There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest thing I have seen.Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan, the United States, Canada and all other nations shortly thereafter. David Wilkerson, The Vision & Beyond.

Jesus we desperately need your power and

strength to do what you’ve asked me to

do tonight I ask humbly now to give me

the courage and help me to see it from

my heart without fear and trembling in

Christ’s name Amen

God’s place we here tonight to learn

while becoming our persecution the Holy

Spirit is my witness this convention

tonight is being worn here and now of an

intense hour of persecution for all

spirit filled believers here to prepare

to be hated rejected maligned and

ridiculed now if you believe acts 2:4

about a special enjoyment of pokémon

hide then you’ve got to also believe

acts 2:17 your sons and your daughters

shall prophesy and your young men shall

see visions I saw vision this past April

so frightening it staggered my mind and

for the past three months I’ve tried to

shake it off but I can’t do it I’ve only

had two in my life the first 15 years

ago took me to the streets of New York

and every fact of that visions been

fulfilled I’ve been terribly afraid to

share this vision up till tonight for

fear I’d be called a fanatic but the

same Holy Ghost that prompted me 12

years ago to share the story the

colossal switchblade has prompted me

tonight to share this vision review this

vision I saw five terrible calamities

coming to America in the world

first of all worldwide recession caused

by economic confusion I saw in my vision

at most a few more fat flourishing years

and then an economic recession that’s

going to affect the lifestyle of every

wage earner in the world the world

economists are going to get lost to

explain what’s happening it’s going to

start in Germany spread to Japan and

finally to United States large and

trusted corporations are going to go


many churches are going to go into

bankruptcy and some missionary projects

are going to flounder and one of the

clearest messages I’ve ever received

from God in my life is this use the next

few good years left to prepare for a

financial crises get your house in order

because hard times are coming number two

I fault nature having labor pains

supernatural signs and changes that

can’t be explained by men worldwide

disasters that we’re witnessing right

now I see is labor pains in nature which

are going to become more and more

frequent and more intense the closer we

get to the birth of the kingdom of God

I saw major earthquakes coming to the

United States

I saw a worldwide famine especially in

China Indian Russia

I saw the world’s food supply’s

completely dwindled million starving I

saw plumbing a new kind of cosmic storm

appearing as a raging fire in the sky

leaving a kind of vapor trail tornadoes

health storms floods and hurricanes are

going to pound the earth with such

intensity and violence that all of

mankind is going to have to admit the

world is under supernatural siege

number three a flood of filth and a

baptism of dirt in America I see the

prophecy of Nahum coming to pass in the

very near future

God said oppler abominable filth upon

you this means triple x-rated movies on

cable tips television after midnight

this means r-rated movies within the

next few years on network television

this means our newsstands are going to

be flooded with such filth that Playboy

magazine will look like a puritanical

piece of French it means sex education

classes in school will be using animated

cartoons and film

ramit eyes textual intercourse and just

when it appears there’s going to be a

successful campaign against smut yes

when the Supreme Court seems to be role

ruling against pornographers when it

appears the nation’s returning to old

fashioned moral standards suddenly the

floodgates are going to swing open and

state this one of vomit out of hell and

it will be just as it was in the days of

walk and will vex

souls of God’s most different give us a

number for rebellion in the home

I see the new number one youth problem

in American the word as hatred toward

parents now I’m reading this too late

for fear I changed a single word of what

I’ve seen and had to write down as the

Holy Spirit laid on my heart and man’s

worst enemies will be they of his own

household the Bible says children are

going to turn against their parents with

a passion that’s going to be betrayed

and will die a thousand deaths at the

hands of children have learned to

despise the hypocracy they’re going to

be millions of stay-at-home Runaways who

need not go away anymore and run away

from home because their parents are

going to give them what they choose and

what they want as long as they stay home

kids will not even be expected to

communicate with their parents they’re

going to live under the same roof but

will be like enemies at war living under

a truth this is the clearest vision I’ve

ever seen in my life it’s going to be

bigger than drug addictions better than

sex abuse or alcohol or any other youth

problem and in a recent survey we did

the 5,000 kids in 12 major cities over

