Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – The Kind of Life That Stirs Revival

Priscilla Shirer (born December 31, 1974) is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian evangelist. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is Christian entertainer Anthony Evans.
The daughter of Tony Evans, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas,[1] Priscilla grew up well acquainted with the Bible. As a freshman at the University of Houston, she interned with a Christian radio station. Soon listeners were calling the station, inviting Priscilla to speak at their Bible study groups and other events. Soon she was invited to lead a weekly Bible study at the Zig Ziglar Corporation and then to join its speaker team. Priscilla has worked as an independent contractor for CBS and hosted a local television show, but recently she has focused solely on Christian ministry opportunities. She calls Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, her mentor in ministry.

Together the Shirers established Going Beyond Ministries, a speaking bureau featuring Priscilla. The parents of three young boys, the Shirers share ministry and family responsibilities. While Priscilla continues to minister full-time, Jerry manages his schedule and other business aspects of Going Beyond Ministries.

Priscilla speaks around the world at churches and other events, including the LifeWay Christian Resources-sponsored Going Beyond conference and Deeper Still: The Event, where she shares the stage with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. She has also authored several books.

Shirer graduated from Duncanville High School and Dallas Theological Seminary, earning a master’s degree from the latter in Biblical Studies.

In 1993, Shirer was a freshman at the University of Houston. Shirer was married in 1999 to Jerry Shirer, former Hilton Hotels executive. The couple has three sons.

In 2013, Shirer was a speaker at the 2013 Women of Faith conference. In 2015, Shirer made her film debut in the Kendrick Brothers film War Room. In October 2016, Shirer was recognized as one of four prominent women of faith during the 10th anniversary of God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program at The Potter’s House.[1] Shirer also featured at the 47th GMA Dove Awards.


