And He said, “I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.” 33 So the Lord went His way as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place

the word from the Lord this morning I

want to speak to you about the cry of

Sodom and Gomorrah now what I know I’ve

heard from you I know Lord you’re

speaking at these times things are

happening so fast we can’t even keep up

with it it’s beyond us but oh god you’re

not surprised by it at all you have

foreseen it all and you have everything

under control

and lord I pray this morning that you

speak to us expand our hearts our vision

Lord expand our vision our compassion or

you’ve got to do something for me this

year in expanding my vision and for this

church what we may think we have a

vision that we’re so far beneath what

God has planned we have not yet

conceived what he wants us to enter into

we cannot conceive of the greatness of

our God and we pray Lord that you reveal

some of that to us today we pray in

Jesus name Amen

will you go to Genesis the eighteenth

chapter please Genesis the eighteenth

chapter beginning to read at verse 17

Genesis 18 17 21 we have you that are in

the outer term don’t realize that if

you’re visiting we have other

auditoriums we have them in the annexes

and overflow rooms and even standing and

we welcome all in all of the rooms

wherever you’re hearing god bless you

starting to read verse 17 the Lord said

shall I hide from Abraham that thing

which I do sing that Abraham shall

surely become a great and mighty nation

and all the nations of the earth shall

be blessed in him

for I know him he will command his

children in his household after him and

they shall keep the way of the Lord to

do justice and judgment that the Lord

may bring upon Abram that which has

spoken the Lord said because the cry of

Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because

their sin is very Grievous I will go

down now and see whether they have done

altogether according to the cry of it

which has come unto me

if not I will know would you leave your

Bible open Genesis 18 and 19th chapter

just leave it open on your lap if you

will now in this text of dis read to the

Lord comes to mummery and and appears to

Abraham he’s sitting at the that is the

door of his tent and jehovah woman

appears with two angels in the form of a

man of the form of men and they till

they’re on a deadly mission the total

destruction anihilation of five cities

Sodom Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah

the Bible says also admah is a poem and

so are the this was five cities Sodom or

being the large as though or being the

smallest and the Lord says their

iniquity is Grievous their sins are

wicked they’ve come up before my face

and he said I’ve come now to destroy the

cry of Sodom and gomorrah’s great their

sin as ever are very Grievous now I

personally hear three cries coming out

of Sodom and I won’t discuss those three

cries with you this morning the first

cry that I hear coming out of Sodom

guimard is the cry for vengeance the cry

of their sins that have reached into

heaven that ones that God called very

Grievous it’s the Bible makes it very

clear that there was violence there was

homosexuality of course that is

accompanied with lesbianism

there was lawlessness and lawlessness

always leads to violence and the city

had become so corrupted so vile the Lord

says I will not endure it any more and

God decides to rape judgment on Sodom

and Gomorrah it came at the point when

homosexual the homosexuals became law

illness and forced their agenda on

society when they were in the closet as

they call it he withheld judgment but

when they came forth lawlessly

and began to take the law in their own

and God said that’s enough that’s the

point at which God moves with divine

judgment and folks we are at that point

now the point of lawlessness creating

violence and we have reached that point

in the United States they force their

sin on society

now how excruciating lee lao is the

sound the cry of the sins of the united

states and not just the United States

but the whole world it’s not just the

United States about to legalize

marriages between gays and lesbians a

judge in Brazil this past week flaunted

the whole constitution of Brazil and

they’re marrying them now in Brazil

Canada is already doing it

they are far beyond us and sodomy and

they’re out sawed my out sodomy sodomy

we have done that we 50 years ago we out

Sodom Sodom in the United States and

it’s not just that think of what’s

happening now in France they have

declared their nation a secular nation

not a religious nation they’ve outlawed

even the Muslims from where in the head

covers the juice of their had covers no

religious symbols no crosses anywhere in

the nation they have declared we are not

a nation having anything to do with God

anything to do with religion we are a

secular nation Germany is outlawed

Christmas absolutely impossible legally

now to celebrate Christmas or any symbol

of Christmas whatsoever it’s not a

national holiday anymore in Germany it’s

not this United States in the whole

world the cry that must lift to God’s

ears at this particular time how much