45% said I hate my parents already

number 5 a persecution madness against

truly spirit-filled Christians who love

Jesus Christ now I don’t have time

tonight with all the details of these

four calamities I’ve just mentioned

however the Holy Spirit it’s not with me

tonight to go into detail and share with

you what I see coming in the way of


now it was Jesus himself who told us to

tarry for a Pentecost Jesus himself told

us the Holy Ghost would fall upon us

jesus himself promised us power from on

high but it was also Jesus Christ

Himself who predicted persecution was

coming for all true spirit baptized

believers Jesus predicted it John 15:18

Jesus said if you were the world the

world would love his own but because

you’re not of this world but I’ve chose

you out of the world therefore the world

will hate you remember the word that I

said to you the servant is not greater

than his Lord if they have persecuted me

they will also persecute you if they

have kept my saying they will keep yours


here is another one the brother shall

deliver up the brother to death the

father the child children will rise up

against their parents and cause them

even put to death he shall be hated of

all men for my name’s sake but he that

endureth to the end shall be saved but

when they persecute you in this city one

to another because I tell you you will

not have gone over the cities of Israel

till the Son of Man become the disciple

is not above his master nor the servant

above his Lord it is enough for the

disciple that he be a dis master now the

purpose of this coming persecution that

I see in the spirit will be to separate

and scatter the true believers from the

fall time is running out and the gospel

still has to be preached to all nations

before Jesus comes now the Holy Ghost

has been poured out upon thousands but

just isn’t the early Pentecostal

outpouring the disciples still sit

around singing rejoicing it’s caring

only with each other among us are still

those who talk in tongues and still live

like the devil but he’s flying to lay

the axe to the root it’s like this

separates the wheat from the chaff it’s

going to scatter a seed to the far

corners of the earth and God’s Word will

be fulfilled

2nd Timothy 3:12 all that will live

godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer

kearson you close the sticker they shall

be filled with the Holy Ghost they shall

speak with those go all the way if

you’re going to be a charismatic

Christians read at all accepted all all

a double ll all that will it God being

Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution

now let me share with you what the

experience revealed to me in vision

concerning this persecution number one

it’s going to come as a persecution

madness on the earth I see in our

persecution coming such as mankind as

never before with this this will be a

perfect uses of through Jesus Jesus

believers miss blenker ride like a

many-headed monster out of the scene it

will start slowly subtly coming at a

time when religious freedom appears to

beautifully but it’s going to spread

United States Canada the entire world

and finally become a kind of madness

that madness is already upon us you have

to Christ spirit is entering the hearts

of certain men in high places already

governments in the judicial system and

it’s led to a spiritual wickedness in

high places and this spiritual

wickedness in high places will

eventually and through leads to

harassment not only of officials but

those internships missionaries and

ministers there’s already evidence of

this harassment I see a time coming when

nearly all evangelical missionary

projects all religious radio and

television programming all incorporated

missionary societies are going to be so

closely monitored questions and badgered

by government agencies

they’ll be cautious and worried about

moving or expanding in any direction

number two I see rising a super World


I see the formation of a super world

church council consisting of a union

between liberal ecumenical Protestants

and the Roman Catholic Church joining

politically had in hand to create one

most powerful religious forces on earth

and this union is going to start as a

cooperative charity program and it will

end in a political union this visible

super world search is going to be

spiritual in name only free to using the

name of Jesus Christ but will in fact

the Antichrist and political in many of

its activities this powerful church

union will be deeply involved in social

action tremendous charity programs and

ministries of compassion its leaders

will make statements about meeting human

needs they’ll send out a call for social

action critical intervention and a

greater voice in world affairs there’s

going to be fourthly

a sudden mysterious chain of events just

when it appears their commendable

movement is nearly dead a rather

mysterious chain of events will bring

about the framework for this Union Rome

is going to insist upon and receive

concessions from the products and

ecumenical leaders the pulse will be

considered marble political rather than

spiritual leader of big search unions a