hey you may take your seats it’s been a

phenomenal day hasn’t it phenomenal day

the entire weekend has been phenomenal

that God has a medicine this place I

want to encourage you before we jump

into God’s Word for this final session I

just want to encourage you tomorrow to

be planted in the house of God can I do

that for a second I want to encourage

you that whatever your home church is

what we have experienced over these last

few days was not intended to take the

place of Sunday morning tomorrow

make your pastor so glad that he sent

you out to this place that you go back

refueled filled planted ready to worship

in spirit and truth and add to what God

is doing in your house he has placed you

in your local church for a reason if

you’re staying and hanging out in the

area I’m so excited that I’ll be at

James River so if you want to join me

there I’ll be there I’m so excited to be

there and to be in the church tomorrow

I’m excited about what God is gonna do

in all of our churches for his glory I’m

looking forward to just a few more

moments in the Word of God I’ve asked

the Lord to put a little bit of an

exclamation point or at least a good you

know period there at the end of this

sentence he’s been writing over the last

few days let’s pray and ask him to do

that Lord Jesus I thank you for these

few moments that we will spend in your

word speak father we’re eager to hear in

Jesus name Amen

I want to tell you about a professor he

was a professor of theology in the 1940s

in Europe and he had a group of

university students that he wanted to

take on a field trip of sorts his name

was Professor or Orr he wanted to take

these students on a field trip so that

they could maybe see and encounter some

of the things that they had studied that

he wanted to take them to the home and

the workplaces of

great theologians of old one of them

being John Wesley John Wesley was one of

the one of the great reformers of the

church so much of the doctrine and the

theology upon which the church rests to

this day

John Wesley and others like him

contemporaries like him they really did

work through a lot of that scriptural

content and helped the church to be in a

state of health theologically so you and

I have benefited from folks like John

Wesley and so Professor or took his

theology students so that they could see

John Wesley’s home on this particular

occasion and of course these theology

students they loved excuse me the idea

of this pardon me they loved the idea

this because they had studied John

Wesley his stuff and his theology in his

life and so they went to his home they

walked into his home and they saw the

kitchen that John Wesley would have

eaten at the kitchen table that he would

have sat at they went into his study

they looked at at the desk where he

would have sat and where he would have

gotten some work done and they marveled

at some of the books that were still

there preserved on his shelves and they

just sort of ran their fingers over

those old spines just sort of excited

about that that literature that was

there they looked at some of his notes

that were written handwritten some of

them had been preserved still on the

desk John Wesley’s death after they left

the study they went up the stairs to the

bedroom the most intimate dwelling of

John Wesley and they walked inside of

that room and they walked as they kind

of filed around they walked around the

outer side of the bed and when they came

around the outer side of the bed

professor or pointed out to very well

worn patches that were marked into the

carpet in the flooring therein John

Wesley’s bedroom professor or remarked

to the students that those two patches

in the carpet where where John Wesley

when he would get up in the morning

would plant one knee and then the other

into this spot on the carpet where he

would be not just for a couple minutes a

day but several hours where he would

bend the knee before God his hands

outstretched in prayer asking that the

Lord would bring revival to the Church

of Jesus Christ we prayed day in and day

out week in and week out month in and

month out that God would bring a revival

that would sweep through not only his

part of the world but that would sweep

through America that he wanted that he

wanted the Holy Spirit to reign down in

so much power and authority that people

in masse would come to know Jesus Christ

as Lord as the prayers of John Wesley

and his contemporaries that really did

compel the first and great revive first

and second great revivals of the 1900s

to sweep through our country where

people in Mass were coming to know Jesus

Christ as Lord it started with two

patches on the floor in a man’s bedroom

sort of like what Lisa was describing

earlier today just one person choosing

to bend the knee before God the students

just kind of filed through the bedroom

just taking note of everything they saw

there they then left the bedroom they

walked back downstairs got back onto the

bus so that they could go to the next

stop on their tour that they had that

day when the professor got on the bus he

counted to make sure that all his

students were there before he left and

he realized one was missing

so he walked back into the house into

the kitchen nobody was there and he

walked into the study and nobody was

there and so he walked back up the

stairs and he says that before he even

crossed the threshold to go into the

bedroom he could already hear that

someone was inside so he crossed that

threshold he went into the bedroom he

walked around the outer side of the bed

and there with each of his knees planted

into the exact spots where John Wesley

had worn patches into the ground there

was one of his students with his hands

outstretched praying do it it can’t in

Lord Lord would you do it again and

would you please start with me

professor or went over to him rested his