will God endure when will God wise up

and honor his name how

long does God allow the boasting the

mocking of his name the flaunting of

apostasy the mockery of God’s name how

long when does God move at what point

and I’m sure that’s the question that’s

that’s asked by many of those who love

Jesus and you know the heart of God and

you feel his hatred for sin

you see we as Christians have to have to

have this in our mind that we can hate

the sin but we have to love the sinner

and we have to be able to distinguish

between the two but you see there’s

something happening now in our hearts we

there’s a chronic God when how long do

you endure this how long will you be

impatient with this society and the way

the world is spinning now where the very

guts of hell are being exceeded the

earth where demonic powers are

absolutely in control in many areas of

our society and we say Lord how long and

like David the psalmist asked God why do

you hide yourself in times of trouble

when the wicked are boasting they bless

what God abhors they’re proud they say

we will never be in adversity they say

in their hearts they will never be moved

their mouths are full of cursing deceit

and fraud they say in their hearts God

has forgotten he hides his face he sees

us not God will not judge us you’ll find

that all in Psalm 10 when you want to

read it at your leisure

God said though to David I did see it he

said I have seen every every form of

mischief I know every sin that’s being

committed on the face of the earth and

the day is coming when I will judge it

in my time in my way he said I was

stretched forth my hand and I’ll judge

it I say yes judgment is at the door

there’s no question about that but you

see there’s another cry I hear coming

from regarding Sodom and Gomorrah and

that’s the cry of Abraham

after after Jehovah in the two angels

explained to Abraham their plans

destruction of Sodom Gomorrah in all

five cities they head out towards Sodom

and as Jehovah was going around the

mountain to the other side because you

could go to the mountain on this side

and the plains of mama you could go up

to the mountain you could see the valley

of Sodom and Gomorrah and as he was

going there

Abraham detains the Lord stood before

him you can read it all in in this this

chapter chapters 18 and 19 and Abraham

drew near to him and stood before him

the scripture says he detained Jehovah

the two angels went on the Lord would

later appear but he stands before God

the Bible says and he drew near and he

did something in the way of intercession

that I know nothing about he did some

some something so so incredible that

when I explained this to you you better

take a long breath and deep swallow

because it’s going to hurt he did

something that I can’t even conceive

I’ve never done it in my life I have

interceded and I have prayed from

missionaries I prayed for family I

prayed for every conceivable thing but

I’ve never once prayed the kind of

prayer that Abraham prayed I never cried

this kind of crying he began to

intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah not for

a lot in his family but for the entire

population of Satan masochist and

rapists and alcoholics and drug addicts

and and mostly the homosexual society

and before you say you’re getting old

and gray and losing your brain pastor

I’m giving you Bible I’m giving you

something that has shaken me to the core

of my soul after being a soul-winner


getting alcoholics for years and still

burns in my soul that I see it here from

the Holy Ghost

this man Abraham knew something of the

heart of God he was a friend of God and

Jesus himself said Abraham has seen my

day and was glad and rejoiced over it he

had a vision of the mercy of God that

was coming through a messiah he knew all

about the mercy of God then he stands

before God and you know the story and he

said God hello hung if you find us fifty

rights as will you spare the city not my

nephew not but the city will you spare

it and he said yes I’ll spirit if I can

find 50 righteous in that city then he

said master putting her father put what

if it’s five less than that much he yes

and he so forgive me I don’t want to

impinge on your mercy but please

then I’m paraphrasing what if there’s

only 40 will you spare the city we

espera Sodom and Lord said yes he said

one more request up what if there’s only

30 yes Lord I’m coming to you one last

time what if there’s only ten righteous

that you can find in Sodom Gomorrah when

you spare the city and God said yes I’ll

spare the city now folks and you look at

that bare face then you human mind

thinks well this makes abraham appear

more merciful than god god wants to

destroy abraham wants to save that’s not

it at all when you understand the

premise upon which he was making his

request it’s amazing and it’s shocking

to the christian mind because we’ve been

so set on oh yes we were fast and we

pray we seek god we want to win souls

lost where you draw the line do we want

the neat people do we want the nice

people do we want the family people do

we want just our sons and

what happens when you pick up the

newspaper and you see 3000 homo-sex is

