Like it or not, every one of us is in a spiritual war. God is for us, and the devil is against us. The one we cooperate with is the one who will control us. You can’t be discharged from the service in this war, and ignorance of its extent only aids the enemy. The enemy loves to work covertly, using his only weapon, deception. In this teaching, Andrew exposes this war and the enemy for what he is

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that

emphasizes God’s unconditional love and

grace and now here’s Andrew welcome to

our Wednesday’s broadcast of the gospel

truth today I’m halfway through my

second week of teaching on the believers

Authority and I have a brand new book

study guide CDs DVDs out on this I tell

you this is going to be a powerful

series I’ve already covered a lot of

things we’ve had a tremendous response

to this and I know that people are being

set free through this I think that this

is an area that there’s a lot of abuse

in either people err on one side to

where they don’t recognize that there’s

a spiritual war that they’re fighting

demons and so by default

Satan is winning because they’re just

fighting things in a human power not

using their spiritual authority on the

other hand there are a lot of people

who’ve come to realize that there are

demons and a spiritual warfare and

they’ve gone to an extreme to where they

actually are giving the devil too much

attention too much credit I personally

have done that I gave some examples of

that already this week about some things

that have happened and you know it’s a

miracle that God ever uses us it’s a

miracle that things have worked but you

know God just hadn’t gotten anybody

perfect to use and even though I did a

lot of things wrong when I first started

casting demons out of people we saw some

good things happen and I know that there

are people who are abusing this and too

far extreme in this and all I’m trying

to do is bring some balance to this and

show you that you need to not be extreme

believing that Satan is on every single

thing that happens is the devil but at

the same time you can’t go the other

direction and just look at it is only a

human cause there is an enemy and we’ve

got to fight it what I want to do today

is begin to show you where Satan God has

a power in authority from and of course

all power originally comes from God and

most people just assume that Satan used

his god-given angelic power

to rural men and that as an angel he was

superior in power and might there’s many

examples of how an angel could do things

that a man couldn’t do and there’s many

scriptural examples of this they have

supernatural superhuman power and

authority and so most people assume that

God created Satan Satan when he rebelled

retained his supernatural angelic power

and authority what I’m going to do is

show you from the word that Satan lost

his power and authority as an angel and

he took mankind’s human authority and

power and that’s what he’s been

oppressing people with and if that be

true which I’m going to show this to you

from the word well then that means that

all Satan has is a human Authority and

power this is why he has to have some

physical being cooperate with him to get

anything done and once you understand

this this brings him down to a

manageable size that allows you to be

able to be bold in your dealings with

the devil you need to estimate your

opponent and recognize where his

strengths and weaknesses are and I tell

you these are some major weaknesses in

the devil that I think that most people

have not seen so here in Genesis chapter

1 the very first book of the Bible it

says in verse 24 and God said let the

earth bring forth the living creature in

verse 25 God made the Beast

and in verse 26 God said let us make man

in our image after our likeness and let

them have dominion over the fish of the

sea this word dominion here is talking

about power and authority to use that

power in other words rule control so he

says let us make man in our image after

our likeness and let them have dominion

over the fish of the sea over the fowl

of the air and over the cattle and over

all the earth and over every creeping

thing that creepeth upon the earth so

God created man in his own image in the

image of God created he him male and

female created he them and God blessed

them and God said unto them now later

I’ll be making a bigger

point out of this but let me just make

this point right here that every time

God created something he spoke it into

existence the way that God released his

power and the way that God also released

his authority and gave authority to

people was by the words that he said and

so it says in verse 28 and God blessed

them and God said unto them be fruitful

and multiply and replenish the earth and

subdue it and have dominion over the

fish of the sea and over the fowl of the

air and over every living thing that

