How is it possible to live in Heaven now? In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on abiding in Christ, and what effect that has in our lives in relation to eternity. Learning to abide in God’s Presence increases our awareness of our eternal purpose, and the realization that we have access to Heaven here and now. The Apostle Paul talked about being “seated in Heavenly places”, which was never supposed to simply be a theology, but an invitation to an ongoing experience. As we lean into this truth, we will increasingly live from an eternal perspective, and tune our hearts to the dreams and plans in God’s heart, becoming one with Him.

Jesus lived an ascended lifestyle Paul

would later find language for it and he

would call it being seated in Heavenly

places in Christ

tragically it becomes a Doctrine not an


it was never meant to be a point of

theology it was supposed to be an

invitation to help the journey the

ascended lifestyle this place of of of

living aware of him living aware of

Eternity living aware of Heaven itself

this place of abiding is the place of

absolute Triumph and Victory


anyone twist their knee today yesterday

the last couple days to us when you did

yeah stand up it should be healed

anybody else


check it out check it out really good I

mean do what you couldn’t do

it it’s good

tell them it’s good


there’s uh there’s chill children I

think it’s I think it’s several children

that are just prone to ear infections

and they may not be here

you but you your children uh young kids

prone to ear infections they get them

over and over and over again and so it’s

a weakness in their system you you would

say or their doctor would say whatever

if that’s you and you’re the parent

stand up or if the parents aren’t here

the grandparent is you stand up because

we’re going to pray and declare

yeah quite a few yeah this is uh This

Ends Tonight All Right This Ends Tonight

extend a hand towards them and we just

declare in the name of the Lord Jesus

in the name of Jesus this cycle of ear


Ends Tonight

thank you Lord Holy Spirit we ask that

you would uh just recreate that whole

the way the ear functions in in these

folks the the chemical system wherever

there’s the breakdown we just ask for

you to step in

and to make it okay thank you we declare

this in Jesus name Amen in Jesus why

don’t you declare that with me in Jesus


do you know what that means it basically

means that we’re doing what he would do

if he were here in the in the flesh in

his name we’re using we’re using his

authority his name

to do something

and I think I don’t know that any of us

have the right to say this verse is most

important or that verse but I’m going to

do it anyway

um I I think I think maybe the most

important verse let me put make it

personal the most important verse for me

in recent years concerning my faith my

walk with the Lord is John 15 verse 7.