lined up to get married in San Francisco

illegally kissing and hugging in public

what goes on in the spirit what goes on

in your heart when you hear activist

judges flaunting the Constitution and

throwing it in your Christian face he’s

saying God and what he knows the city he

has an army 318 men he could go at any

time and deliver him out of that city he

could have asked for one day give me one

day I’m taking my army in there and I’m

going to deliver my nephew and his

family he knew all about the sins of

that city I’m sure he sent messengers in

there to bring him out and warn him and

they brought back these stories to

Abraham that were shocking and beyond


Abraham’s a smart man he’s a

god-ordained man he’s a brilliant man

he’s he’s mighty in God in the spirit

and he walks and moves in the spirit the

Spirit of God was on him he knew about

it and he was not trying to ask time so

that they can involve more in their sins

and bring young people coming up and

involve them in homosexuality that’s not

why he’s asking time that’s always

asking to spare them you see there’s a

heaviness to sin and what he’s saying

god I know what I see in the future I

know there’s a messiah coming and I know

there’ll be a time when men will be

reconciled and I know this is your hard

work I know you’d get no pleasure out of

the death of the wicked I know God what

your heart is all about and I’m not

railing against them I’m not going to

let my spirit get angry Lord break my

heart I know your heart is broken and

you’re doing this because and I want to

tell you something at this moment I

believe something is happening

the heart of God finally one man that

found standing in the gap and every

prophet in the Bible knew that part of

God knew that way of God because the

scripture is very clear on that and it

sought for a man he God was saying to me

Zico I sought from man among them that

should make up their heads and stand in

the gap before me for the land that I

should not destroy it but I found none

you know what God is saying if I could

have found a man who would stand in the

gap and plead for mercy until the

heaviness of sin had accomplished its

work because sin is heavy that’s why so

many alkyls so many homosexuals are

alcoholics and why they drink themselves

to sleep it’s the heaviness of their sin

that’s why in Hollywood they go from one

mate to another marriage after marriage

after marriage and they look fine public

and they can go down the red carpet and

get their prizes but they go to sleep

with drugs Lord said therefore I poured

out my indignation upon them I consumed

with the fire of my wrath their own way

have I recompense on their heads saith

the Lord I found no intercessors you

know when I the reason this is so

convicting to me I’ve been what they

call holiness preached all my life but

you know when I when I see people

running for office that I know that are

so liberal and I know that they’re going

to appoint activist judges

wicked vile men something in my heart

rises up and when I see homosexuals so

militant flaunting the law and the

hatred toward God and Christianity I

want to do as the disciples when he went

they went to Jesus said Lord there

they’re casting out your name they won’t

receive you so we call fire onto heaven

to destroy them they see I want to call

fire down out of heaven sometimes and

say God get that judge Lord kill him I

don’t say it that way but that’s what

I’m feeling and so are you and if we’re

not careful we wind up bitter

mean-spirited Christians who have no

Christ’s likeness to us whatsoever and

we look at this kind of sin you see

Abraham is pleading for people you know

God didn’t send prophets since somebody

to stand with lot or waiting lot he’s

not witness to anybody

he’s not a witness he sold his vexed and

I believe I believe he must have been

drinking because when he goes to the

mountain his two daughters get him drunk

he could have never been seduced to

alcoholism or drunkenness unless he’d

been drinking in Sodom and

he said I know this doesn’t give you

pleasure but oh god you’re so mighty

you’re so great

somehow you can make away somehow your

mercy could be extended

now this church has been fasting and

praying and their other churches in the

nation have been fasting for in and

around the world there are a lot of

people passing pray God’s doing a

wonderful thing on the face of the earth

right now but I’m going to ask you where

do we draw the line

Jesus saves alcoholics drug addicts

how about militant ungodly judges what

about murderers and rapists and

homosexuals now I could put

heterosexuals in that I’m not just

trying them – I’m not trying to just put

down homosexuals but where are you going

to draw the line who are we praying for

I don’t remember for years praying for

any homosexual because I was bothered by

the fact that I hadn’t seen many

conversions and and then I I would read

the scripture that about being turned

over to unclean this reprobate mind you

searched that out and when it says

reprobate in Greek when you read the

true meaning of it it means further out

there it’s it’s further out and others

beyond any sin that’s been conceived