moveth upon the earth and so God said

that he had given them all of these all

of this food to eat etc here’s my point

all authority all power everything comes

from God there was nothing that existed

without God God made the heavens and the

earth he created the angelic beings God

created all of these things so

everything came from God and all power

and authority comes from God so when God

made the heavens in the earth he created

Adam and even specifically said to them

and by these words released his power

you have dominion you rule you subdue

you control this earth and you know when

Jesus came on the scene in he quoted

from Psalms chapter 82 and verse 6 let

me get over here and find this verse but

people were criticized and the Pharisees

were always after Jesus and he quoted

this scripture when they were

criticizing him for saying he was God

which according to their law was

blasphemy and he possibly could have

been taken right then and yet it wasn’t

his time so the way he deflected this

criticism he went back to an Old

Testament scripture and in Psalms

chapter 82 verse 6 it says I have said

Ye are gods and all of you are children

of the Most High but you shall die like

men and fall like one of the princes now

this was God speaking to the nation of

Israel and he was specifically saying I

have said you are gods and Jesus quoted

this verse and he said if

the people to whom the Word of God came

were called gods then how can you

criticize me for saying I am the son of

God and anyway momentarily this stopped

their opposition but the point is that

Jesus referred to this and the reason

I’m bringing this up is to say that when

God gave mankind authority over this

earth in a sense he made men the god of

this earth not God in the sense of

capital G in the sense that he was

Almighty or divine or any of those

things but God in the sense that he had

absolute control here’s another

scripture that would go along with that

is in Psalms 115 and in verse 16 it says

the heaven even the heavens are the

Lord’s but the earth hath he given to

the children of men now this is saying

that God by creation of course

everything belong to him the universe

everything came from God he spoke them

into existence therefore it all belonged

to him it was his he had power and

authority over but when he created the

earth this verse says that the heaven

even the heavens talking about the realm

beyond the earth

belonged to the Lord but the earth hath

he given to the children of men when did

he do that when he said you have

dominion over this earth you rule you

subdue use of you control the fish of

the sea the fowl of the air the animals

are on the earth everything it is

absolutely yours in a sense he made man

that God the absolute dictator and ruler

over the earth and here’s the reason

that I’m pointing this out and I think

it’s significant and that is because in

Psalms 89 34 my covenant will I not

break nor alter the thing that has gone

forth out of my lips now remember when

God created the earth he said let there

be light he said the earth bring forth

he said you have dominion when God says

something it’s binding to him it’s a

covenant it’s a contract you know people

aren’t like this we

all kinds of things and if what we say

comes back to haunt us we just say

whoops I didn’t mean it you don’t have

it in writing doesn’t mean anything

man’s word today doesn’t mean much but

God the scripture says in Hebrews

chapter 1 verse 3 that he upholds all

things by the word of his power if God

was to ever break his word well then the

universe would self-destruct because the

word of his power is what is holding

everything together God cannot violate

his word Psalms 138 verse 2 says that he

has magnified his word above all of his

name the Word of God is even greater

than the name of God the name of Jesus

every knee is going to have to bow

psalms chapter 2 says and yet psalms 138

says he’s magnified his word above his

name God will never break his word he

will never violate so here’s my point

when God said you have dominion you rule

you subdue by saying that he delegated

authority to physical human beings over

this earth and God would not take it

back God never intended for us to turn

the rule of this earth over to Satan and

make Satan the god of this world but he

gave us that much Dominion that much

power in authority that was not the way

he wanted us to use it and again if God

would have been a man if he would have

been like one of us when he saw

everything go contrary to what he wanted

most of us would have just broken in and

said timeout Kings ex do-over this is

not what I intend we would have just

come in we would have tried to fix the

situation but see God bound himself by

his word when he gave man authority over

this earth then that mean it was meant

he could give it to whoever he wanted to

he could do whatever he wanted to and

