goes with

it but I’ve also known what it’s like to

grow lazy and slip away from the secret

closet I began to make my own plans and

watch everything go awry watch

everything go wrong watch everything

step out of order this fall out of place

it’s your God what’s going on try to set

up fires here and try to put out a fire

here try to deal with this this Miss

contended person here and deal with a

rebellious child here I’ve known what

that’s like I’ve known what it’s like to

almost lose my minister because I didn’t

seek God like I once did and I know what

it was like to spend a whole year before

I came to New York City before this

church was established I knew it was

like for a whole year to be so in prayer

with God so in tune with him I’d go out

in the woods and preach to the trees I

would fall on the grass I remember

people come to my house and spear God

with columbic why because I’ve been in


I’ve been stinking his face the Spirit

of God fall right in front of company

and they thought I was crazy and I

remember one day the Holy Ghost coming

down upon me and saying go to New York

and I remember those times of prayer and

there’s no gun if you raise up a church

here it’s got to be a house of prayer

and God said it can’t be a house of

prayer unless you set an example I’m not

telling you that all the 14 years I’ve

been here that I’ve been

that man of Prayer and I ought to be but

I do know that God’s been gracious to me

and he keeps calling me back and I fare

you been on my face said God I am NOT

going to let by your grace I don’t ever

want my children to have the grief of

seeing their father in his 70s just

about six weeks I’m going to be 70 years

old I don’t want my children my

grandchildren who love to hear me pray

and love to hear the voice of God

through my lips I don’t ever want my

children to see the grief and shame of

me sitting in front of a television all

day never opening my Bible not seeking

God saying what happened to dad let me

ask you is a church you’ve heard me

preach somebody been here with me for

years how would you feel you picture me

no longer passing the church because I

got discouraged because I wasn’t on my

knees I just got discouraged because

that’s what happened to get discouraged

and you see me walking the street here

one day you know I still say but there’s

no anointing you see a downcast man

because not been on space before God and

you turn to somebody he used to be our

pastor no no no no I see God and you

need to pray for me you need to pray for

every pastor of this church God keep us

humble keep us booked and before God

keep us on our face God keep me Brooke

keep this charge broken God don’t let us

sit back on a crest of blessing and get

lazy and see this order come again to

this house we take authority in Jesus

name over that spirit of laziness my God

my God we don’t want to stand and

sermonizing this pulpit we don’t just

want crowds we want your glory in this

house of God we want your glory of your

power for God a Kimball at your word

let us tremble this morning that is

possible for countrymen and godly women

who once prayed who was that such an

anointing if I who lose it

god help us help us in this day of

temptation when all hell is breaking

loose god help us determine I will seek

God I’ll be seek God with all my heart

and all my soul and all my strength and

all that’s in me will you stand

there’s something between you and the

Lord get to this altar right now let’s

get out of your seat there’s something

standing between you and your freedom

and prayer something blocking your

prayer life if you have backslidden if

you’re not right with Jesus come if God

speaking to you right now saying there’s

disorder in my family there’s disorder

in my home I have not been seeking God

and I want you to get up you’re seeking

come and then the annex we just go

forward between the screens please

please don’t block the screen but just

go forward between the screens I’d like

to pray with you that God set your soul

on fire again and renew you you’re

backslidden if you don’t know Jesus come

with these that are coming up in the

balcony go the stairs and come down any

aisle and Indy an X in the overflow

rooms will you please just step out of

the crowd just go forward I’ll pray for

you we believe the Lord together now an

awakening don’t be afraid to cry in his

presence let those tears wash away all

apathy listen very closely I’m not

trying to pump up some kind of a prayer

zeal here that just suddenly spurts and

then burns out what God’s after is

something that you do alone in the

secret closet it’s personal private

prayer and when you have that personal

private time in your daily seek in the

face of God your seeker after God when

you come to this house no one has to

pump you up to praise God no one has to

create anything you bring with you the

Spirit of the Living God you begin to

see you won’t have to have a counselor

you won’t have to run to a pastor to try