hand on his shoulder and said hey the

students were on the bus it’s time for

us to go come on and rising from his

knees Billy Graham went and joined the

rest of the students on the bus that day

I’m so glad that along the way in

history there have been some folks who

dared to ask God for revival who dared

to be the ones that said that what we’ve

experienced this encounter that we’ve

had with God what we’ve seen it do God’s

presence doing the lives of other people

we want to see that sweep further and

wider and bigger and broader we want

other people to come to know the Lord I

just wonder what would happen if 10,000

sisters in Springfield decided to be the

ones with knees planted and arms

outstretched that that we’ve decided to

be the ones not to be selfish with what

we’ve experienced in here but to be the

ones to pray and ask God to ask God to

sweep revival through this country in

which we live that his spirit would

spread far and wide to every tribe and

every tongue every culture every

background every race every denomination

would know the power of the Holy Spirit

he’s been far too good to us over the

last three days for us not to want other

people to know a little bit about this

God that we serve there’s a portion of

Scripture that I want to draw your

attention to in which we see revival

happening it’s in the book of Mark in

mark chapter 1 just a couple of things I

want to point out to you that are going

to help you and I to leave this place in

a few moments and be stirs of revival be

people who cause other folks appetite to

be wet for a little bit of what we’ve

experienced mark chapter 1 I want to

just point out two little simple verses

to you and then we’re going to look

through portions of this chapter

together mark chapter 1 verse 28 says

this and immediately

the news about Jesus went out everywhere

into all of the surrounding district of

Galilee listen to that again immediately

the news about Jesus with everywhere

verse 45 the last line of verse 45 says

and they were coming to him from

everywhere that sounds like revival to

me that’s what we’re after we want

people coming to Jesus he says if you

lift up the light I will do the drawing

if you will exalt my name through your

life if your lifestyle will reveal the

power and the Grace and the glory of God

if you just live according to the power

that I have given you by God’s Spirit

that lives on the inside of you you lift

me up I’m the one that will draw people

to myself so that folks will be coming

to him from everywhere I saw these two

little verses or these two lines really

in mark chapter 1 and I wanted to know

what was it that was happening in the

first chapter of Matt mark that

compelled people to come to Jesus in

this way I figured that if you and I

could take a little walk through the

first chapter of Mark you and I would

leave with some instruction on the kind

of life that stirs revivals everybody

okay with that as I looked through mark

chapter one it occurred to me that the

entirety of this chapter really is about

it about Jesus it’s a it’s a day in the

life of Jesus Christ and if there’s

gonna be any example for us to follow if

there is any life that is exemplary

enough that you and I would want to

emulate and model a life like that

person I think that person would be

Jesus Christ and it turns out that mark

chapter 1 is about Jesus Christ there

are things that he did things that he

said ways that he interacted with other

people where when he did it it’s

terrible it compelled people to turn

their attention to him there are many

characteristics throughout this chapter

I figured we could just take two or

three of them for just a few moments

this afternoon everybody okay with that

are y’all still awake would you just

pinch the woman’s

pinched her shoulder and said girl get

up get up

the very first characteristic the first

characteristic about Jesus Christ that I

wanted to highlight to you today so that

we can emulate these characteristics of

our Lord found in verse 21 mark 1:21 it

says this and they meaning Jesus and the

disciples they went to Capernaum and

immediately I mean as soon as they got

to Capernaum they just got off the

airplane immediately on the Sabbath he

entered the synagogue and he began to

teach verse 21 tells us that Jesus and

the twelve disciples on this day they

took a little journey by foot of course

uh probably they took this trip they

entered into Capernaum and it was

immediately that on the Sabbath day

there was a need somebody needed to

teach Jesus walked into the synagogue I

want you to get the picture here there

would have been a crowd of people not

only there to listen and to hear and

learn but there would have also been the

regular teachers that were in the house

that day the folks that people would

expect and anticipate to carry the

burden of the teaching on that occasion

because they usually did the scribes the

Pharisees the Sadducees the religious

literally der’s the people that had the

knowledge that intellect they studied at

their whole lives nobody knew about this

Jesus that had come out of Nazareth they

weren’t sure exactly about who he is or

what he could actually do what they did

know was that the Sadducees and the

Pharisees these were the people who

usually carried the burden of teaching

on the Sabbath day in the synagogue but

here’s the characteristic that we see of

Jesus that on this day he walks into the

synagogue in the place where humanly

speaking he would have been outmatched

that he would have been the underdog he

would have been the one that people

pointed to as unable and unsuited for

the task that was at hand and yet we do

not see Jesus in this moment where he

has not had time to prepare he hasn’t

gone and gotten the seminary degree he


studied for this particular task he just

walks up and in the power of the holy