when we chose to obey the devil Eve was

deceived it says in first Corinthians

our first Timothy chapter 2 I believe

it’s around verse 15 somewhere in there

it says Eve was deceived but the man was

not deceived and he was the one that was

in the transgression

Eve was deceived by the devil but Adam

went into the eating of the fruit with

his eyes open and he was the one that

had been given authority and rule over

the earth and because of his love for

Eve he didn’t want to be separated he

willfully plunged himself into the

corruption that even experienced he

submitted himself to the devil who had

authored that temptation and transferred

the authority over this earth to Satan

and this is where Satan God his

authority and power was from man the

angelic power that he had as an angel is

not what he used to oppress men he

didn’t come in the Garden of Eden you

can turn to the third chapter of the

book of Genesis and you can see that

when Satan came against Adam and Eve he

chose the most subtle animal he didn’t

choose the strongest animal animal or

the are the meanest or the most vicious

looking he didn’t have a mammoth put his

foot on top of Eve’s head and say eat

the fruit or I’ll squish you he didn’t

have a lion come and try and intimidate

them with his fangs and all of these

kind of things he chose the most subtle

animal the serpent because he had no

power against Adam and Eve to force them

to do anything all of Satan’s power was

delegated power from God for the benefit

of his people in Hebrews chapter 1 verse

14 the scripture says all of the angels

are ministering spirits sent forth to

minister for those who shall be heirs of


angels are ordained created by God to

minister to those who will be heirs of


Satan was in the garden to serve Adam

and Eve he had no power all of his

angelic power and I’m going to go into

more detail I won’t be able to do it

today but on our programs arrested this

week I’m going to go into more detail

and show you that all of Satan’s power

as Lucifer the angelic being that God

created it was only to serve men

was only for good he had no power for

evil he couldn’t do anything against God

he was there to serve as God’s messenger

to serve Adam and Eve and what he did he

didn’t use this superhuman angelic power

he submitted he got Adam and Eve to

submit to him through deception like it

says in Ephesians 6 verse 11 that you

have to stand against the wiles the

deception the cunningness the craftiness

of the devil and it says in 2nd

Corinthians chapter 11 I fear lest as

the serpent beguiled Eve through

subtlety so your minds might be beguiled

through the simplicity that’s in Christ

there’s a comparison here Satan came

against Adam and Eve not with force but

rather with lies and deception because

he had no force no power against them I

don’t know if you’re listening to this

but this just makes me wanna jump up and

down on the inside this changed my life

to realize that Satan was absolutely

powerless he had to come and deceive

this is the reason that you know the

truth and the truth set you free

once you know the truth deception lies

have no power the only power in

deception is that if you don’t know

you’re being deceived the moment you

know it’s deception all the power is


Satan’s only power is the wiles of the

devil the deception of the devil and

once you understand this that Satan

didn’t come in overpower Adam and Eve he

had to get them to willingly cooperate

with him and he took authority over this

earth not from God God didn’t give Satan

the god of this world and lose him on

Adam and Eve as this dish’s demonic

power down there just to see if Adam and

Eve could withstand him I’m going to

explain this more on our program

tomorrow I just haven’t got time to get

into it today but that’s not the way it

happened rather Lucifer the anointed

cherub that covered was down here

serving mankind he had no power against


and he came against Adam and Eve and got

them to submit unto him and Adam and Eve

gave their authority that God had given

them over this earth to the serpent and

see now God was in a situation where

because he cannot violate his word all

the whole universe is held together by

the power of his word Hebrews 1:3 if God

would have said well that’s not what I

wanted so I’m taking this Authority back

he didn’t put that kind of qualification

on it

he didn’t tell Adam and Eve now you have

authority as long as you do what I want

you to do with it no he gave them an

unconditional authority no strings

attached no fine print it was theirs

they could do whatever he never intended

for them to yield to the devil but they

had the authority to do that and when

they did it God would listen to what I’m

saying this will shock some of you but

God would have been unjust to come down

and just kill the devil wipe him out

remove him cast him into a lake of fire

do something with him and just intervene