if you abide in me my word abide in you

you ask whatever you want it’ll be done

if you abide in me

living with the the felt presence of God

is a benefit the benefit of a believer

it’s not I’m not talking about emotion

it affects emotions I’m not talking

about some you know emotional Buzz or

something I’m talking about the felt

realization of God he is actually

tangibly right here

and there’s Larry Randolph uh what used

to tell us he said if God is as big as

he says he is he shouldn’t be that hard

to find

and that’s that’s I think that’s that’s

quite wise so

we often look for

um well let me just say this

living with the realization of the

presence of God

or this far away from living with the

realization of Eternity

we’re this far away of living with a

really realization of Heaven itself

abiding in Christ is actually a

foretaste of

of Heaven

he is the person of Heaven

there’s nothing that exists in heaven

that isn’t that is separate from him

there’s nothing in that reality in that

realm that is actually separate from him

Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11 says that God

ordained us to have eternity in our


there are certain things that are like

like our DNA

our spiritual DNA has eternity is


in our hearts

it is

it is Who We Are



of him is the great privilege in life

and the big uh the the big work of the

enemy is to do whatever he can through

manipulation through accusation

um these different tools that he uses

to to make us distracted

from what we have a gift

to live aware of

I don’t know if that maybe if I don’t

think I said that real well but work

with me

we have a we it’s written into our


to live conscious of him

it’s not something you have to work to

do it’s something you have to learn not

to do

you can you can worry yourself out of it

but you’ll have to work hard

he is the most predominant feature of

your life is him

his love for us is the most extreme

thing there is

before there was


God had prepared a savior

to the son of his would take upon

himself everything that you and I


so that we would freely inherit all that

he deserved

it is so mind-boggling it’s easiest to

not think about it

because it hurts

it actually is beyond

it’s beyond our ability to wrap our head

around the fact that he actually became

sin and bore the Wrath of the father

in my place

so that I

through a faith he gave me

could receive that gift of Salvation and

literally step into what he deserved

eternity is written in my heart

and the great um

the great privilege that we have

is this

living aware of him is a continual feast

it’s a constant Feast there’s there’s no


the presence of God doesn’t have a shelf


it doesn’t get old it doesn’t become


Christian routine becomes familiar songs

become familiar Expressions become

familiar but there’s nothing about the

presence that becomes overly familiar

those who are stuck in ruts have lost

sight of the presence and have reduced

their life to the routine


Chris read out of Ephesians 4 this


a great word

and in this verse 11 I think it is he

says and that these gifts of Christ

fivefold Ministry have been given until

we attain to the unity of faith so there

was something set in motion

that he says this is where we’re going

this is where it ends up

there’s many verses that describe where

we’re going and where it ends up


we know that we have all been

predestined to be like Christ

there there is no plan B there’s only

Jesus and his desire for me is to look

like Jesus

so we have this we have this description

that these gifts were given until

we come to Unity of Faith we’re probably

at least a week or two away from that

three let’s go three weeks three weeks


Unity of Faith it’s an extraordinary

thing I can’t even comprehend what that

looks like

I mean I haven’t I haven’t heard enough

time being united in my own faith with

with me you know

there’s a lot of folks that can have a

church split even if they were the only



so he says this is where we’re headed to

the unity Faith now you have to


he can pull it off

we can

until we attain to the unity of faith to

the measure of the stature that belongs

to the fullness of Christ

you know it’s just easier to say that

stuff’s supposed to happen in heaven

I mentioned a few weeks to you actually

it was a Sunday Morning Show but I

mentioned a few weeks ago that uh

most Believers have greater faith in the

return of Christ than they do in the

power of the Gospel

and the concept behind that statement is

the fact that we know Jesus is coming

back and when he does he’ll fix


instead of us believing that the power

of the Gospel that’s been given to us is

what fixes everything

instead of him returning to fix stuff

maybe he’s coming to

pick up what is fixed


so to the measure of the stature

of the fullness of Christ and then he

uses this phrase a mature man a perfect


I don’t this is mind-boggling this is uh

this is troubling

he actually has put us on a course that

says this is where you’re going to end

up you the people of God and the world

gets a bigger mess and the church gets

more divided and he still hasn’t changed

his plan

it still hasn’t said uh

too much work never mind I’ll just come

back and fix it myself he just didn’t do


it just didn’t do that

I’m fascinated by well by Everything

Jesus did but a story that stands out to

me in this moment

is the fact that Jesus

the disciples had come to him saying the


the crowd needs to go home we have no

food they’re starving send them away and

Jesus said you feed them

which is just a classic moment because

you got to mention the disciples are

waiting for him to laugh and hit him on

the shoulder and say just kidding you

know after after he gives this command

but he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t

break into laughter he says you feed

them and and they’re nervously trying to

figure out how in the world can we do

that if we had the food we we couldn’t

do that

and so Jesus all he does

is he

he gives them

he gives them something to do

it says have the people sit down in

groups of 50 and 100.


