When God says He’s going to do something in our lives, we usually think it’ll be easy. But that’s not always the case.

We think when God says he’s going to do something
in our lives it’s going to be easy, but it’s


It has to be hard.

A quick look at the history of the Bible shows
you that God likes to do things the hard way.

It is his preferred method of carrying out
his purpose.

Don’t think you’re weird if your life has
been hard, and don’t assume that you’re doing

something wrong, because God will often allow
life to cut you down to the stump.

He did it to Moses.

Moses was called to lead the children of Israel
out of Egypt.

I won’t take you through the whole Bible,
but I do want to go to Exodus, because there’s

this interesting Christmas verse that says,
“Out of Egypt I have called my Son.”

Jesus had to go with his parents to Egypt
when he was very little, because Herod wanted

to kill him.

God doesn’t birth his Son into the world into
ideal circumstances but into a very chaotic

environment where Roman oppression was so
common to the people they feared for their

very lives under the madman named Herod.

We think we have bad presidential candidates.

I mean, this guy was killing babies in Bethlehem
when he heard Jesus was born because it represented

a threat to the throne.

So Isaiah is prophesying to a people who are
under Assyrian oppression, and Jesus comes

into the world under Roman oppression, because
God likes to come into hard situations.

He’s not scared of that.

When he picks Moses he says, “Go to Pharaoh,
the most powerful man in the world, and tell

him to let my people go, and when you tell
him to let my people go, he’s going to say,


Why would God tell me to do something and
in the next breath inform me that it won’t


Because it had to be hard.

If it was easy for Moses, if he just walked
up into Pharaoh’s court and said, “Let my

people go” and Pharaoh said, “All right,”
Moses would dab on Pharaoh, walk out, and

think he was convincing.

Pharaoh had to say, “No,” so that God could…

This is God’s own wording.

I didn’t make this up.

He said, “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart so
that I can gain glory.”

In other words, if it wasn’t hard, you would
think it was you.

If it wasn’t hard, you would trust in yourself.

You are not an adequate support system for
the glory of God, so he has to allow some

things into your life that are impossible
for you so you can know what Mary knew, that

nothing shall be impossible with God.

It had to be hard.

By the time the Israelites came out of Egypt…

They come up to the Red Sea, and instead of
taking them around the body of water, watch

what God does.

God is kind of crazy.

God says, “I’m not going to take you around

That would be the normal way.

That would be the human way.

Let’s do it the hard way.

I’m not going to take you around it.

I’m going to take you through it.

Stretch out your staff, and the waters will

About the time you get through, look back
over your shoulder, and the Egyptians who

were ruling over you, you will see them no

I’m about to drown what’s chasing you down,
but I have to take you the hard way.”

God likes to do it the hard way.

I don’t have time to tell you about David
and his slingshot.

God could have used an armed soldier to kill
Goliath, but how would they have known that

he was the Lord if God didn’t do it through
something so silly as one rock?

God likes to do things the hard way, Gideon.

So if you have 32,000 men, he’s not going
to let you fight with 32,000 men.

He’s going to get you down to 300.

Maybe that’s why you’ve been cut down to a

Maybe you were relying on the fruit too much,
but this is a season where God wants to prove

your root system and show you real hope.

Sometimes you have to learn it the hard way.

He couldn’t come into the world floating on
a cloud looking like some superhero.

He couldn’t have come with an S on his chest
for “Savior of the world.”

He had to come in weakness so that you would
know that in your weakness he is strong.

I don’t know if it’s because I spend so much
time speaking to young people that I think

in such simplistic terms, or maybe I’m just
a simple man, but I started thinking about…

I texted Jess and said, “Give me a bouncy

I didn’t tell her why I wanted it.

Maybe she thought I was losing my mind or
I hadn’t bought Christmas for Holly yet.

That would be bad, wouldn’t it?

I was thinking that it has the ability to
bounce back.

That’s exactly what it was designed to do.

That’s exactly what it’s meant for.

That’s why it’s called a bouncy ball.

They named it appropriately for the function
it is intended to serve, for the potential

it has within its composite structure.

Now look.

Same ball, different surface.

It didn’t work.

In order for this to do what it’s meant to
do, the surface it bounces

on has to be hard.

Maybe that’s why in this season of your life
things have been hard.

Maybe God isn’t punishing you.

Maybe he’s preparing you.

Maybe you’ve been cut down for a comeback.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have the
ability within you to bounce back.

Maybe that’s why they laid Jesus in a borrowed
grave: because God had to show the world that

you can put me down at rock bottom, but you
can’t keep me from bouncing back.