lot of cent meters of the ecumenical

movement we’re going to insist upon and

receive concessions from Rome lot of

sins will not be asked to consider the

Holy Father is the infallible head of

the church they accepted political

leadership without accepting as well as

leader successes I’m not suggesting that

the Pope or any of these church leaders

involved in the super Church will be

engaging in Antichrist activity the

Bible talks about something about that

line but I can’t get into it then the

Bible as far as i concerned though I see

something that frightens me the very

core of my soul I see an army of career

people invading the most influential

post in the super Church we’re going to

be ungodly Antichrist people obsessed

with the idea that this super church

must become a big political power strong

enough to defeat anybody who opposes its

axis and while those are in leadership

are speaking about miracles and love and

reconciliation defiling who work under

them are going to be harassing and

persecuting every religious

organizations it does not come under

their leadership or plea I see

homosexuals and lesbians welcome to the

super Church Union I see this super

World Church in the guides of mists of


standing accepting homosexuals and

lesbians into its fellowship homosexuals

homosexual lesbian love will be

vindicated by the leadership of this

church Union homosexuals will not only

be welcomed but they’ll be encouraged to

continue in their practices homosexual

and the lesbian ministers will not only

be ordained and given places Authority

they’ll be heralded as a new breed of

pioneer [ __ ] and to this introducing new

concepts of love and evangelism I see in

nearly every major to the United States

and around the world

homosexual churches catering exclusively

to the spiritual needs of their own time

with full recognition from organized

religion their Sunday school and church

literature distributed to their children

will suggest to teenagers that

homosexuality is a normal and acceptable

form of Christian practice nude dancing

in the church new dancing and some of

these member churches will be excused as

an artistic form of worship men are

going to become more supers of the

creature more than the Creator and God

will be forced to give these time

divorces work over to their fins and as

a result many will be given over to a

reprobate mind creating a new form of

mental illness that will not respond to

any kind of treatment now God will not

let that go unanswered and although new

dancing will not become widespread it’s

going to be accepted by many church

leaders in the future as a legitimate

expression of worship next occult

practices within this search I’ve read

this super web search will condone

certain or poor practices they’ll set up

study committees to define the devil so

we make use image into one of a


bland some are not to be feared now in

some of the most respected wealthy

churches in America see once’s will


prayer meetings and that’s already


more and more ministers are going to be

intrigued by the supernatural planes of

the spiritualist and Satanist groups and

I see the day coming when certain

ministers who’ve never been too close to

Jesus will get very close to the devil’s

state just going to experiential blight

to deceive it we’re possibly the

electric chosen of God Satan’s own

ministers will pierce these angels and

they’ll try to spread the message within

the clerk that the enemy Satan is not to

be feared the super trick will never

officially accept yoga practices

outright but phrenology palmistry

fortune-telling and horoscopes will be

widely respected and accepted now listen

closely next I see the rise of another

super Church a supernatural invisible

church a union of deeply spiritual

followers of Jesus place bound together

through the Holy Spirit neutral

confidence in spikes in his word the

supernatural spirits of two believers

will become a kind of underground

certain willful Catholics and

Protestants of all denominations young a

tall black and white and people of all

nations while this visible super world

search gazed political power this

invisible body of believers will grow

tremendously in spiritual power thus far

will pump imperfect uses the persecution

madness that’s coming up on this earth

will drive these Christians closer

together and closer to Jesus Christ

there would be less concern about

denominational ties and more concerning

emphasis on the coming of Jesus Christ

the Holy Spirit bring together and want

all people of all faiths and walks of

life and although the supernatural

church already gifts around the world in

the days coming soon it would become

politically almost invisible it will not

speak out much on social issues but if

persecution becomes more intense this

body of true believers will become

almost radical in its evangelistic

efforts and it is invisible Church will

receive supernatural unction and Holy

Ghost power to preach the gospel to the

four corners of the earth next

persecution for charismatic Catholics

this makes me tumble and I fought with

the Lord for three weeks not saying I

