Do you really value the words that you speak? Learn to skillfully speak words that will bring about success in your life. #BWOF #LawofConfession

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and


there is a law of confession every time

you can predict what’s gonna happen

every time now what has happened we’ve

not made the connection between what we

say and what we get in this life or what

we have now you can speak life or you

can speak what that we think our words

are just sound we think that words of

this noise they’re not the spirit your

spirit is a bag that holds words and

whatever words are in there when you

come under attack that’s what comes out

so demons are waiting on your mouth they

are perched waiting on your conversation

their job is to get you to loose your

tongue and to get you to say something

that God didn’t say so every belief in

me that God was not the author of he’s

got plans to rid it out if you can fix

your confession in line with the Word of

God all your needs will be met

all right I’m going to start reading

here at Matthew chapter 12 and verse 33

either make the tree good or is through

good or else make the tree corrupt or

his fruit and his fruit corrupt for a

tree is known by his fruit I just want

you to see that this tree has been given

a gender call it him his meaning that

this there’s there’s some life here I’m

talking about and going down the next

verse verse 34 o generation of vipers

how can you being evil speak good things

for out of the abundance of the heart

the mouth speaks

no this generation of vipers what is a

viper snake now we’re going back to the

garden how can you being evil speak good

things for out of the abundance of the

heart the mouth speaks

so now we go on down here and say verse

35 a good man out of the good treasure

or you can put in your Bible deposit of

the heart brings forth good things and

an evil man out of the evil treasure of

deposit bringeth forth what kind of

things evil things so you can’t have

good things deposit it inside and speak

evil but neither can you have evil

things inside and speak good okay now

let’s go on down to the next verse verse

36 but I say to you that every idle word

that men shall speak they shall give

account thereof in the day of judgment

now this judgment don’t look at it as

the end of the age and we all stand

before the judgment seat of Christ and

get rewarded for the things that we’ve

done to this earth and so forth that is


type of judgment but again I think this

particular judgment also includes the

things that you say on a daily basis

that you are reaping the judgment of

what you say okay all right now let’s go

on down because this is a clincher verse

37 for by thy words thou shalt be what

justified and by thy words thou shalt be

what condemn now it says thou but it

means your by your words you’re going to

be justified and by your words you’re

going to be condemned now the word

justified there means be made free or to

be acquitted somebody has a trial and

they’re acquitted they’re made free but

by thy words thou shalt be condemned

condemned needs to be put in bondage or

to be sentenced so by their words your

words there’s what’s going to happen to

your life now this is Jesus now because

what has happened is the enemy because

of man’s misunderstanding has used some

of the laws that God put in the earth

and had mankind to use those laws

against himself now I’ll show you what I

mean here in just a minute let’s look at

Matthew chapter 13 and let’s go further

into verse 10 and 11 and the disciples

came to him and said it to him came and

said unto him why speaketh unto them in

parables now Jesus was teaching in

parables giving a natural illustration

of something in the spirit and verse 11

and he answered and said unto them

because it is given unto you to know the

mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but

to them is not given now it’s given to

you to know who was Jesus talking to

he’s talking to

his people he was talking to those who

followed him the disciples those who had

who he’s teaching to know the mysteries

what a mysteries

raaah hidden truths or things that are

not comprehended naturally in other

words it something that’s beyond natural

comprehension or you put hidden truths

but what does the devil in it done it’s

the enemy and and I’m not trying to

mention him too much now but he has

covered up these truths so people have

not made a relationship between what

they say and what’s in their lives see

in fact in the beginning you and I were

never designed to say anything we didn’t

want because it would be produced we

were made in the image of who God now

God speaks what he wants if God came in

here today and say well today is Tuesday

what happened to Sunday interchange the

Tuesday because God said it when God

releases things and he says things he’s

saying things because he released them

because as he speaks these things they

come to pass so we were designed like

God we were never designed to speak

things that we didn’t expect to come to

pass but through the fall and the curse

the enemy separated those two whereas a

person speak stuff and they don’t expect

it to come to pass and they have not


the connection between what they say and

what they have in their lives now we’re

calling this the law of confession say

law of confession all right I had to go

back up here first I went to find out

what is a law because we know that there

are laws there’s Commandments there’s

there’s there’s ordinances of God so

forth and so on and we know they’re

ceremonial laws and religious laws and

then there’s civil laws and criminal

laws we know these are laws but let me

talk about the law from a physical

standpoint a law is a principle now a

principle is a foundation of some of the

ground supporting system of some a

principle based on predictable

circumstances of an act a principle

based on predictable circumstances of an

act it’s a law is something that works

the same way every time it is something

that is predictable

the law of gravity Isaac Newton or