to solve your problems you’ll be

solving them on your face before God

it’s a decision that you make now now


it’s not going to be made through just

tears thank God for tears not they’ll be

made by just raised in your hands and

and saying something has to be that you

set your heart right now by the power of

the Holy Ghost all over in the in the

annex wherever you stand all over this

house everyone who calls yourself by the

name of the Lord

examine your heart right now tell me

have you been on your face have you

given God time every day now you seeking

Him at all are you crying out to him are

you calling him out are you naming your

children are you naming the by name same

God keeping from the wicked one are you

praying for your husband wife or your

marriage you you’re praying for the

church are you praying and seeking God

that he’ll give you revelations and self

are you’re seeking Him you know the

truth is truth is that probably the

great majority who are listening to

minal are not praying except in church

you’re not seeking God I’m not going to

charge you but I stand as in the role of

a prophet now as sure as two prophets

were sent the King ASA here’s your

prophetic word from heaven if you seek

me you’ll find me if you continue

forsaking me I will forsake you that

doesn’t mean he first six his love he’ll

never stop showing his face but he’ll

show you his back his face will always

be towards you but you’ll see the back

and that simply means I wait for you to

come receive all that I have for you and

I can’t do it till you open your heart

it’s in that secret place where you open

your heart to God when you begin to seek

him he’ll tell you how to get power over

your sin he will tell you where to go

and what to do that’s still small

boys will come but you have to say it’s

not something you say well and have been

some of you you’ve set your heart at

other times and you walked away Asia

Asia Asia could have repented dis like

David did when the Prophet come he could

have repentance I’ve sinned against God

and David went on to his greatest

victories Asia could have gone out still

on the blow and he he missed it because

the Prophet was saying you just missed

it ASA God was going to destroy all of

Syria and Israel combined there was

going to be a war it all been planned

and you aborted God’s plan now I’m going

to tell you some gut as a plan for your

life God is something wonderful in store

for you if you’ll seek him but you can

abort that you can change all of that

like ASA did God had wonderful plan and

that’s why ASA got so mad he knew he

blew the plan of God God was saying this

deserves I destroyed that million man

army I’m a I was working on plans for

your life

I was working on a war plan there’s a

story Syria and folks God has a plan

he’s working on you can’t see it I tell

you if you knew what God had in store

for you if you seek Him you’d be so

rejoiced that you couldn’t contain

yourself right now there would be such

joy and faith lies up in your heart the

good things God has I know God’s

promised me some wonderful things from

my last days I know that he’s gonna let

me play at least a part in what he’s

doing here and a part in preaching to

pastors around the world I know what he

told me he wants to do through my life

but that’s not going to happen if I

don’t seek Him

I can abort that whole plan and end up

in disaster and ruin right now you set

your heart you don’t need to scream at

him but I think this whole congregation

everybody that hears me needs to do that

we just just flipped your hands this

lift your hands in front of you if you

want to because you may be cried just in

front of you even pray this with me

whole congregation even those that came

forward than in the annex prayed this

with me Jay

this forgive me for neglecting you for

not seeking you with all my heart all my

strength forgive me Lord for having time

for myself for others and not for you

forgive me Lord for thinking that you

were pleased we’re just the things I did

for you and yet I didn’t give you my

heart I’ve not given you my time I

repent forgive me Lord

sorry I truly repent now Holy Spirit

come on me and woo me and call me and

stir me let me not forget this word I’ve

received the word a prophetic word I

take it to heart

cleanse me sanctify me set me free

no God set my house in order set my life

in order and I will seek your face now

just worship Him now I’m telling right

now Lord I worship you and I praise you

Lord I will seek your face I will see

your glory on my life

in my whole my house blessed be the name

of the Lord hallelujah

now folks in this moment this encounter

with the Holy Ghost is by your head and

right now set your heart set your heart

God don’t let anything this day stopped

me from starting this very day to spend

at least a half hour somewhere I find

alone today and Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday I will take

time I set my heart to take time to seek

you Lord with all my heart