can’t pray Lord said you say charismatic

Catholics who consider themselves

members an invisible supernatural

threats of Jesus Christ face the most

previous hour of persecution of all your

almond Catholic Church I predict in the

spirit is about to pull in the welcome

back to our Catholic to speak with

tongues and allene for the Pentecostal

teachings concerning all these spirits

my level political pressure will be

placed on priests and local able to put

the fire out

watch for the Pope to take a negative

stand against the charismatic movie with

Anna Catholic Church the honeymoon is

about over Catholic magazines will soon

begin to speak out against the movement

within its ranks and call for purging it

will begin as a very flawed trend but

will gather quick momentum adjust all

Catholics in this movement will

eventually face real persecution from

within their own church the charismatic

movement within the Catholic Church will

become so powerful and widespread it

will appear to some leaders of the

threat to those who don’t understand

what it means I see more than five

hundred thousand involved in the

Catholic tariffs movements charismatic

move within a short price and those not

in the movement will accuse it of

lacking social concern and pain too

oblivious to the traditions of the

church they’ll be accused of turning

away from the Virgin Mary and negating

the authority of the Pope and at every

charismatic Catholic who boasts about a

baptism the Holy Ghost they bare for

persecution it’s not going to happen

overnight but most certainly the day is

coming when every single cast accrues

experience the spiritual awakening will

have to understand where his loyalties

are some will be forced to be trying to

tradition allow the experience to be

frozen many others however will soon

discover that they have more Christian

love jealousy

when sphere two rapport with other

miracle Protestants and Catholics who

have now scented their lives around the

person of Jesus place the fullness of

the Holy Ghost any assume recurred many

will not believe me but I see the day

when Catholics Lutheran’s and many

others of all denominations are going to

have to come out from among them these

new Christians will not call themselves

products alert Catholics but simply

renewed christened their fellowship will

not be based

their fellowship will not be based on

the experience of speaking with tongues

but will be fettered on the Father the

Son Jesus Christ that is our fellowship

number nine I see a persecution through

a media struggle there is its message

tremendous freedom for preaching the

gospel on radio and television

never the doors been more open to

minister Christ in the media Christians

even owned and operates own radio and TV

stations there at Liberty to pray for

the sick raise money at the most

exhausting anyway they see fit to watch

out persecution and the respite is

already beginning there’s the sound of

chains in the air like scented radio TV

programming will become the target of

satanic forces determined to force every

one of them off the airwaves already

there’s a behind-the-scenes movement to

establish the kind of rating system for

all religious radio and TV programming

and the liberal leaders of this super

church council will soon attempt to

establish the kind of screening board

and force themselves on the FCC as the

final authority on all paid and

sustaining religion on the media they

want the program to be aired without

their approval the doors are now wide

open or slowly but surely going to grow

Christian radio TV station should begin

to expect persecution Erasmus atheistic

an attic fight forces are even now

preparing litigation against threat

religious stations and I see Phaeton

kind of bogged down these programs and

stations and red tape legal proceedings

and tax problems Satan will use every

tactic at his disposal to remove all

Pike Center programs from the media and

the message I have for all of you who

minister in the media is this from the

Holy Spirit or while it is yet day or

the night cometh when no man can work

and that’s a message for the media

persecution from Hollywood watch for

Hollywood this step what’s up and attack

against her religion with more expose

type films the film Argo was the most

raison attempt by the devil to put down

and ridicule all religion having to do

with the blood of Jesus Christ never in

American history was it done before

revivalists and evangelical ministers

are going to be stereotypes of Elmer


Charlotte’s and Sikhs money-mad

comedians more and more movie makers are

going to attempt to debunk our morals

duffl preaching churches and ministers

are going to come under special attack

while at the same time the occult and

witchcraft will be glorified and

sensationalized next persecution from

television comedy TV comedy shows Holy

Spirit is told me will become bolder and

bolder and will poke fun it Christ in

all true Christians comedy writers is

going to strike a blow after blow

designed to put down sacred traditions

and eventually these souls will be

punctuated with four-letter words and