whoever it was that that that came up

with a the formula for for being able to

calculate how long it would take if you

drop the pebble may be weighing one

pound out of a 15-story building how

long would it take it to hit the ground

and what speed is going here that I mean

they can calculate that it’ll work same

every time that’s a law principles

predictable outcome got it so when when

I was in the military I went into polity

and we went there and all of us gathered

there I mean all of dollar guys who were

new in the military and we went to pilot

training in San Antonio Texas and here

we were and they first took us through

something called ground school now in

ground school they were teaching us

about flying and see Jesus was teaching

and preaching and preaching is designed

to bring inspiration but teaching is

designed to bring understanding and

that’s why the churches today God has a

real teaching spirit we’re teaching a

lot well because we’ve been inspired but

now we need to learn something so what

happened was they were teaching us

ground school how to fly but they’re

teaching us about the airplane that if

you take an airplane run it down a

runway pick up certain speed then you

got air coming over the wings and that

air coming of the wings creates a a lift

a coefficient of lift and it draws the

airplane up and this lift causes this

airplane to fly and it overcomes gravity

but I got to have some speed so now I

got understanding of this now understand

before we had that some of the pilots we

would our first airplane that we were

taught to fly was a little Cessna 172

with a single-engine propeller in the

front and you’re going up and you go on

up and so forth and then then do some

things and some of the guys would come

down sick some of them would have have

you know come forth in the airplane

y’all know what I mean come forward spit

up so they’d give some of them a bag so

that they wouldn’t mess up the airplane

so forth Wow now they’re learning to fly

but see at first they thought they were

going to die because they had no

understanding that if I keep this air

flowing over this thing this thing can’t

go down they gave us understanding about

it because it took away all the fear

that it will fly

are y’all with me so now I know it if I

put the power to that rascal and I’m

going down this runway if I pick up a

certain speed I got my V speech if I

pick up certain speed this thing gonna

lift off I don’t care whether it’s the

size of a house or just a little little

Piper Cub is gonna take off got it

so now it’s not amazing to me to see it


come on now but when some people see a

big 747 out there tacks in and then that

tank take off this a part as amazing in


see because they haven’t understood the

laws of flight now let’s put it in

another setting here is Jesus he’s

preaching on the shoreline preaching

about increase and so now they’re

pushing on him and he asks this man

Simon Peter that uses boat now Simon had

been fishing how long all night so now

you gave me use of his boat and Simon

got a net with him push I learned from

sure Jesus sat down and taught they

taught then he turned to Simon and said

launch out into the deep let down your

nets for a catch

what does Simon do he began to tell

Jesus all the reasons why that was a

foolish request one you don’t fish in

the daytime up in here because the fish

will see the net and the schools of fish

would run hey and so forth and my

family’s been in fishing business for 13

years and I’m a union man all the reason

why should be then he said nevertheless

come on at that word I’m a launch out he

lost South they caught a net breaking

boats sinking load of fish so many they

call it partners that both begin to sink

they caught so many and then Peter came

back in and he was astonished at the

catch now why wasn’t Jesus astonished

because the law is predictable that it

will work the same

every time I don’t care who works it if

you meet the biblical requirements of it

it’ll do the same for you as it did for

Peter and it did 40 now this business

does go clean your clock out jack

totally predictable totally predictable

confession is a law you got to start

with that see cuz you still think of

something that might happen it might not

uh how about when Jesus spoke to the

tree here he was he passed by this tree

he came to tree to get some fruit first

of all and he came to see if anything

was on it nothing was on the tree just

leaves like folk lives ain’t nothing in

there just leave just blowing in the

wind so what we gonna fix that done we

gonna fix it say prays alone so what

happens he goes and he then saw the tree

had no food on he said no man eats fruit

of you hereafter forever and the

disciples heard it now he didn’t say

they overheard it now he’s teaching they

heard it then they went on down to

Jerusalem down there did some business

down there in the temple and so forth

his on and then that night they went

back up to Bethany and to rest he and

his disciples then the next morning they

got up going back down to Jerusalem

again passing by that tree Peter call it

a remembers master hello here behold the

fig tree you you spoke to you sir look

at it it’s withered away it’s dried up

from the roof

now he was astonished but was Jesus has

stopped I’d be surprised and astonished

if the airplane don’t fly see will say

Jesus would be astonished into tree one

dried up I want you to get to a place

where if you speak something

we won’t do this I said we’re gonna do


and we can get there but we going to

take a process here of teaching and we

going to revalue your words because

right now the words that you’re speaking

for the most part don’t have the weight

and the value that they’re supposed to

have and that’s why we say anything you

know hey I got ya you know you making me

sick you know that don’t you see you

don’t want to be sick come on and then

we say that you know my feet are just

what killing me killing me now you ain’t

ready to die how about this one

hey yeah y’all going to I’m dying to go

you what you dying to go now I mean