spirit that rests on him he demonstrates

what it’s like to have supernatural

ability do you know what’s gonna compel

people to come to this God that we serve

it’s when you go back home or back to

your job or back to that organization

where you know the task to which you

have been assigned you’re the underdog

you’re not as smart as they are you

don’t have as much skill as they do you

don’t have as much talent as she does

and yet somehow by the power of Almighty

God that marks your life you do not

shrink back in fear and insecurity

passing off the task to somebody else

but you believe that if God has called

you to it he’s gonna equip you for it

and you step into the gap and you fill

the space and the power of Almighty God

when the world sees us operated y’all

with supernatural ability the world will

take note that there’s got to be a God

that we serve that is giving us this

kind of confidence not confidence in our

own flesh but confidence in the power of

God to operate in our weakness y’all one

of the main ways we’re gonna see the

power of God in our own experience I’m

talking about where this God that was

powerful enough to divide the Red Sea in

the Old Testament powerful enough to

raise Lazarus from the dead in the New

Testament one of the ways we’re gonna

see this god of the Bible leap off the

page and actually experience him in a

tangible real practical way in our lives

do you know when that happens

it happens when you’re in a position

that you’re in over your head it is

beyond you you know you’re not capable

you don’t have enough time you don’t

have enough money you don’t have enough

patience you don’t have enough ideas you

don’t have enough creativity you’re not

gifted enough talented enough and yet

you excel by the power of God it’s when

he takes you into a position where you

know you can’t do it in your natural

resources and he gives you his resources

to complete the task here’s the trouble

with us when we’re compelled to do

something for which we know we’re

outmatched we let fear talk us out of

doing it which means we let fear talk us

out of an opportunity to experience God

I want to compel you it encourage you

that if you’ve been shrinking back in

insecurity from a task to what you know

you have been called but you’ve been

passing it off to somebody else who you

think is more suited for the task I want

to ask you to consider the fact that

that exact opportunity is the way he

plans to demonstrate his power through

you it’s the way he intends for

everybody else in your office to want to

know about this god that you served it’s

the way he intends for the people that

are on your University campus or or are

in that organization or that ministry in

which you’re involved this is the way

where he will draw attention to himself

he will glorify himself when we step

into the places for which we are not

capable in our own natural talent and

ability have a friend who puts it this

way we pray for miracles but then in the

next breath we pray and say lord please

keep me out of any situation in which a

miracle would actually be required

anybody everybody wants to see the Red

Sea divided but nobody actually beat

wants to be the one that’s face to face

with a Red Sea everybody wants to see

the walls of Jericho come tumbling down

but nobody wants to be the one who

actually has to walk around those walls

in obedience to God’s Word we want to

see miracles but nobody wants to be in a

place where we have to see miracles when

you’ve been compelled to do something

for which you know you are outmatched

but you know God’s Spirit is compelling

you to do it anyway this is your

opportunity to see the power of God on

display if he’s called you to the Red

Sea that means he intends to divide it

if you’ll just show up hold out your rod

and expect that great supernatural

things are on the way


Jesus demonstrate supernatural ability

and this is exactly what the Apostle

Paul said the Apostle Paul said y’all

have learned to boast in my weakness he

says I don’t just tolerate my weaknesses

I actually get thrilled about my


he says when I’m in a position where I

know I am weak where I know I’m not

skilled enough or talented enough I’ve

been placed into a position I’ve been

given a promotion I’ve been given an

opportunity that for which I have not

trained I did not get a degree in that I

don’t have enough connections for that I

just am NOT excellent enough in that

trade to really excel in my natural

talent Paul says when I’m in a position

like that he says I get the most

thrilled because my weakness is a

platform for the strength of God to be

put on display so you know if we pray

and say Lord I want to see you if that’s

your prayer if over the course of these

three days we’ve spent together if you

have it any point pray god I want to see

you I don’t want to just read about you

and I don’t want to just hear about you

I don’t want to only celebrate the

testimonies of other people who have

seen you show up and their lives I’m

grateful for their testimonies but if

you can do it for them I want you to do

it for me I don’t want to just hear

about you God I want to see you I want

you to know when you pray that prayer

most of the time he answers by putting

you in a situation for which you are

ill-prepared and outmatched his answer

is okay be weak so I can be strong

this trait exemplifies our God that

Jesus in the scenario stepped into a

position were humanly speaking he was

outmatched surrounded by people who were

more skilled for the task and yet Jesus

Christ entered the synagogue immediately

without preparation and just did the

thing that was his assignment to do in

that moment I have as I mentioned to you

guys before I got these three boys and

they love sports I mentioned that they

are really big boys and that works for

them with sports I remember when they

first fell in love with sports I