anything will go on television

television programmers will become

absolutely blasphemous and millions and

millions of unbelievers will sit in

front of their TV sets laughing and

mocking at subjects once considered fake

that are undermined and mocked and

ridiculed the last night Alma today so

it was brought home so vividly as

impressionist David strive maliciously

must Billy Graham with a money raised on

a money grabber

made my blood boil Marja set they’re

knocking all Robertson Billy Graham and

it came home to me so hard

David this is just the beginning toxo


movie theaters debunking placed in his

blood and glorify the devil

next persecution through taxation of

churches when you listen to me there’s

coming attempt to tax churches and

search-related organizations these

atheistic forces with the help of the

Civil Liberties Union we’re going to

push this matter to the Supreme Court

they’re going to have a temporary

setback but it’s not going to stop them

for pressing for congressional action

and a legal setback in the courts will

not stop it in spite of court decisions

we are basically going abstracts ation

of our churches I see it coming as an

insignificant very small kind of

property pact but it’s still going to

burgeon into a monster-sized tax that

will put some independent churches a

Missionary Society to the brink of

bankruptcy the IRS Internal Revenue

Service one day I see becoming one with

powerful weapons against the Church of

Jesus Christ it would then be possible

for government agencies to maintain a

stranglehold on purchase a government

agency even now are delving into the

private talks of almost every month

topic religious organization in the

market including ours right now every

column is going to be political raftsmen

red tape acute financial problems

federal state aids going to come with

more and more strings attached to it

secondly an almost unexplainable student

moves apathy unless and disrespect for

leadership thirdly you can expect the

faculty to be infiltrated by teachers

and professors or become the unwitting

tools in the hands of Satan to undermine

the foundations of faith the leadership

state is going to attempt to wrest the

leadership of these schools and

institutions out of the hands of true

men of God and place them in a hand of

promisingly gross who will not attempt

to check the movement toward agnosticism

the leadership of Christian educational

institutions had better prepare

themselves for difficult times

financially and fearfully next the Jesus

revolution is going to go sour the Jesus

revolution will become a Jesus revulsion

movement Oh hear me my friend I have

never in my life

ministered with more the action of the

Holy Spirit have never felt more

divinely called the speaketh word than I

do here now and the Spirit of God upon

me and i prophesy now and hear it the

Jesus revolution among young people will

stagnate and undisciplined followers

we’re going to return to their drugs

their free sex in their old ways of life

persecution is coming to separate the

sheep from the goats and only totally

surrendered disciples will be left

standing when the fall clear the time is

soon coming when it will no longer be

popular to be a Jesus person the Jesus

falls will not be on the hit parade if

they will no longer be a commercial

assets abroad where Hollywood the world

that once used the name of Jesus up

promiscuously it’s going to turn on him

and put him down I see a replay of the

first recorded Jesus movement in history

remember when Jesus came riding into

Jerusalem on a donkey the horrors in the

horse vanish and the praises of

thousands that were caught up in this

Jesus Movement

young people ripped branches from palm

trees and spread their jackets on the

ground so little donkey can walk over

they cried Jesus Jesus or vana our king

is coming with that first Jesus movement

to went sour a very short time later

that same Jesus stood before that same

angry crowd

now they were screaming crucify him away

with him the same crowd turned against

him the modern Jesus luminous had its

crowds and its excitement they sang the

praises of Jesus and Jesus was really in

but look what’s happening now that’s why

poppers are going back to drugs and a

Jesus revulsion movement is now

springing up with results of the old

practices of young people in our schools

young devil worshippers have sided

nucleus of hate Christ grubs in our

schools already he Christ clubs we see

pain is to harass Jesus people and

refute the claims of Jesus Christ all

but friends out of this Jesus Movement

is coming a hard core of Jesus people

completely giving over their old ways of

life they forsaken old habits and

they’re committed their lives to service

to Jesus place and my message to you

Jesus people today is loud and clear get

ready to be persecuted prepare to face

these hate price clubs in your schools

in many places Christian young people

who take an open stanford twice will be

verbally stoned by those their own age

this revolves in movement against price

it’s going to be perfectly directed by

the devil himself and carried out by