it’s the furthest out sin in so many

words and turned over to uncleanness but

doesn’t say it’s turned over as sake now

the Bible does say that Paul turns some

over to Satan for destructive the flesh

but that their soul may be saved there

was still an act of mercy it was an act

of mercy I know that Jesus called the

Pharisees vipers but then he went to

theirs its city and wept over them gave

his life for them

but you see where do we draw the line I

asked a minister friend recently when’s

the last time you ever prayed for the

homosexual community and his letters

friend mine said I don’t REM been a long

time but here was the question the

minister gave to me if I knew it was

truly scriptural to pray for them I

would if I knew I was on good scriptural

grounds to intercede for them I would do


now folks what really begin to move my

soul was a homosexual I met here in

tønsberg Church for years and life’s

time of homosexuality and what a

testimony he has what a man of God he’s

become and when will wife and I took him

out to eat one day he said why should

they how are you going to limit God you

could have limit God I’m a testimony

look at me and I’m testifying to many

homosexuals who are so sick of their sin

and so hungry want to be changed like

we’ve got their people praying and their

seeding and fasting and believing God we

can’t limit God if we’re limited God I

would have been in hell and we cannot

limit God if you’re going to pray and

fast for souls you can’t have parameters

Jesus says to the uttermost you’re

sitting here today I don’t care what

you’ve done I don’t care how deep in sin

it is Jesus receives sinners

I want to prove to you from the

scripture that it’s absolutely

scriptural important that we pray for

the worst of sinners that you can

conceive of in this country no I’ve

determined I don’t listen to radio I

don’t have TV but I don’t listen to

radio to any of these these talking

heads they call them I’m saying it

respectfully that’s all I know they on

they’re on for three or four hours and

and you sit and listen to that and they

will stir your soul and you’ll get angry

you anti-semitism or or anti-arab or or

you will you’ll become a political

basket case shut it off don’t let

anything in this world stir you I want

to tell you what any homosexual says I

don’t care how they flaunt it or

anything else we’re not to get angry and

just rail at the sin now it’s getting

rather quiet

let me prove to you go to first

Corinthians six chapter now I want you

to know that I despise homosexuality and

I believe God’s going to judge it

severely but until he does we’d better

take heed to his word first Corinthians

six start in verse nine

first Corinthians 6 verse nine begin to

read no you’re not that the unrighteous

shall not inherit the kingdom of God be

not deceived neither fornicators nor

idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate

that means homosexual nor effeminate nor

abusers of themselves with mankind that

these are homosexuals lesbians nor

thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor

revilers nor extortioners shall inherit

the kingdom of God verse 11 and some

were and such were some of you you are

what wash but your sanctified but you

are justified in the name of Lord Jesus

and by the spirit of God some of you

were gay for what a what a play on words

gay I don’t I’ve never met one of them

that was happy I’m saying it III mean in

the deepest there’s an outward house

folks I’m not trying to be funny or

facetious hear me please what a play on

words how ironic calling it gay we’re

not mocking gays not mocking homosexuals

we’re calling for removing all the

boundaries of intercession first Timothy

did you get this but such were some

of you but you washed and sanctified and

justified the name of Jesus and by the

spirit of God Oh hallelujah

first Timothy first chapter verses 15

and 16 please this is a faithful saying

and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus

Christ came into the world to save

sinners of whom I am what chief

another I’m the worst sinner God ever

had to endure her howbeit for this cause

I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus

Christ may show forth all long-suffering

for a pattern to them which should

hereafter believe on him to life

everlasting he said take a look at me I

was the worst I murdered people when I

they were called before the high

priesthood I voted for their destruction

for their for their death signing their

death warrant he said I I was a hater of

Christ he was a Christ hater and he said

I’m a pattern I’m a pattern of

long-suffering so that you can know you

can understand if he can save the

cheapest you can pray for any other

they’ll be less sinful than I was you

say but pastor these are wicked lewd

people and they’re enemies of the Cross

what’s the Bible say and you that were

reading from Clausen’s 1:21 and you did

where at one time alienated and enemies

in your mind by your wicked works now

has he reconciled you say they are

enemies to the cross they are enemies to

the cross but so were you so was i we

were all enemies to the cross of Jesus

Christ when we were enemies we were