in the affairs of men because he had

given mankind authority to rule this

earth to do what they wanted to he

didn’t play them like a puppet on a

string where he pulled the strings and

made them do things he gave us freedom

of choice and we chose to give this

authority to the devil so even though it

was not God’s intent even though it was

a lie on the devil’s part even though

there was some things going on you know

what God would have been unjust to break

his word and come down and just fix

things and so this is why God didn’t

just wipe the devil out take him out and

come and redeem man immediately it took

a long period of time for God to

intervene and you know why because he

had given authority over this earth to

physical human beings and according to

John chapter 4 verse 24 God is a spirit

and those who worship Him must worship

Him in spirit and truth God didn’t have

a physical body God was a spirit and he

gave authority over this earth to people

with physical bodies since God didn’t

have a physical body God did not have

authority over this earth to really

intervene the only way he could

intervene was as a spirit he would speak

to the spirit part of man and impress us

and draw us and to the degree that

people would submit to God God could

flow through them and bring some

godliness and righteousness back into

the earth but he was dependent upon

going through people and the problem was

that no one person was completely

submitted to God you know there’s

actually a passage of Scripture I’m

sorry I don’t know where this is right

now but hopefully my television crew can

find this and put it on the screen but

the Lord was speaking and he said I

sought for a man and wondered that there

was no one to stand in the gap and then

he goes on and says wherefore my own arm

brought deliverance you know what that’s

doing is saying that God wanted to

intervene he wanted to fix this problem

that man had created by yielding the

authority over this earth to the devil

but he couldn’t do because he was a

spirit and so he sought for some man who

would yield and let God’s power flow

through him and he sought but there was

no person all of us were corrupted by

our own sin all of us were separated

from God we were dead in trespasses and

sin so God became a man this is why God

had to become Jesus it’s why Jesus had

to become a physical man and Jesus even

said this over in the fifth chapter of

the book of John I’ll turn to this later

and we’ll study in more detail but he

said that God the father had given him

authority to execute judgment also

because I am the son of man this term

son of man every time you see it is

referring to the humanity side of Jesus

the physical body the term son of God

refers to his divinity Jesus was God in

the flesh son of God refers to his

divinity son of may

refers to his humanity so he says this

is the reason I have authority to

execute judgment is because of this

physical body when God became a man now

the devil was in big trouble because

cease Satan had been having free reign

because physical human beings who had

authority over this earth had willfully

submitted that authority to him and so

he was reigning in a sense by right it

wasn’t ever god’s intention but mankind

gave him that power and authority and

God would have been unjust adjust pull

it back and violated his word and his

promise to man he said you can do with

what you want to man gave it to the

devil so Satan was able to operate and

God could not really intervene because

he was a spirit and man was willfully

yielded and submitted to the devil but

when God became a man now the devil was

in big trouble because now God wasn’t

just a spirit God had become a man and

now God had authority in this physical

earth and man Jesus took it to the devil

and of course there was this opposition

Satan thought he had won when he killed

Jesus and and took him to the grave and

yet that was the way that God gained

entrance into the into the bowels of

Hell and he just destroyed Satan and

resurrected him and he came out with the

keys of death and of Hell and after

Jesus resurrection he says all authority

is given unto me in heaven and in earth

remember that scripture in Psalms 115

verse 16 where it says the heaven even

the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth

hath he given to the son of men prior to

the time of Jesus God had authority in

the heavens but not in the earth he had

given that authority to men but when

Jesus became a man and he died and rose

from the dead and he now had all

authority in heaven and in earth and

even under the earth in hell he now had

the authority over hell

Jesus bought back all of this authority

I tell you the things that I’ve said

right here today I know that this is a

lot it took me

decades to glean some of these things

and get it all worked out and I’m going

to be saying this over and over we got a

