“I thought I could have this guy flirting with me and nothing would really ever happen.” Bob & Audrey’s story shows the demise of compromise and the power of forgiveness. Do you have a secret that’s keeping you in sin? Find peace and freedom today: http://GrowDeeper.net. For more stories, watch the full program “Flying Blind” at http://FlyingBlindVideo.org.

Bob and I both love that whole idea of

doing anything for Jesus we were in

ministry I was at Jesus girl we were

rock-solid for Audrey and I serving God

meant everything to us and that involved

you know a lot of long hours a lot of

devotion a lot of sacrifice as a pastor

I saw this young man who just needed

some guidance so we invited him to be a

part of our family activities

I remember feeling so exhausted so

overwhelmed and hiding that and then

this young guy starts coming into our

life and the first thing he says is he

seemed to be doing everything for

everybody they need some help and I was

like yes but the more we hung out

together it turned into you are you are

so beautiful in every way like I wish I

could find a girl even just half as

beautiful as you when I knew I was gonna

be seeing him I made sure I looked good

I felt like I was invincible I thought I

could have this guy flirting with me

nothing would ever really happen

you know sin takes you further than you

ever thought you would go it goes little

by little by little you just start just

one little compromise just a teeny tiny

compromise and then you quickly find out

that there’s no such thing as a small

compromise because that one little touch

of the hand or that one little rubbing

against it did something it electrified

me somehow and so I wanted more you see

sin always craves more and is never

satisfied and wants that next thing the

next thing the next thing and before you

know what you’re on this this thing that

you just can’t get off of I had a sexual

affair with this guy for three weeks and

I knew that it couldn’t continue because

I just felt something my heart say you

have to tell Bob it was the most intense

scary awful moment in the whole world

and I said I actually did I did it I had

an affair

so immediately my mind is flooded images

of her with this person where mine where

were our children this isn’t just a

little you say that you love me but yet

you give yourself like this it makes no

sense the rage and the anger that I had

was so intense I just stormed out of the

room slammed doors stopped my feet I

mean I was a mess


I really wanted to hurt


I wanted her to feel what I was feeling

just what I didn’t think the desperation

could get any lower I found out that as

a result of this affair I had become

pregnant and on that day I didn’t think

I could face my life I just felt like I

had blown up my whole family

I cried out to God will you forgive me

and then I went to Bob I said could you

ever find it in your heart to love me

again I knew that in that moment I had

to forgive her but I was only capable of

so much that afternoon I had to forgive

her again later that evening the next

day weeks months even years forgiveness

really was a process for me but we

together chose to press in you know to

each other but really into God because

we were hoping that he could rescue not

just us but rescue our family and my

children when he was born I asked Audrey

if I could name Ian I gave him my name


I don’t want my son to ever question one

day in his life whose boy he is he’s my


the fact that he has his name just is

that complete acceptance it’s such a

picture of what God does for us not only

does he accept us not only does he

forgive us but he gives us his name and

he redeems our life from what was

supposed to be stolen and taken away he

gives us as a gift and you know what

there’s really a revival after

repentance we don’t have to have any

secrets anymore

we trust each other and we love being

married when you participate with sin it

always takes but when you participate

with God he always gives life