reconciled to God by the death of his

own son Jesus said love your enemies

bless them that curse you do good to

them that hate you pray for them which


use you folks I’m being despitefully

used by the courts

I’m despitefully use when my

Christianity is thrown in my face

it’s despitefully using me the Bible

says and they persecute you that you may

be that she may be the children of your

father for he maketh the Sun to rise on

the evil and on the good he sends rain

on the just and on the unjust bless them

pray for them the bible says jesus said

pray for them now i wanna i just want to

show you how serious this is the

greatness of God then the Lord reminded

me of some of the worst – 2 of the worst

cases in American history of how god

reaches those that seem impossible

number of years ago there’s named this

Charlie Manson making anybody remember

the name Charlie Manson he had what was

called the family and they practiced

what is called helter skelter which

means murder sprees and and his chief

leader in in this that mostly will limit

but Tex Watson a Texas boy handsome

young man he was the killer and I I was

reading this past week the history again

of Charlie Manson and the family in

California they terrorized California

for months this is the group that went

hell – Felder into the home of Sharon

Tate the young actress and murdered her

cold-blood and and another case and went

in and America I think there were five

people murdered and I read his story and

text was the one who pulled the trigger

he was the one that had the knife

stabbing fifty and sixty at times just

and then he turned them over and stabbed

him again and he said I was under the

power a demonic power I was led by the

devil and I remember the headlines at

that time and I remember they were at

the courtroom and I remember the

pictures of them coming into the

courtroom I said oh god they showed no

more show no mercy –

them give them life or put them in

electric chair and folks they deserve

that but you know at ten years later I’m

in a ministry in the jail in California

as a young man comes walking in with his

Bible and smile ear to ear and he’s the

chaplains assistant and the pastor who

is accompany me said you know who that


that’s Tex Watson he’s been marvelously

saved he’s won the most powerful

testimonies here and every 25 years they

automatically have to come up for for

hearing for parole and he says I don’t

want to be paroled he doesn’t want out

of prison because he has his own website

and I was ministering to people by men

all over the world Jesus went to one of

the worst sinners but you know why

because there were some prisoners some

inmates that are in that same prison

when Tex Watson came in and they begin

to fast and pray for him that not only

would he be saved but he become another


turned to Paul the Apostle they had laid

hold of God and God answered that prayer

because they did back away from him they

didn’t say oh yeah god saves up to this

point but not when you murdered all

these people and stabbed them been so

demon-possessed Charlie Manson claimed

to be the devil himself and he’s still

in jail and if you see his picture on a

website it’s in most incredibly still

looks like the devil his eyes glaring

hate see Jesus Saves to the other most

he saves sodomites there’s another case

Son of Sam

New Yorkers know how he terrorized the

city murdered six women and I you know

this story but here here’s a letter copy

of a letter he said to the chief of

police here on April 17 1977 he said I’m

an outsider I’m on a different

wavelength than everybody I’m programmed

to kill you’ve got to stop me

attention all police shoot me when you

see me shoot to kill me I’m a monster

I’m belzebub I don’t want to kill


but the voice I hear he goes on to tell

how through the night he heard he heard

a barking of dogs and lamenting and

cries that said go kill he was reading a

Satanic Bible and he said I was totally

satanically possessed and he goes into

prison he had ten years in isolation and

after the reason for isolation

his name was Berkowitz and he goes out

on a cold winter night walking in the

yard feeling he was no longer on drugs

and he was in his right mind but you see

there was a prisoner in his jail I began

to pray for him read the Cawood save him

and he saw that boy Berkowitz walking in

the yard and he goes up and stands

blocks beside him and he put his arm on

his shoulder he says I’m here to tell

you jesus loves you

who wants to forgive you and change your

life and he gave him a pocket Testament

began to read it he it he says in his

story that God melted this hard stony

heart melted me

he just came up for parole recently and

he writes a letter to Governor Pataki

and this is copy the letter he said I’m

disappointed there was even going to be

a parole hearing I know the sentence

laws sentencing laws require hearing

every June I mean it’d be held in June

but I have no interest in parole I’ve

done nothing but serve it to try to

improve it to get parole frankly give

you no good reason why I should ever be

considered for parole the loss of six

lies he said I have God’s help now

