The Spirit of the resurrected Christ lives in us, and He wants out! Wherever we go, He is looking for people who will encounter Him and for people who will host Him. Christ in you is the hope of glory, and the moment He took up residence in us, all of heaven began to look and see what we would do with what we had been given.

how is it possible to host the presence

of a person so profoundly that they can

take articles of clothing away from you

lay them on a diseased or tormented

person and see them well it’s not

hocus-pocus it’s not some conjuring up

of a belief system that we have to sweat

hard to maintain it’s it’s the fact that

he is the greatest reality there is and

he saturates every part of anything we

yield to him and even in Paul’s labor in

making 1/10 the Spirit of God saturated

clothing to where they could take the

apron they could take the sweat bath I

look at that and I say God obviously

there’s more I look at the story of

Peter on his way to pray and apparently

people found themselves getting well

when they were talking with him we don’t

know how it came about but people knew

that if they could just get to where his

shadow was they would be healed there’s

no substance to a shadow its proximity

to a person and the bottom line is your

shadow will always release whatever

overshadows you it’s the fact that we

give place to a person