anybody have food here yeah there’s a

kid with lunch

all right

so Jesus could have created up nothing

but he usually creates with something

it’s fascinating that he he easily could

have just from nothing but these

Miracles that we see in scripture

actually started he had something to

work with

and so in John’s gospel when he talks

about this situation

it said when he broke the bread when he

gave thanks

he distributed to the disciples and it

it became more than enough

but when he gave thanks what did he give

thanks for

he gave thanks for not enough

he gave thanks when it was way


see when you take what isn’t enough

and you baptize it in thankfulness

it becomes supernaturally positioned to

be more than enough

it’s the power of Thanksgiving

it’s the power of a thankful heart

an unthankful heart is is imprisoned by

numbers and limitations and restrictions

a thankful heart is positioned to see


in John’s gospel it says there are 5 000

men besides women and children this

happened two different times

the multiplying of at least twice that

we know

and it says there are five thousand men

not counting women and children

where did the Loaves and Fishes come


a child

someone who didn’t count



you heard it in the video tonight with

the by the Global Response


the Ukrainian people are saying we we

thought the world forgot us we thought

even God forgot us and

he said the world maybe has but God

hasn’t forgotten

there’s there’s something there’s


profoundly significant by recognizing

the value of an individual

and hear Jesus

honors a child

I don’t know if there were other lunches

that were there wasn’t important

it was the one that was given to him was

from a child and Jesus Took

and he didn’t throw it in the air and go


I mean let’s let’s face it crowd control

you know you don’t create a mountain of

food in front of thousands of hungry


instead what he did is he divided it

into 12 baskets

and the disciples distributed

how much was in a basket I don’t know

that much I don’t know

but 12 baskets is not enough to feed

five thousand men besides women and

children can we say fifteen thousand


12 baskets isn’t near enough

unless it multiplies as you’re giving it


so when Jesus said you feed them

he didn’t change his mind when they said

we have no food

he didn’t change his mind when they were

puzzled by The Challenge he didn’t

change his mind all he did was enable

them to do simple actions that he would

bless and cause food to multiply in

other words there’s a point of obedience

most Miracles are connected to a point

of obedience and we usually wait for

something to happen to us when

oftentimes we’re supposed to take Faith

and put it into an action

the blind man go wash in the pool of

Siloam that’s a cruel assignment for a

guy who’s blind

you’ve got to go to another geographical

location and wash in a specific pool

but there was something in his makeup

that needed confronting is too strong of

a word

it needed to be there’s something that

needed to be exercised in him

in his obedience

so many times we see actions we see

blind Bartimaeus take off his Beggar’s

robe there is a profound action

it’s what qualified him as a legal

beggar in that culture

people would see that garment to know he

was legitimately blind and needed help

so when he took that off the

extraordinary Act of Faith but actions

have to take place I I remember Through

The Years so often I would I would have

people do something

not you know if you’ve got a broken

ankle I wouldn’t say stand up here on

the stage and jump off to test and see

if it’s healed

game night

I I wouldn’t do that unless he told me

to I wouldn’t do it out of the principle

of faith please listen to this carefully

I will not put anybody at risk of the

principle of faith

I had times I’ll have to put myself at

risk out of the principle of Faith

because I’m not getting a breakthrough

but I have no right to put you at risk

let me illustrate it

is it true

that the Widow gave her last meal to the


and that was the key to her economic

breakthrough for the next season

is it true

read your Bibles because it’s in there

and it’s a really good story

so it’s a it’s a it’s it’s a principle

of faith

she emptied her own resources and gave

to the prophet

I’m grieved at how often I hear people

in this position use that to tell people

that’s what they need to do you never

put somebody else at risk

unless he says so

and the most terrifying thing I think

for that Prophet was for him to bring a

word to a widow who was down to her last

meal and he’s got to tell her that the

kid her breakthrough is you feed me


some would automatically think that’s

arrogance I think it’s the absolute

greatest demonstration of humility

because it’s obeying to a point you make

yourself look foolish

I want you to look with me at uh John

chapter 3

and I I’ve talked about this so many

times I feel a little bit embarrassed

doing it again but I it just actually at

the end of worship I felt like

I felt like I should talk to you about


and I’ll try to

hurry through the parts I’ve done so

many times


so when Jesus told his disciples you

feed them

and they were clueless as to what to do

they knew they didn’t have enough

he didn’t change the assignment

he just enabled them through simple

step-by-step instruction enabled them to

do what was actually impossible

when Jesus says to you and to me go into

all the world preach the gospel disciple


you may be like me going wait a minute

all we’ve got is a kid’s lunch

and if we’ll listen further he gives us

step by step

approach because he’s not changing his


he’s not going to change his mind he’s

not going to say

all right it’s a little rough making you

like me I tell you what I’ll try to make

you like John

or Fred you know whoever

it doesn’t change his plan he’s got he’s

got an assignment for you and for me

and here’s the great thrill for me is

that we actually get to live first of

all we acknowledge in Scripture

Ecclesiastes 3 11.