lot more to share about this but this is

really powerful if you understand this

this answered so many questions for me

it answered questions about why did God

have to become a man why did God wait

about 4000 years after the fall of Adam

and Eve before he sent Jesus to this

earth I didn’t answer that specifically

but I gave the the basis for that we’ll

be explaining that more and if you

understand this it just answers a lot of

questions and it shows you the authority

that God placed in mankind and the

authority that we now have back through

Jesus God observes this chain of command

Satan observes it it does exist and you

need to understand and that’s what we’re

talking about is the believers Authority

and I tell you this is really going to

help you now we’re out of time today but

we do have these materials I’ve got this

tape that we’re offering today or the

teaching on CD is entitled who made

Satan and we’ll get into this tomorrow I

think it’s really going to bless you so

listen is our announcer gives you that

information call or write today and join

me again tomorrow for the gospel truth

the believers Authority is available for

the very first time in book form you can

receive your copy for seven pounds

request book T 327 when you write or

call or when you go to our website a

Spanish version is also available

request book T 735 the believers

Authority companion study guide is

available 417 pounds 50 request study

guide T 427 when you contact the

ministry Andrews complete teaching

titled the believers Authority was

recorded live at a recent gospel truth

seminar it’s available on DVD for 19

pounds request DVD album t 3205 d when

you contact us you can also get Andrews

teaching as seen on TV it’s available on

either CD or DVD when you send 19 pounds

request CD album t 1045 C or DVD album t

1045 d when you contact us the second

teaching in the audio CD album titled

who made Satan is also available for

three pounds but if you’re simply unable

to afford it Andrew and his partners

will provide this second teaching free

of charge request teaching T el 19 when

you write or call and will be pleased to

send it to you you can reach us through

our website where you can order ministry

materials online 24 hours a day seven

days a week at a WM e net on our website

you’ll not only find materials from

today’s broadcast you’ll find a wealth

of resources free for you to download

for yourself and share with others or

you can use your credit card to order by

telephone our helpline number is zero

one nine two two four seven three three


and I’d like to encourage you to check

out our Karis Bible colleges we have so

much of course the things that I’m

sharing here on television I know that

many of your saying I’ve never heard

this before well there’s a lot in the

Word of God that most Christians have

never heard and that’s why we started

our Karras Bible colleges is to help

educate people you will know the truth

and the truth will make you free and I’d

like to encourage you to please check it

out we have not only the campus here in

Colorado Springs but we have twelve

Bible colleges scattered throughout the

world we’ve got them all over the world

and we’ve got more coming online we’ve

got a distance learning program a

correspondence course many ways you can

take advantage of it so we have a number

on your screen I encourage you to call

and check out our Terrace Bible colleges


we’d like to point out Andrews upcoming

speaking schedule he’ll be an Amsterdam

for the Euro spirit conference May 21st

through the 23rd Colorado Springs

Colorado for the annual summer family

Bible conference June 29th through July

3rd and in South Africa for a gospel

truth seminar July 21st through the 23rd

for more details on Andrews next meeting

in your area call our helpline or visit

our website at aw mi dotnet this is

Andrew Wommack and I’d like to invite

you to join me on May the 21st through

the 23rd in Amsterdam

I’m going to be speaking at the Euro

spirit 2009 and we’re going to have a

number of different speakers I’ll be

ministering to each day the 21st through

the 23rd of May we’re going to be

holding this at the Victory Outreach in

Amsterdam it’s going to be a great time

and so all of you watching over god TV

I’d encourage you to come and be a part

of this May the 21st through the 23rd

Victory Outreach in Amsterdam

we’re getting close to our summer family

Bible conference it’s going to be on

June the 29th through July the 3rd and

it’s going to be a great time for the

whole family we have children’s ministry

we have it set up so that there are our

CBC classes in the morning but the

afternoons are off and then evening

meetings it’s just a great time and I

believe that it could be a vacation for

you and your whole family the children

will be blessed so make plans to join me

June the 29th through July the 3rd for

our summer family Bible conference