those are committed to his worship Jesus

people are going to be not only

considered freaks they’re going to be

called all manner of names they’re going

to be spat upon in the corners of high

schools and college campuses and the day

will come when Bibles would be plucked

from their arms and ripped apart while

laughing crowd of mockers the harassment

is going to eventually become so violent

and widespread that Christian young

people either hide themselves like steel

and stand up and witness against it or

crumble before it in deny their faith

and this is what persecution is all


I see coming also a spiritual awakening

behind the iron in bamboo curtains while

the free nations are experiencing this

wave of persecution the iron and bamboo

curtain come people experience a short

period of spiritual awakening those who

lived under religious terrible religious

persecution are going to enjoy our

limited time of freedom God’s Holy

Spirit’s bonus lets the iron and bamboo

curtains and he’s going to seek out and

find hungry hearts and roughs in China

and Eastern Europe no doubt about it God

promised to pour out his spirit upon all

flesh he did not exclude these nation’s

God is bringing to pass a temporary

truce between the East and the West for

the express purpose of getting the

gospel into these communist countries

Japanese and Korean Christians will be

used of God to reach thousands in China

the outpouring of holy sprit West

Germany is to reach through to East

Germany the outpouring the second place

in Finland all is destined to spread

through more than Russia the trans men

just move of the Holy Spirit ironically

while the doors are beginning to close

on this side of the curtain the doors

will open on the other and after Sorek

really the freedom of spiritual

awakening the doors will suddenly closed

and those nations cast into horrible

persecution finally one of the most

important of all this comes down close

to every pastor and every Christian of

this building I see already started how

many of these things I’ve talked about

tonight are mountain peaks that I’ve

seen I do believe that they will all be

fulfilled in this generation not all at

the same time some of these things

beginning to happen even now but one

thing that is already upon us and I see


I see a gossip war I know now that Satan

is declared war and every through

Minister of Jesus Christ he’s going to

leave no stone unturned in his

attempt to discredit and shipwreck every

man abroad is determined to stay true

those ministers please to refuse to

cheat on their wives they refuse to

indulge in the freedom of the new

morality they’re going to be the target

of the most vicious vicious malicious

gossip of all times the devil is going

to raise up us among Gers to lash and

the line and lie against you I believe

that Billy Graham another big gospel

ministers throughout the world we’re

going to face more and more ridicule

boss misunderstanding by the press and

by liberal people in the media every

motive is going to be questioned every

statement going to be examining

cross-examine they’re going to be mocked

and maligned black comedians on

television and ministers who once

thought they had no enemies in the world

the one day wake up to find out that

someone’s talking about them they won’t

understand where it comes from

after the churches express they’re going

to face the most malicious gossip of all

there will be innuendos lies false

statements that were floated around to

come from the very pits of Hell it will

be a supernatural demonstration of

demonic power there will not be a single

tool Minister the gospel in you and the

why hear me now the wives of those

ministers who are married we’re also

going to come under the attack of

malicious gossip legions of lying

spirits have been turned loose upon the

world with a single purpose of accusing

Christians through boxes and slander to

rob them of their victory and faith and

trust in Jesus Christ this gossip war

will not only being against ministers

but against their way through spirit

don’t believe the pieces Christ even the

teenagers are going to see what it’s

like to face well it’s just gossip

and now I come to my final word from the

Lord you have no idea you could not

begin to know the battle I’ve had to

stand here and say what I’ve said

tonight I’ve had the enemy tell me

everybody will call you a fanatic why

risk 15 years of a certified ministry

where people respect you and stand out

like a fool the friends I can’t stand

here tonight honestly and just tickle

your ears the ends of the world and come

upon us and I’ve always been a positive

creature I’ve never preached much about

judgment but my friend you can’t talk

about the coming of Jesus Christ until

you open your eyes and see that all that

is happening around us now the Lord is

saying look up when you see these things

begin to happen and rejoice because your

Redemption draweth nigh and I bring it

to my final word

when I received this vision of

calamities it so frightened me it’s so I

was just so transfixed before God he’s

kept me up night after night again last

night in the middle of the night and I