long ago I came to terms with my

situation and I’ve accepted my

punishment but my faith has helped me to

put the past behind and he goes on he

gives a testimony to Governor pack up

Pataki coach he it down go to hell with

somebody had a cry out of that Sodom god

save him no limits now I’m not going to

I’m not going to tear this any further

than that because I want to get to the

last cry

the third cry out of Sodom that I hear

is the cry of lot Abraham’s nephew you

see the agent comes in and has to

literally drag him take him by the hand

and his family and pull them out of

Sodom they know that is certainly

Abraham lot knew instinctively that this

was the Lord Himself because the Lord

was now in the picture and he they knew

because he calls him Lord an answer they

said escape run to the hills get out of

here it’s going to burn and laxus oh no

no no no not so not so Lord if I go to

the mountain I’ll be killed he’s talking


wild beasts or what but he’s about to be

in the city that burns and he’s worrying

about something on the mountain he said

send me to ZOA that’s just a little town

it’s just a little bit of homosexuality

there there just a little bit it doesn’t

compare to send me there and I’ll be

safe I’ll save myself at the very words

that he said my soul my soul will be

safe and he represents those Christians

those believers this selfie

self-centeredness no concern about the

rest of society no concern about those

who are about to go into hell by the

thousands get me out of here Lord

just keep me clean and wrapped for me

get me out of here my only obligation is

to stay pure I’m in a wicked sucide I

don’t care what they do they deserve

health let them go to hell

but get me young and we’ve got thousands

and thousands of Christians worldwide

now I believe in a second sudden coming

of Lord Jesus Christ with everything we

have preached it all my life but folks

that’s all some Christians want they

have no concern you can burn against sin

you can burn against the seer and cry

Lord all I have to I’ll go to church

I’ll go to Times Square Church

I’ll get fed I’ll grow fat in Jesus and

then no suffering no tribulation nothing

I’m going on the rapture oh no Lord no

suffering and I know

yeah I’m addicted to television I mean I

won’t stand so are

and so on that day of the Lord that

trumpet sounds we’re going to have a

sleepy church well they’ll be a holy

remnant that folks my job as a pastor in

all these pastors never once as God

called a true pastor just to hold of

people together just to make a true you

can have your little groups waiting just

waiting for the coming look I look every

day for his coming but that’s that’s he

said occupy until I come occupy until I

come expand your borders and believe God

for the impossible believe God that men

just as women cross dressers can come in

here and get saved come to this altar

and gets it and not be rebuked and be

loved not for their sin but in spite of

their sin and pray the worst sinners you

hear about somebody that’s in jail

prisoners some notorious began to pray

for them begin to seek God send somebody

Lord in prison there are a lot of

Christian believers in prison God sent

somebody to them and if you start

praying for the most wicked sinners you

will not have that spirit ative of wrath

rising up in you

you can’t be a man to prayer and pray

for people and then have wrath against

them god help us God has called me to go

from this church to be a representative

it’s next next year very good I think

it’s this next year for the first of the

following year we’re going to New

Zealand Christchurch

it’s a furthest point on the earth from

Jerusalem Jesus said go to the uttermost

parts of the earth and I am believing

God for the worst of sinners I am NOT

going to live in God anywhere at any

time and I’m going to start fasting and

praying for those sinners I’m going to

fast and pray for America for this land

of ours and folks one

when I leave this place I’m leaving with

an army behind me of drug addicts and

alcoholics and prostitutes and

homosexuals and lesbians who are me and

they’re going to come marching into

glory saying Jesus receives sinners Amen

hallelujah we’re not I’m closing now

when I first came to this city New York

it was taken as a matter of fact it was

taken a matter of a social reality that

no drug addict could be transformed

what’s an addict they said always not

always at once an alcoholic always an

alcoholic once a drug addict always a

drug addict boy did God prove them wrong

thousands and thousands all over the


one of the major drug lords in Colombia

one of the most vicious drug lords in

Colombia has been saved and now

preaching the gospel what about Nicky

Cruz what about all of these sinners

that that had somebody not been pray and

folks I want to tell you like Sonny

Argon’s Oney who was a drug addict walk

in this city and now he’s Bishop of some

5060 drug addict churches all over the

world but you see at a praying mother

it was prayer and folks if we’re going

too fast and we’re going to pray we have

no limits no parameters and God start

laying some vicious sinners on your

heart we a stand