eternity is already in my heart it is

already written in my spiritual DNA I am

a forever person

to die and to lose this tent

there it’s seamless between this moment

and Eternity it’s a seamless entrance

into that reality

because I have eternity in my heart


one of the things that happens

when you lose somebody that you love and

care for

family member dear friend

when a Believer dies

I’ve been with a number of family

members and Friends

uh is is down to a two-year-old child

I’ve been with him when they’ve died

and extremely sobering moments I’ve been

with a number of people when they have

gone from this world to the next

and it’s it’s it’s such a sobering thing

because you you have this privilege

to be with somebody that you care for

and walk them right to the edge of


and to hand them off so to speak I mean

that’s what you’re doing you’re you’re

in this moment

where there is no other explanation for

this moment then

they have now been received into their

Eternal reward

that has to become more real

the more blessed you become in Earthly

in an Earthly sense

the more necessary it is to become more

aware of Eternity

people who are being persecuted it’s

easy for them to live with a greater

awareness of Eternity

because they’ve not fixed their Hope on

immediate blessing a breakthrough they

fix their Hope on eternity it’s much

easier for them to live conscious of

Eternal reward

but those who go through seasons of

great breakthrough great healing and

miracles uh Provisions promotions at

work all those things all those things

are supposed to be demonstrations of the

heart and nature of the Father which is

supposed to warm our heart for eternity

but when it’s not

when it’s appreciated on a surface level

it actually hardens us to Eternity

and makes us more in love with blessing


and I I believe that God would bless us

beyond what any of us would possibly

imagine in an Earthly sense

the challenge is to bless a people

but not bless them out of their

consciousness of Eternity

the problem isn’t the amount of blessing

the problems you and me the problem is

us and so these moments that I’ve had

through the years and I’m thankful for

every one of them uh some so

so painful

but they are all gifts they’re gifts

because they’re absolute reminders it’s

like you have something right here you

cannot get away from it you can pretend

it’s not there you can close your eyes

you can humans sing you know plug your

ears you can do whatever you want but

it’s right here and it’s not going

anywhere and that’s the fact that

somebody that you care for just stepped

into eternity

and you can either Savor the moment

and enter into a an actual


a promotion just in your own soul

of what feeds you what strengthens you

what excites you

you can either you can either become

healthier in your your inner world

because of that experience you can’t

control it you can’t explain it but it’s

there and it’s more real than the nose

on my face

it is this will all vanish that never

goes away

so if it is if it is in fact the

Ultimate Reality

then I owe it to myself

and I owe it to anyone under my

influence to live more and more


of him

but I’m going to push a little farther

conscious of him

conscious of Eternity

conscious of this reality called heaven

at several moments this morning in

worship and tonight uh

where I could just just in my heart of

hearts I could just catch glimpses of

the nation standing before Him worship


it just it just becomes so real it

becomes it becomes as real and maybe

more real

than us together in this room singing of

the greatness of God it just becomes it



and and I need that

you need that

so this verse that has uh defined a huge

part of my life in recent years

if you abide in me that’s living in the

felt realization of his presence

if you abide in me in my word abides in

you that’s that’s the intentional

embracing of what he has to say holding

it as a treasure in your soul

says Mary treasured these words in her


she treasured what do you do with the

treasure you don’t you don’t take a

treasure and leave it on the coffee


if you’ve got something you know you

have a a a vase that is worth you know

two million dollars you know you just

don’t stick it out where the

two-year-olds play you know why because

because it will get destroyed

and there are things that God has spoken

to every person in this room

it needs to be marked in your soul

because it’s your history with God

it’s your history it’s these moments

where you were just you know maybe you

just came to Christ you began to read in

the Bible this verse just meant so much

to you the this is your history this is

your journey these are Milestones along

the way that that have marked your life

and you you write down I I I have marks

all through my Bible of of my journey my

history with God where he spoke to me I

can take you to a place in Weaverville

where I was in the woods weeping before

the Lord because I was so distraught

over things that that I was experiencing

and my ache for more and and and the

Lord spoke to me spoke to me out of a

out of a Ephesians chapter 4 he spoke to

me so deeply


out of context

but it healed my heart

it helped me it didn’t change my

situation it changed me

and what my situation needed was me



sometimes in the journey you know we

meet him and we want him to be the great

deliverer and healer and fixer of stuff

and he is that and all and more

but there are sometimes he wants to work

inside of me first

and in in that moment it’s my it’s my

history it’s my journey

abide in me my words abide in you and

here’s the crazy conclusion to that

verse you’ll ask anything you desire

I I talk about this all the time

I don’t want anyone to think I actually

understand it

I talk about it kind of because I’m

trying to learn to understand it

see God God

is it condoning self-centered

Christianity he’s not he’s not condoning

this egotistical thing where God is the

cosmic bellhop who attends to whatever

we wish and desire nothing could be

further from the truth nothing

and yet what is true is so strangely

close to that that a large part of the

church has abandoned it all together

four times in three chapters Jesus says

whatever you ask for will be done

here’s how some of us teach it

when we pray what Jesus tells us to pray

then he’ll answer our prayer

oh that’s true but it’s not what he said

actually this the context is this

immersion into a journey

where your heart beats consistent with

his and he can trust your dream

something happens in the journey where

my my thoughts my ambitions they’re not

there because he commanded them they’re

there because they’re The Offspring of a


the the result of a journey I’ve seen

his heart I’ve tasted I’ve tasted of his

words I have fed my soul on what he

dreams about and I’ve got stuff going on

inside of me and I don’t know if it’s

the will of God or not and Jesus says

just keep my word in you live in the in