asked the Lord about all these things

how’re we going to do all that we’re

supposed to do when so many are

forsaking young people are going into

hiding and they’re afraid the ship is

sinking what do we do Lord do we

abdicate we turn this whole world over

to the devil and just let him have his

way we pay off all our bills and fold

away a couple reserves in the bank buy

little farm and escape and try to ride

out the storm hoping a better Dale come

you just give up how can you look at all

the tornados in the weather forecast and

how can you see all the calamities that

every pulpit of God that’s predicted

Hulk and the Christian remain sane how

could he keep his fortitude how can he

be objective how can he be rational in

an age that’s falling apart Lord where

do we stand now a dear friend you’ve got

to hear what the Holy Spirit said to me

just five little words but so powerful

they awakened and me of course to open

faith and I woke up shouting and those

five little words the blazing in my

heart were these God has everything

under control

this is what I got

all of nature is under control we hear

earthquakes famines pestilence hail

storms killer heat waves floods drastic

weather changes are breaking all past


it looks like nature’s out of control

but God’s Word is good he predicted it

would happen the wrath of God is to be

outboard on this earth – an Unleashed

fury of nature because God is warning

mankind that judgment is coming and

these are labor pains and the closer we

get to the birth of his genes are more

frequent in intensive will getting

filled a part of the kingdom of blood

and it was God who told job that he shut

up the sea with doors the sea can’t

cross the door he set bars and doors to

stay the broad waves God said he took

hold of the ends of the earth that the

wicked might be shaken out of it

reserved the treasures of hail and flow

against the day of battle

he’s divided the water forces for the

overflow of the waters that’s the flood

he set the domain of the earth the

ordinances of heaven he sends forth

lightnings and he scatters the wind upon

the earth who does it God does it child

of God

in these days to come the Holy Spirit

would say to you don’t fear the fury of

nature God is still key as a flood and

you look upon those floods earthquakes

and hurricanes and you say to yourself

that’s my blood talking he’s falling he

says I see anything get ready

even the devil is under his control as

with job God may permit him to touch

every material physical thing around you

let you hit Satan cannot possess you or

rob you of your faith in God

the devil’s power is limited and the

Bible said even a baby Christian can

print of weight simply by resisting into

the word and the blood the Bible said

resist the devil and he will flee from

you does that sound like defeat does

that suggest the victorious devil never

God has everything under control

and we are under his control so we are

not afraid of the devil it is the fear

of the Lord that’s the beginning of

wisdom and God’s message is this I have

not given you the spirit of fear but of

love and power and a foul mine

you and I and everything that touches us

is now under his control no matter how

things look in this drunken world all

things are still working together to

everyone who loves God DePaul according

this purpose all right let the dollar


let the depressor the recession come let

there be unemployment and pollution and

inflation and wars and rumors of war let

the fabric and society disintegrate or

the true child of God everything is

under control it doesn’t matter nothing

can harm you he said look up and rejoice

and be happy

and in closing the future is under his

control God is everything reprogram he

knows the exact moment that Christ will

return the final tribulation the

judgments the Battle of Armageddon are

all on his calendar and he’s blocking

them off one at a time and the broader

controls all of heaven and earth says to

us Christian spirit build the nation or

at the drop of a bucket and are counted

as small dust in my balance the nations

of the world are just a drop in the

bucket all nations are as nothing before

me they are less than nothing don’t

worry about worldly powers I’ve got it

all Birdman

God is still counting the hairs on her

head he still counting the sparrows at

fault he’s still hearing petitions

before they asked he’s still answering

before being called he’s given

abundantly more now than we could ever

ask or think so states of blood wake up

he’s still saving and healing and

baptizing and it’s getting his house in

order and the fear is the black thing

and now you can roll over tonight and go

to sleep and say to your heart God has

everything under control

so Lulu you know clapping please

so I finished my vision the Bible said

last days your young men shall see

visions will prophesy and you heard a

vision some of you read the first one in

my book and I really don’t care what

anybody thinks of me tonight I’m fully

convinced that what I’ve seen is true

but if even just a part of it is true

then we’re right there at that last

moment of time if some of you aren’t