what about some of the relatives you

think they’re hopeless what about some

of your children you think you’re too

far gone God give you faith God put some

fight in you

hallelujah now I’m going to give an

invitation and too limited invitation a

church this size there’s no way you get

to know everybody but in the annex in

the overflow rooms and here in the main

auditorium balcony and nose boy you came

here to this church needed by invitation

or you heard about it but somehow you

were brought into this house you may not

know it but that’s the work of the Holy

Spirit not because we think this church

is so great it is great in Christ but

not in any human terms but you’re here

now you’ve heard the word of the Lord

there are some of you let’s see maybe

measuring yourself and saying well I’m

certainly not a Charlie Manson I’m not a

Berkowitz I’m not one of those kind you

described pastoring but God doesn’t

measure sin like that sin is sin in fact

he said if you have just the evil

thought it’s the same as the deed some

of us need a mind cleansing you’ve been

watching stuff and feeding your mind and

your soul and filth out of hell

God said if you keep going that way it’s

going to destroy you

but I love you and your people praying

for you in this church praying the Lord

change your life this morning if you’re

in the annex or any of those rooms you

go to the lobby upstairs right in that

floor second floor you go there and the

ushers to show you

to get into this auditorium if you feel

the tug in the pool it’s when Holy

Spirit there is a pole there’s a

conviction Lord saying I see your sin

and I’m merciful that’s what you’ve

heard is mercy for you if you’re

homosexual you can come if you’re

lesbian you can come

there’s deliverance for you you can be

set free please no common less you’re

tired of your sin otherwise it won’t

work I don’t care what kind of sin

you’re involved in I don’t count if it’s

mental because every drug addict I’ve

worked with all my life will tell you my

habits not in my skin it’s in my mind

the habit is in the mind you may have

the enemy you may have something that’s

out of hell trying to destroy your mind

I want you to get out of your seat if

you’re in the balcony come down the

stairs on either side if you’re in the

auditorium you come up here there’ll be

people coming from all over the place

but you come only when you see I

understand that Pastor David I know God

speaking through you to me now and I

want to give my life completely I want

my mind cleanse I want a new heart and a

new mind I want to walk out of this

building different than I came in and I

want to go out with the baggage that I

brought in here mentally I want to lay

it down at the feet of Jesus and I

promise you God by His Holy Spirit will

transform you but you have to make the

move you can connect sit follow these

that are coming and in the annex go to

the hall in any of those rooms go to the

hall right now step out and I’ll show

you how to get down and walk down this

aisle meet you here and we’ll pray for

you here just a few months look this way

for for just a moment won’t prolong it

but the moment you are ready to open

your heart Jesus said I stand the door

knock if you just open

I’ll come in you can trust God to do

just that he will come in now I’m going

to pray for you but you have to I can

let me put it so I can’t jump into your

mind and jump into your heart and do

your praying for you are you confessing

for you that’s something that has to

come out of your heart and your own lips

and your own words I want you to take a

minute right now

and talk to Jesus I want you to tell

Jesus that you’re sorry for your sins

and I just want you to say Lord forgive

me Lord I give you my heart I give you

my sins in your own words just say I’m

here Lord to mean business with you I’m

here to surrender my heart to you he

said if you confess your sins with your

mouth and believe in how you should be


confess it simple you know what I’m

doing you know what I’ve done and I want

to be free something like that just tell

them you know if you don’t have a fancy

were just simple words from your heart

Lord I’m here because I have a need here

because I want to be changed I’m here

Lord Jesus because I heard your word

this morning I’m here Lord because my

mind has been tormented by the enemy by

the powers of Hell and I want to be set

free all right now I’m going to have

your prayer general prayer with me would

you just pray this out of your heart

right now from the depths of your heart

you see if you mean what I say they

won’t be my words they’ll be yours I’m

just like a pattern word and you take

that and make it yours now pray this

prayer with me Lord Jesus kill my mind

break the power that’s trying to control

me now Holy Spirit destroy my sin life

kill everything in my life that grieves

you give me a new heart and a new mind I

believe that I believe it’s possible and

I pray it in faith Jesus I believe your

word and I trust your promises

now send the holy ghost in power into my

heart and into my mind

Jesus control my life now

now just thank him in your own words

just thank him in your own words with

your real face