remember the exact day that it happened

it was a Christmas Day let me tell you a

little bit about Christmas that at our

house Christmas is Christmas at our

house up until recently it’s changed now

because they’re older but for the

longest time this was my Christmas MO I

would go to the dollar store and I would

pick them just two or three things out

for Christmas morning at our house and

the reason I did that is because my

children have grandparents are there any

grandparents in the room today any

grandparents we want you to know we love

you listen we need you to keep doing

what you do because every Christmas

around noon or so the entirety of my

family we all go to my parents house my

parents still live in the exact same

house that they raised us in it’s a

small house really but all four of us my

siblings and I are the four of us all of

our spouses all of our children so there

are like 30 of us that are piled into

this fairly small house and we’re just

all on top of each other in our onesies

for the day you know celebrating

Christmas and that is where my children

get the loot

so for the longest time what I did was

go to the dollar store

I’m decided to milk that as long as I

could you know till they realize that

what they were getting when worth


and I’m the kind of mom also that would

not just get the thing from the dollar

store but what I would also do is let’s

say it had parts to it like it was a bow

and arrows well I would unpackage it and

then I would wrap the bow on the arrow

so that it just seemed like a lot of

stuff you know and they were thrilled I

milk that for a long time

so they would open up this stuff but one

Christmas Gerry decided to splurge and

what Gerry did was he went to an actual

Toys R Us and he got this baseball

machine it was just this little toy

baseball plastic machine that would

catapult baseballs out at a certain

frequency and a certain velocity and a

kid would stand there with a plastic

helmet on and a plastic bat waiting for

the ball to come out and swing get the

balls as they came out so the boys

opened up this gift I didn’t even have

my youngest son at the time the oldest

must have been like 5 and then I had a 3

year old and they were so excited and

you know how it is on Christmas morning

they don’t care that it’s 6 o’clock in

the morning they want you to put that

thing together right away and they don’t

care that it’s freezing outside you got

to go outside to play with the toy and

so there we were standing there with our

robe on freezing as my three-year-old

who is my more gregarious outgoing son

he was so excited he put the helmet on

he was ready for those balls fast and

furious to come flying out of that

machine he could not wait and so there

he is as we’re standing in our robes and

he’s at least swinging at every single

one so thrilled about this whole


his older brother my oldest son he’s

more reserved he’s a little more

cautious it’s his personality and he’s

standing back and he’s watching this

whole thing he’s watching that ball

coming out all fast he’s seeing it come

out as frequently as it did and he’s

standing over there going I can’t I

can’t do this I said buddy yes you can

don’t you worry about it you’re gonna be

able to do it you’ll be just fine

he said no mom I can’t do it I said yes

maybe you can do it

he said no mom I can’t do that it’s too

fast I said buddy you can do it I’m

trying to encourage him no mama I can’t

do it yes you can and you’re gonna do it

coz it’s six o’clock in the morning I’m

out here in my robe you gonna do it

today so finally I give him there at the

at home plate so to speak and I put the

helmet on and I get the bat in his hand

and he’s just watching the whole there

on the machine waiting for the ball to

come out and he’s just sort of shaking

waiting for that ball to come out and I

felt so sad for him I wanted him to calm

down and enjoy the experience and and I

wanted to tell him something that I knew

I wanted his five-year-old brain to get

that while I was getting him set up at

home play his father who loves him

had gone behind the back of the machine

that has a little flap you can open up

the flap it reveals some gears the gears

can be adjusted to accommodate and to be

situated so that they match the

capabilities of the person who’s

standing at home plate so the reason why

my boy didn’t need to be afraid was not

because he was so skilled and talented

it was because he had a daddy who loved

him who had already gone behind the

scenes he had already orchestrated

things so that my boy was set up to win

if only he’d just stepped up to the

plate and trust that his father was on

his side the reason why you have no

reason to be afraid it’s not because of

your still or your talent it’s not my

power and it’s not by night it’s by the

Spirit of God and you’ve got a daddy who

loves you he’s already gone behind the

scenes let’s all need somebody to hear

this while you’ve been up this

conference he’s already been on your job

he’s been in your home he’s busy in the

hearts of other people orchestrating

details aligning events so that he can

just get you to step up to the plate

you’ll realize when you do that you’ve

already been set up to hit a home run

every single time

Jesus demonstrates for a supernatural

ability but not only that it’s something

else in this passage that I want to

point out to you it says in verse 22 of

Mark chapter one they all who were

gathered they were amazed at his

teaching and here’s why for he was

teaching them as one having Authority

and not as the scribes I loved this so

much they were not just amazed at what

she did they were amazed at the way he

did it because the scribes the Pharisees

the religious leaders they were good

teachers to the people that were

gathered that day y’all they had heard

good teaching before and yet there was