the atmosphere of presence and I’ll

Trust you you can pray for anything you

want it’ll be done he’s looking for not

an individual but a generation

can you imagine this what would it be

like my goodness just this amount of

people in the room on the planet

that anything they asked for

when what he’s intending is the however

many hundreds of millions of Believers

there are actually in that position to


and to see things shift because they


that’s that’s where you’re going you’re

headed towards this thing and becoming

like Christ what does that look like

anything you ask for


I don’t know about you there are times

in my life where I really don’t want him

to do that

I I want him just to tell me what to do

I’m I’m really good just give me the

details step one two three and four and

I’ll do exactly what you say and he

somehow for some reason actually wants

wants to interact with me in the journey

to find out what I want I don’t want to


I wouldn’t be told what to do

I’m I’m a real good doer doer you know

I’ll do whatever he says

and there are times where he’s just he’s

just silent he’s not it’s never silent

out of punishment

it’s not silence out of you know it’s

not giving you the silent treatment he’s

Sonic because he’s already spoken

that’s true all right I need to I need

to wrap this up but we haven’t even I

quoted scripture though so it is a legal

meeting but I should probably I should

probably read read something here

John chapter three are you still there

I’m going to take you through part of

this really quick so I can get to one

verse actually two verses all right

what’s what you’re well I have so much

time I do all right

I’m not taking a vote I’m not taking a


can’t better talk fast read fast

you listen fast


all right verse 2

Nicodemus came to Jesus by night

and said to him Rabbi we know you’re a

teacher come from God

for no one can do these signs that you

do unless God is with him okay stop

right there

we know you’re a teacher come from God

because no one can do these signs that

you do

no one can do these signs that you do

God is with you

the teaching gift in the body of Christ

is not looked at as a miracle working

gift but it was for Jesus

the word is to set the stage for the


it doesn’t mean every time the Bible is

taught there should be signs and wonders

but it does mean there’s an occasion for

it and if you’re a teacher of the word

of God lean into it because your words

create opportunities

don’t be satisfied with the word only

the scripture says the kingdom is not

inward it is in power

it’s very diverse again it seemed to go

over so well I want to just kind of make

sure you see it

Rabbi we know that you’re a teacher come

from God for no one can do these signs

that you do unless God is with him Jesus

answered and said to him most assuredly

I say to you unless one is born again he

cannot see the kingdom of God stop right

there what is the kingdom

it’s the invisible reality of God’s


it’s measured in the visible

but the kingdom itself is unseen

Matthew 12 28 Jesus said if I cast a

demon Out of You by the spirit of God

then the kingdom of God Came Upon you so

here’s a demonized individual Jesus

ministers to him and the demons leave so

Jesus then describes this is why the

demons left

because the Dominion of God that is

unseen Came Upon the demonized person

and drove the evil spirits out

so now the Dominion of God is

established in this life instead of the


unless you’re born again you cannot see

the unseen reality of God’s Dominion

what’s the implication if you’re born

again you can see

our conversion gave us a gift

a capacity

for most it goes undeveloped

because we get taught that certain

things aren’t for today or whatever

or they’re for another culture maybe a

missionary culture or something

but they’re actually it’s actually the

normal Christian Life

unless you’re born again you cannot see

if you’re born again you can see

what can you see the Unseen

verse 4 Nicodemus said how can a man be

born when he’s old can he enter a second

time into his mother’s womb and be born

Jesus answered most assuredly I say to

you unless one is born of water that’s

the natural birth and the spirit that’s

being born again he cannot enter the

kingdom of God

verse 6 that which is born of flesh is

flesh that’s natural birth that which is

born of the spirit is Spirit

do not Marvel that I said to you you

must be born again the wind blows where

it wishes you hear the sound of it but

cannot tell where it comes from where it

goes so is everyone who is born of the


you guys still like breathing and

everything you guys are still sucking

air and all that stuff all right

so he’s just given us two unusual

illustrations of conversion and the

Christian Life

conversion being born again the

Christian Life is the nature of wind

verse 9 Nicodemus answered said to him

how can these things be

and Jesus in his classic

so their response said are you a teacher

of Israel you don’t know these things

that’s funny

most assuredly I say to you we speak

what we know and testify what we have

seen you do not receive our witness who

is we

we speak what we know we testify what we

have seen

it’s not Jesus and the disciples

scratch that

it’s not even Jesus and the angels



Holy Spirit

now think about this read this verse in

that light again we speak

what we know

Jesus only said what he heard his father


so when he says we speak

he is saying the father

be the son

the spirit of God is upon me enabling me

to speak words of authority and Power

father son Holy Spirit

we speak what we know we testify to what

we have seen God has an interesting test

of testimony

God has an interesting testimony

now look what he says he said he says we

testify excuse me we speak what we know

we testify what we have seen you do not

receive our Witness

is it possible that Jesus is saying

nobody wants to listen to our story

nobody wants to hear our testimony

this chapter to me is an invitation to

everyone who’s born again to be restored

to the normal Christian Life

all right here’s the two verses I

actually wanted

that all everything else was hors

d’oeuvres that was the runway we’re now

we’re now about to take flight all right

verse 12. if I have told you Earthly

things and you do not believe how will

you believe if I tell you Heavenly


all right just stop right there well

I’ll read it again in a moment

when the Lord unveils gives

understanding of his kingdom

he starts

with what is the easiest for us to


which specifically is natural natural


he starts with things like


sewing and reaping

you plant corn you harvest


you plant an apple tree you harvest


your soul Mercy you receive

Mercy see he starts with natural things

because it’s the easiest for us to grab

hold of

and so what he does is he sets natural

principle in place wherever the natural

world mirrors or reflects concepts of

the kingdom of God that which we can’t


he draws parallels so that we understand