ready for persecution you can’t even run

with a horse and what are you going to

do when the flood comes you know what

it’s going to be when we stand before

God not so much that there are so many

sinners just so many strangers bogged

down by love of pleasure

Oh God’s not against your campers your

surfboard your nice clothes vide it

against you having all these things and

not enough time for him you can sit and

watch television

come here and clap your hands and sing

about the good things of God you can sit

here and share a wonderful time together

the Prince did better down on you food

the ends of the world are upon us isn’t

the olive all preach the boat if you’re

truly spirit bill then hear the Spirit

of Christ that bears witness with you

right now what I’m saying strike

security in your heart I look at some of

you dear gray-haired folks and some of

you preach this in right here you can

plea to this for years and I think this

most exciting time in the world to watch

the last generation unfold we are the

last Christians and it’s the most

exciting thing to see that we’ve heard

and read over the centuries coming to

pass right before our eyes

and some of you still sitting there not

knowing what’s happening Fred Jesus is


Jesus is covenant is witness house in


you now know begging or pleading I

really don’t know what the Lord has

prepared for us at this moment but I do

know I have felt led of the Holy Spirit

to have every young person 21 and under

this fan right now quietly please stand

your feet please open these drapes come

on young people look me right in the eye

I’ve got only one ministry and one gift

and that’s the young people to get the

faith to believe God to touch your heart

I told you that the number one youth

probably coming to America is hatred and

bitterness toward parents imagine Amis

would be they of his own house the

children will betray their parents some

are able to sing and shout even talk in

tongues but you don’t clean your room

you hansel your parents are you have

hatred and put in this right now that

makes you a phony you’re one of those

ninety five percent Christians you’ve

given ninety five percent for Jesus but

you’ve got back this five percent you

can’t even handle that and I don’t

believe you should get Justin to whistle

joy pop there comes a time when you can

sing and shout and praise the Lord it

becomes a time when you’ve got to see

popular thickness ages and you say I

want to be ready for persecution I want

to be fur in love with Jesus that this

persecution is coming will only drive me

closer and closer to him when I rob you

or it’ll touch you drive you closer to

him or further from him and I tell you

things that better be right in your home

things had better be right between you

and your dad mom if you stand here right

now now then you root a bitterness

towards your dad mom my Bible said that

will spring up and choke you made it a

shame that you would be persecuting your

parents and now we’re talking a

persecution you be guilty of prosecuting

your parents because you say they don’t

understand you and this is the

ministry’s alerts later my heart lately

because with all of that talk about

persecution coming in our homes the Lord

is also said

you would send forth the spirit of a

legend you would also restore the hearts

of the children to their parents parents

of the children they’ll be a coming

together of those who are sincerely

asking and seeking here’s what I want

you to do we’re going to just acapella

with no music we’re going to sing that

beautiful course or how I love Jesus and

if we love him I want to give you an

invitation to step out of this crowd I’m

right up on stage to say David this

message text me not been a phony I’ve

been in ninety five percenter they’ve

been a root of bitterness in my heart

for my dad or mom and I wanted out

tonight I want to be a 100% Christian

and I want to be ready no matter what

the hours like I want to face the coming

of Jesus with cuddliest yours in my

heart I want you while we’re singing

this after I pray just step out of the

crowd and come right up these steps and

stand behind me facing me I’m going to

ask God for a miracle tonight this place

we’re going to ask God to raise up

firebrands and put something in your

heart for a flame and so bright no demon

or devil in Hell can touch it

Heavenly Father we’ve sat under your

voice your word tonight your Holy Spirit

is calling and working and moving where

there are dozens and dozens of young

people standing here right now they’re

not ready for that our persecution

they’d come blunder it Lord because

they’ve been falling you’re far off

they’ve been phonies just ninety five

percenters maybe seventy percent but

there’s been a percentage that’s not

been yielded the Lord you said you

wanted our nothing no more games no more

phone eNOS I’ve got an hour of decision

of not decisions that disciples tonight

all these spirit called dozens of young

people to take this walk tonight may I

step out of this proud to say Jesus now

I am consuming

take out the roots of bitterness and

anger and rebellion sit be on fire