something that said this teaching apart

from all other teaching even if people

weren’t weren’t sure about Jesus they

didn’t know if he was the Messiah they

didn’t know all about this kingdom come

business they didn’t know about repent

the kingdom of God is at hand the

Redeemer of the world has come they

didn’t know all about that

about that they weren’t convinced about

all of that but what they didn’t know

was that when this Jesus showed up blind

people could see that’s what they knew

what they knew was that when this guy

showed up deaf ears could hear and the

lame could walk the dead were raised and

what they knew was that every time this

Jesus showed up every time his speech

spoke his words were dripping with an

authority that brought people to

complete awe think about how you’d feel

if Jesus were your Bible study teacher

Jesus had what the scholars did not they

were more learned they had more they had

more finesse they possibly had more

training humanly speaking but Jesus had

what they did not have he not only

demonstrated supernatural ability he

demonstrated supernatural Authority he

was marked by the presence of God do you

know what is going to separate you from

everybody else on your job everybody

else on that campus everybody else in

that organization you might have the

exact same skill but what will set you

apart is that you are

marked by the presence of God this is

what separates us it’s what makes us

unique it’s what makes us different that

the favor of God is on our lives that’s

what it is y’all its favor somebody say

favor favor is what makes things unfair

favor is what gives you an unfair

advantage favor is what opens doors that

no man can shut favor is your advantage

God’s presence hanging heavy on you

marking you so that when you go in for

the interview they’re not sure why

they’re drawn to you over that person

who might have more skill and more

talent has more degrees but there’s

something about you and what it is is

that you’ve been in the presence of God

it’s supernatural Authority

it’s the marking of us by the presence

of our God y’all this is what Moses

described in Exodus chapter 33 they were

on the way of the Promised Land and

Yahweh is disappointed at the children

of Israel because they keep complaining

despite all God has done for them he’s

disappointed he says y’all go ahead to

the promised land I’ll send an angel

with you but imma hang back and Moses

says in Exodus chapter 33 15


in exodus 33 15 Moses says we’re not

going to the promised land without you

we don’t want the promised land without

your presence he says because what will

mark us what will make us different what

will make it so that all of our enemies

know we are set apart and distinct

unless your presents go with us

basically your presence is what sets us

apart we don’t want your promises we

don’t want milk and honey if we don’t

have the distinguishing characteristics

that causes us to have a shield a

protective covering that fortifies us

and protects us from all others it is

the presence of God and your public life

will only ever be as powerful and as

successful as your private prayer life

because that’s where the presence of God

grows mightily and grows strong in you

if the only time you are in the presence

of God is once a year at the design for

Life conference I’m so glad you’ve come

but that ain’t good enough it’s the only

time you are soaking in the presence of

God is once a week at your home Church

I’m so glad you go but that ain’t good

enough it’s the only time you’re in the

presence of God is once a week at Bible

study I’m so glad you’re in Bible study

but that ain’t good enough you’ve got to

have a daily ongoing encounter and

meeting with the presence of God so that

his presence becomes your daily portion

his presence is what sets us apart I was

in target the other day because I

believe I mean it star J you know

sometimes I will tell my husband that I

have an errand that I need to run

because we have some things we need to

get for the house what I really mean is

that I’m gonna go to our local Super

Target that has the Starbucks right up

in the front of the store and what I

really mean is I’m going to that

Starbucks to get my favorite hot drink

and then I’m gonna be ender aimlessly

around the women’s section for two hours

I will pick up some eggs and milk on my

way out but really I’m there just to

hang out in tarjay so I was doing this I

was doing this exact thing it was my

night out at Target and I walked to the

Starbucks to order my favorite hot drink

as I usually do and the barista look

back over the counter at me and she said

I am so sorry

but we are we are out of hot drinks


is this Starbucks

she said yes ma’am I’m so sorry but one

of our machines is broken we don’t have

any hot drinks I thought it was

hysterical that I could be at Starbucks

and there be no hot drinks I thought it

was so funny that he I immediately

tweeted it I am at Starbucks right now

and they ain’t got no hot drinks


immediately folks started tweeting me

back one person tweeted back and said I

just drove through Burger King and they

were out of burgers somebody said we

just went to Dunkin Donuts and they had

no doughnuts somebody said I just went

to a little restaurant called El Pollo

Loco and there was no poyo

my husband texted me later on and he

said I just went to that little gas

station around the corner from our house

there was no gas at the gas station

today and just as ridiculous and absurd

as it kind of seems to us that there

would be a Starbucks with no hot drinks

or a Dunkin Donuts with no doughnuts or

a burger king with no burgers or a El

Pollo Loco with no poyo that is as

ridiculous as it should be for there to

be a person who names the name of Jesus

Christ who’s supposed to be a carrier of

the presence of God and he is not marked

by the very thing they’re supposed to