the nature of what we can’t see

are you with me

so here in this verse he says if I teach

you Earthly things and you don’t believe

if I talked about Earthly things and you

don’t get it you don’t connect the dots

how can I talk to you about Heavenly


all right

when did he do that

he did it when he said you must be born


and the Christian Life is Like wind

stay with me he set the stage for them

to grab hold of an understanding of this

unseen reality called the Dominion of


and he was letting them taste of and

have glimpses of how that world


because if we’re going to honor the

nature of this unseen reality called

God’s Dominion his kingdom

the reality of his rule his lordship if

we’re going to live under that it helps

us to understand how that world


and so In this passage he says if I talk

to you about Earthly things being born


and you’re not connecting the dots

how can I talk to you about Heavenly

things what does he mean by that

how can I talk to you about the nature

of my world that has no earthly parallel

how can I talk to you about the nature

of my world that has no earthly Peril

there’s nothing to compare it to



if I’ve told you Earthly things and you

do not believe

you know these illustrations that Jesus

gives all through scripture Parables

other things that you and I learned just

through life what the Lord will speak to

us about something natural


those are all invitations to increase


here let’s read it again so that you can

see it

if I’ve told you Earthly things and you

do not believe

so what was his intention of telling

them Earthly things

it’s that they would believe

his intended outcome as he invited them

into this dialogue into this experience

into this journey his intended outcome

was come

I want you to step into

Billy faith I want you to come into a

greater place of Faith so he invites

them but they miss it

and he says man if you’re not getting it

when I’m talking about the simple things

planting corn harvesting corn showing

Mercy reaping Mercy if you’re not making

that connection

then I can’t talk to you about my world

that has no earthly parallel what’s the

point he wants to

he wants to John 16 is is a is a

sobering portion of scripture for me

Jesus actually tells the his disciples

and the crowd he’s with I forget how

many were there but he tells this group

of people he says I have so many things

to tell you but you can’t bear it now

whenever Jesus speaks he creates

let me put it this way whenever he

speaks he releases the reality of

another world into the atmosphere

we know this is true in John 6 he said

my words to you are Spirit

and their life words become presence

so whenever Jesus spoke words became


and so here he says I have so many

things to say to you but you can’t bear

them now you don’t have the weight

carrying capacity for what I would

release over you if I told you all that

was in my heart

so that tells me number one there’s a

responsibility to be able to host him

well but also to have the character the

the the the surrender the willingness to

do whatever he says to live in that

place where you can you can carry

increased measures I think it’s all

about this increased measures of his


you say well he won’t share his glory

with another it’s true but you’re not


we are members of his body

and so he’s working to build us up in

strength and Purity and power to walk in

this in this dimension of of Christ’s


so that he can impart more so he says

I’ve got so much to say to you but you

can’t bear bear no it would it would

crush you

so here he says if I told you Earthly

things you don’t get it

how are you going to get it when I talk

to you

about reality of my world that’s within

reach that has no earthly parallel and

yet I’ve called you to broker it into

the Earth

I’ve got one more verse to read I’ll

take a few more minutes for it and then

we’ll we’ll pray

verse 13 is the mysterious verse

no one has ascended to heaven

but he who came down from heaven

that is the son of man my translation as

this phrase who is in heaven

no one has ascended to heaven

but he who came down from heaven

that is the son of man

who is in heaven all right we’ll look at

more in a moment

we know that Jesus

after his crucifixion

rose from the dead

ascended to the right hand of the father

and was glorified so Resurrection

Ascension glorification

this is before all of that this is early

in the game this is early in the three

and a half years of his ministry time so

this is towards the beginning

and here he’s talking to his disciples

can I say he’s revealing one of the

absolute keys to his his life

of answers to prayer of a hundred

percent success in Ministry of people

in bringing deliverance and healing

everyone he ministered to was healed

even those who weren’t thankful

remember the ten lepers

only one return to give thanks

the failure of nine

to display character and to give him


was not an indictment on Jesus’s



people oftentimes will look at the fruit

of a Ministry

and look at somebody who’s not walking


and blame the person who ministered to

get into it to Jesus don’t do it to your


so here Jesus says early in the game now

no one has ascended to heaven

so he’s talking to everybody says

nobody’s ascended with one exception

the one who descended

who is he talking about

himself all right so he’s got this thing

going he says all right nobody’s

ascended have it it’s one exception the

one who descended from heaven

remember Jesus came from heaven took on

flesh became a man

so he descended

no one is ascended except he who

descended that is the son of man who is

in heaven

no one has ascended to heaven

except Jesus

who lived

an ascended lifestyle

now this is very awkward and strange

Paul would later find language for it

and he would call it being seated in

Heavenly places in Christ

tragically it becomes a Doctrine not an


it was never meant to be a point of


it was supposed to be an invitation to

help the journey

the ascended lifestyle this place of of


living aware of him living aware of

Eternity living aware of Heaven itself

this place of abiding is the place of

absolute Triumph and Victory

it’s the place for the the little foxes

don’t have access

it’s it’s living above the snake line

so Jesus here

says to Nicodemus who’s already confused

which makes it so funny Jesus emphasized

it you know one of the gifted teachers

of Israel is there bewildered at

at the slightest

revelation of Truth

Jesus says nobody’s ascended to Heaven

except me

what is he saying I’ve been ascending to


that’s what he’s saying I descended but

I’ve also been ascending

or brother you’re just creating an

opportunity for


maybe we’re already deceived

already deceived into thinking this is

all there is

no one is ascended to Heaven except he

who descended that is the son of man in

this translation adds this phrase who is

in heaven Jesus is standing on planet

Earth talking to a group of guys

and he’s saying

I’m there now