ended up no longer the other thing Oh


nah girl you know ah ah that’s


the way wait a minute now I’m talking

about there some other things we go you

gonna be able to sift your speech come

on through our sifter of the whole ego

and he goes show you where your problem

is it’s what it’s below you know coming

over to proverbs chapter 18 please oh we

go do it with this one saints of God ha

ha ha

tell the devil to pack up all right tell

me if I’m reading this right now I’m

looking at verse 21 death and life are

in the power of the devil now that

didn’t say that come on shut me down no

no where is death and life in the power

of your tongue and they that love it

shall eat the fruit thereof a good man

out of the good deposit of his heart is

bringing forth good thing that an evil

man out of the evil treasure for are

bringing forth evil thing a tree is

known by his fruit whatever is in your

life right now is because inside of you

oh love Jesus

hallelujah no I will come back to this

but I’m not gonna do it right now

because we got a whole treatment around

this right here

death and life and the power of what the


you can speak life to your life or you

can speak what death to your life all

right let’s go because there’s spiritual

laws and natural laws say spiritual laws

and natural laws alright let’s go to

Hebrews chapter one please Hebrews

chapter one

alright let me know when you get to

Hebrews chapter one and verse one God

who at sundry times and divers manners

spake in time past unto the father’s by

the prophets and as in these last days

spoken to us by his son whom he had

appointed what heir of all things by

whom also he made the world the Charles

be Williams translation says it this way

that Jesus Christ the son was appointed

lawful owner of everything now do you

know why that’s so profound to me cuz

I’m a joy and

alright look at the next verse who being

the brightness of his glory and the

Express image of his person and

upholding all things by the word of his

power when he had by himself purged our

sins sat down on the right hand of the

Majesty on high now there’s a part of

that verse I want you to see who being

the brightness of his glory this Express

image of his person and upholding all

things by the word of his power on the

line upholding all things by the word of

his power Dan said power of his words it

said the word of his power another

translation living Bible says he written

he regulates the universe by the mighty

power of his command he regulates the

universe by the mighty power of his

command now God says let there be one

light and there was what like now

understand scientists tell us that the

universe is still expanding at the speed

of light because once God says it and

puts it in motion it nothing can stop it

so now we’ve got gravity in the earth

now what’s keeping gravity here what god

spoke which is a higher law of the

Spirit the law of the physical or

natural laws gravity it’s so father’s on

are governed by a more powerful

spiritual law when God

oh this universe it’s staying right

there where God spoken because his word

is there making it stay right where he

said it

well I trusted you were blessed by this

powerful teaching it’s called the law of

confession it’s part of a message that I

preached some years ago it’s a

three-disc series and here’s a very

important point that you want to

remember a law is a principle or

foundation based on predictable

circumstances of an act now there is

something called the vocabulary of

silence and after you’ve made a

confession just close your mouth is God

why because once you release that

confession in faith something is working

for you

praise God now announce it’s going to

give you some important information how

you can order this powerful teaching on

the law of confession I’ll be right back

there is a law of confession every time

you can predict what’s gonna happen

every time now what has happened we’ve

not made the connection between what we

say and what we get in this life or what

we have now you can speak life or you

can speak what that we think our words

are just sound we think our words of

this noise they’re not there spirit your

spirit is a bag that holds words and

whatever words are in there when you

come under attack that’s what comes out

so demons are waiting on your mouth they

are perched waiting on your conversation

their job is to get you to loose your

tongue and to get you to say something

that God didn’t say so every belief in

me that God was not the author of he’s

got plans to rid it out if you can fix

your confession in line with the Word of

God all your needs will be met

value the power that is released through

your words in pastor Winston’s

barrier-breaking three-disc series the

law of confession to order on CD or dvd

contact us online at or

by phone at 1-800-711-9327 and get your

copy of the Divine favor book today in

the Gospel of Matthew chapter 12 and

verse 37 says for by thy words thou

shalt be justified and by thy words thou

shalt be condemned notice its words now

because of man’s misunderstanding of

this law that God put in the earth

mankind has used the laws against

themselves in other words people said

well I’m catching a cold

nothing about that who really wants to

go and catch a cold they we’ve taken

those words and he’s perverted to

thinking in those words sometimes we

don’t even know what we’re saying

but what is happening is the law is

still working bringing a person under

the bondage that they don’t even want to

be under well we’re going to teach you

more about that next time so until next

time this is no incident saying keep

walking by faith

God want to take you somewhere that’s

gonna make you distinguish there was

confirmation that took place tonight

there was revelation that came tonight

you need to be excellent on your level

through science we are actually admiring

God courage is nothing more than your

faith reaching through your fear

displaying itself as action in your life

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