the presence of God is what sets us

apart it is what makes us distinct and

different from all else Jesus not only

had supernatural ability y’all

he had supernatural Authority in him all

the fullness of deity dwelt in bodily

form because one other thing I wanted to

show you I think it’s important jesus

has a busy day after this he’s very busy

actually healing and teaching and

preaching and at one point in mark

chapter one it says the whole city is at

his door I mean people are clamoring for

the attention of Jesus Christ and here’s

what it says here here is how Jesus

responded to all of the needs all of the

being pulled back and forth the tug of

war of different demands different

people’s expectations of him on this

very busy day it says in mark chapter 1

verse 35 and early in the morning while

it was still dark he arose and he went

and departed to a lonely place and he

was praying there Jesus he demonstrates

for us that to be stirs of revival we

not only have to be women that have

supernatural ability and supernatural

authority but we’re gonna have to have

some supernatural priorities that even

when the whole city is at our door when

there’s a need at church there’s a need

at work there’s a need with this group

of friends there’s a need even over here

everywhere people are pulling at us and

tugging at us and our schedules are busy

and full and replete with things to do

there’s gonna have to be a woman who has

some supernatural priorities so that we

put first things first so that we build

large and into our lives so that early

in the morning if that’s the best time

for you what that symbolizes it’s

priority wherever you need to put it in

your life so that you have prioritized

intimate time with the father Jesus knew

even if everybody is knocking at my door

I’m not going to let everybody else’s

expectations of me determine what I do

with my time

I’m gonna have some supernatural

priorities I’m gonna put first

things first and keep the things that

are most important to my father I’m

gonna make sure those things are also

most important to me Jesus demonstrates

supernatural priorities I heard a friend

of mine once say that he was an

incredible bowler that he not only loved

to Bowl but that he was very good at

bowling I don’t know much about bowling

but if you do then you know that the

near impossibility of what I’m about to

describe because he described to me that

most every time he bows he bowls a

straight 300 every single time I said

you got to be kidding me 300 isn’t that

a perfect score he said yet most every

single time that’s what I bought I said

are you serious he said yes I promise

you he said however most of the time I’m

bowling with my kids so what I do is

walk most of the way up the lane till

I’m directly in front of the pins and I

Bowl from there and I get a 300 most

every single time but when I back up to

regulation distance then error increases

because I’m further away error increases

with distance the further you are from

God in your personal private

connectedness with the father the

increase for distance has multiplied or

the that the increase of error has

multiplied exponentially in your life

the closer you get the more connected

you are the more possible it is for us

to live lives worthy of this calling

because after this private meeting with

the father Jesus is gonna choose to go

in an opposite direction than where the

crowd thought he should go even his most

close companions the disciples would say

to him Jesus do you see all these people

do you realize you can demonstrate your

glory and your power to all of these

people this can be the time where you

show them that you are who you say you

are and then you can do what you’ve been

saying you can do let’s take advantage

of this but Jesus having spent time with

the Father he realizes that what

everybody else think

is a good plan for him isn’t necessarily

the father’s plan for him he goes an

entirely different way because he has

supernatural priorities he’s heard from

the Father and he knows the direction to

go do you know the remarkable thing

about Jesus humanly speaking his life

here on planet Earth

the remarkable thing about him is not

only that he did the Father’s will that

was amazing but the remarkable thing is

that he did the Father’s will and

nothing else he didn’t get distracted by

all of the good things that everybody

else thought he should be doing because

do you know that every good thing isn’t

a god thing for you and that so many of

us spend so much of our time and our

energy on good things that when the god

thing comes around we don’t have any

energy left we can’t do what God has

asked us to do because we’ve expended

ourselves somewhere else I want to

encourage you my friends to have

supernatural ability and supernatural

authority and supernatural priorities

and when we do we will find that we

become stirs of this revival this

revival that we felt in this room the

reviving of our spirits the reawakening

of our connectedness with God when we go

out from this place and we live with

supernatural ability not by our might

and not by our power but by the Spirit

of God and when we live with the favor

of God in our lives not resting in our

laurels but resting in his favor that is

upon us and when we have supernatural

priorities when our friends see that

when they’re busy doing everything for

everybody but we say you know what give

me a moment so that I can meet with my

father to get some clear direction for

me and my children and my spouse and my

family and my career when they see us

prioritizing our relationship with God

when we lift him up in these ways people

will be drawn revival will be stirred

match will be lit fire will spread folks

will want to know who is this god that

these women are serving and then they’ll

say Bobby I’ll have

what she’s happening