I’m there now

why do you think he taught them about

abiding in him

in his words abiding in them

why do you think he emphasized these

seemingly abstract approaches to a

relationship with God when in fact they

aren’t abstract at all they’re the most

practical expression there is

the illustration it’s basic it’s not

like I have to work myself into some

kind of you know frantic place where I

imagine him but it’s not that it’s a

relationship with the person where I

live conscious of the felt presence of

God and in that journey I start seeing

things from his eyes my wife was so good

at that at this way of praying

she was so good when we would face a

crisis I remember when uh Haley of

Brennan Jen’s oldest daughter was first

born in fact it was kind of interesting

I was back at the Sunday morning back

the back door and she came she was

very great with child and uh just

wanting wanting to give birth to their

first child

and so I I laid hands on her

and honestly this only happened once so

if you’re pregnant don’t come up to me

but she immediately started into labor

just lit when I touched her she started

into labor

and come to final it was it was a very

urgent situation she went and gave birth

Haley was in very very serious condition

and a whole bunch of us were up at the

hospital our our family does things

we’re kind of like a cult really


that was a joke but I know

I know



we didn’t do grave sucking or anything

in that moment


I thought of a way to oh no I better not

mention somebody please don’t do what

I’m about to suggest

it’s a joke

I thought we could build a new building

by just selling grave sucking straws


I was doing so good tonight too I was

just so good so I stepped right off the

edge of the Earth

fell into the abyss I don’t know

I don’t even know where I was going now

Haley thank you

so we we have a bunch of us not a cult

up there uh praying a bunch of us

together praying and Benny Benny’s there

and she just she just separates herself

goes off to the side which sometimes

that’s what you need to do to get


I’ll I’ll do it sometimes on a family

we’ll bring a family member

you’ve got to be really careful because

you’re you’re dealing with people who

really love and really care well

but there are times I can feel the

weightiness of family concern is it is

is inhibiting the miracle

and so what I’ve done before I did it

right here a group of families right

here and I said I want you guys to stay

right here and pray with your permission

I would like to take your son 12 years

old if I recall right over here and

minister to him separately

because there’s so much pull

I can’t explain it tonight I just opened

a can of worms just leave it there

so Benny separated herself and she just

prayed this she said father what are we


and he gave her a very clear word

she did that within a very short period

of time Haley had completely turned


because prayer is not supposed to be us

begging God to invade a situation it’s

supposed to be us joining with the


seeing his heart

and making the decrees necessary to

bring about his will on Earth why don’t

you stand


all right

you survived

I don’t know how long I talked but it’s

obviously been a while since I’ve talked


you uh

overdose tonight

actually this is how it used to always

be you know until we had multiple

services and then

you know sometimes the Lord just

restricts you

I mean he does he he

puts you in a situation where you have

multiple Services which I’m thankful for

thankful that we need him

and you have to finish by a certain time

or you create chaos

sometimes being forced to realize

that you can do some things quickly is

good for us

but I’m so glad tonight wasn’t one of


here’s what I wanted I want to pray I

don’t know how to pray this I you know

what I’ll be really honest with you in

my pondering this tonight during worship

is my heart I’m I’m exploring these

verses this this concept has been very

real to me for probably close to 20


but I feel like I’ve just barely

scratched the surface and I ache

I ache for what Jesus

taught I ache for what he was

talking about

the ascended Lifestyle the living in

that place of fellowship with him

again it’s not some ecstatic emotional

place it’s it’s literally a part of the

journey where he lets you see

through his eyes he lets you feel what

he feels in his heart if we become so so

one with him that he can trust us to ask


I don’t have an ambition to have my way

with God where he does whatever I want

him to do I

that’s terrifying

I I don’t I don’t I’m not interested in

that but I am interested

in being the Fulfillment of his dream

he actually designed it

to where

I could live in the felt realization of

his presence

I could host his word in my soul as the

greatest of treasures

and the end result would be

I could speak and things would happen

I’m not looking for some

you know

some self-gratification I I I’m

my gratification is his Delight over me

his pleasure his Delight

everything else pales by comparison


all right

and you’re here on a Sunday night

because in some measure you ache for


as much as I do

yeah we’re not here just trying to spend

time we’re not we don’t need any more


but we’re looking for the reality of

Christ that which is destined us for

to become a felt reality and actual


part of our life

and so I want to pray I want to pray for

you maybe as important or more

importantly is your own prayer

for you

I’m going to ask you to do this I’m

going to pray over you but I’m going to

ask you to do this I want to ask

I want to ask everybody in the room to

begin to pray over your own heart

but I’m going to ask you to do it out

loud not loud

but I want you to be able to hear your

own voice

timid prayers get timid answers

courageous prayers

get courageous answers

and I’m going to ask you to pray with

some measure of Courage

as you as you ask the Lord let me see

what you see

I want to live with the felt realization

presence somehow take whatever stood out

to you tonight put it in your own words

and pray it out loud and then I’m going

to pray over you all right so go ahead

and do that right now just begin to pray

thank you God thank you

yeah keep going you’re doing so good I

it’s really an anointing on your prayers

right now

very powerful

keep praying


let me pray over you father we are

hungry we’re hungry

we’re hungry to discover this thing of

Eternity in our hearts this DNA that

you’ve given us

that we have written into our code

the fact that we are alive forever and

we get to spend eternity with you so I’m

asking that you would heighten our

awareness of the presence of the spirit

of God number one make us more and more

and more aware of the God who is with us

Emmanuel The God Who is with us

the abiding presence of the spirit of

God the resting presence of the spirit

of God

heighten that in US make everything

about us our physical sentence senses

our our intellectual capacity our

emotional perception everything about us

heightened to your presence

I ask that you would make us more aware

now of Heaven and the way Heaven


and Eternity that we would live

conscious of that

and then I ask this ascended lifestyle

you who ascended

and you taught us from this place a

perfect fellowship with the father

let us know in the days the weeks the

months even the years ahead what it is

to live

an ascended lifestyle ascended to the

right hand of the father All Because of

Jesus all because of the blood of Jesus

let us live conscious and aware of

Eternity of your presence your heart

your mind I pray these things in Jesus


amen amen

now we’re gonna uh before I I have

somebody come up and and direct Ministry

time there are some folks here that uh

suffer with


migraines some of you have had them for

20 years or longer

and the Lord is I believe is healing

those tonight anybody who has any kind

of migraine issue uh right right down

here all right anybody else put your

hand up just put it up high yeah put it

up high I I want I want believing

Believers to gather around them and

pronounce over them this is what here’s

what I want you to say

I want you to lift that thing off their

head and I want you to announce to them

this ends tonight and then pray for the

fullness of the spirit of God upon their

bodies upon their minds go ahead and

pray pray right now we break that curse

of the enemy that would steal and


we declare this an illegal assault of

the enemy



okay keep praying is there anyone in the

room with cancer

put your hand to pipe if uh if you have

cancer right back over here there’s two

over here I need some folks together on

these two is there any any others way

back over here there’s another one I

need some folks keep praying if you’re

praying for the migraines because I want

us I want this thing to end tonight all

right I want to end tonight but we’ve

got some they’re able to join these

others anyone with cancer

uh there’s also an inner ear issue I

know I mentioned ear infections earlier

I’m not convinced that’s the problem

there’s somebody who has an issue at the

inner ear that the Lord is healing who

is that is that right here is there

anybody else that way way back there

issue with the inner ear oh goodness we

have a whole bunch right back there

all right there’s okay right back over


I think uh who is it the inner ear

I think I’m going to get this right the

problem in the ear inner ear actually

affects your teeth

way back uh way back by the by The Malt

the molars is that you here or the Lord

is healing you the teeth and the inner


it is right there

all right now lay hands on these folks

and we’re going to contend for that

breakthrough for them right now

um there’s TMJ that is being healed

uh if if that’s you just uh grab

somebody next to you and grab their hand

and put it under your jaw or something I

don’t know but put a hand up high if you

see somebody else with their hand up

just lay hands on him

all right we declare that release of a

miracle over those uh with the migraines

and uh

go ahead and release them start laying

hands on some of these others we’ve got

to pray for more we’ve got TMJ right

down here uh right right in this out

yeah some of you gather around her


you know the Lord’s healing there’s

there’s also somebody here

I’m not positive on this so let me just

give it as I as I can feel it there’s

somebody who has a problem in the

muscles of your body

specifically on your right side

who is is that you back here

specifically on your right side there’s

a muscle issue here all right there’s

another one here right here I I believe

the Lord is releasing you right now

tonight lay hands on them and just

declare it’s a finished work it’s a

finished work of Christ we declare this

in Jesus name right here’s another one

is it a gentleman with his hand up right

here in the aisle some of you lay hands

on that right side of his body this

infirmity Ends Tonight in Jesus name


take just a moment longer to pray for


okay we’re about to wrap this up and

then go to the ministry team or or

however you guys want to do it

also is there is there somebody here you

have some sort of a disease in your

bones in the skeletal system itself

it’s it’s some I can I can actually is

that over here or right over here okay

oh there’s another one there all right

all right well lay hands on him and pray

uh just command that infirmity that

Affliction in the bones to depart now in

Jesus name

all right get it got about 30 seconds to

pray for them and then we’re gonna wrap

this up and I’m going to need all your

attention up here and uh

all right we declare the healing word of

Jesus over the bones the skeletal uh

system the muscular system specifically

that right side it must be connected to

nerves as well that must must go a thing

whatever it is we just declare the

wholeness of King Jesus over here in

Jesus name all right just give me your

attention up here for a moment if you



I realized some of the things that we

prayed for actually require need uh like

uh maybe an x-ray or doctor’s test but

I’ve also noticed there are times where

the Lord will give a tangible sign to

somebody in fact the Lord’s healing

bipolar tonight


I’ve watched this for years the Lord

will give when when you know that you

need an x-ray or blood test whatever

he will oftentimes give a tangible sign

to somebody

in advance so they know what God has

done and then they go with confidence

and find out that there was actually a


I’ve seen it with this trauma to the

Head where there’s actually a lightness

almost like um

weird expression it’s almost

minty fresh

things are so clear

and thought and they weren’t 10 minutes


so I want everybody to received prayer

for anything tonight examine yourself

right now and that means trying to do

what you couldn’t do you see well

there’s nothing I couldn’t do well in

some way move just do something don’t

stand wait for something to happen put

faith into an activity

and yeah begin to move that arm around

that uh that check that right side of

your body now everyone who’s at least 80

percent better I want of anything we

prayed for tonight wave both hands over

your head like this would you just put

your hands over here like that way okay

look around the room we’ve got a lot of

folks a lot of folks Lord we thank you

for that


uh and the and the really cool thing is

is there’s a lot of people in the room

that don’t know they’re healed yet

but when you find out tomorrow morning

or whatever tell somebody would you just

tell somebody

all right why don’t we give a shot of

thanks and praise


the Lord come on yeah I’m so glad that

you watched this video I do pray that

it’s a great great strength and

encouragement to you and I’ve got a

verse that it really is My Cry for all

of us and it’s Psalms 20 it’s verse 4.

may he grant you your heart’s desire and

fulfill all your plans

that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us