God has chosen you for such a time as this! In this three-part teaching, Dr. Bill Winston imparts biblical truths on why you are designed to do the impossible, and how to live separate from the world. Like Abraham, you were created to depend only on God. As you operate in your authority as a born-again believer, it’s your faith-filled words that carry creative power. Continue to line up your thoughts with the Word, see yourself how God sees you, and trust that God wants the best for you. Start Living on Top of the World, today! Order today at www.billwinston.org/bwof

BILL: God is looking for a
people who are bold. Who are

righteous. Who are not ashamed
of the Gospel. MALE: Dig that

grave. Dig it. Let your faith
dig it. Now take that shovel,

start covering it. Cover that
poverty. Like Miriam, you will

see this enemy no more. FEMALE:
If I don’t see a way out, God

has a million ways out and how
do they get to know that? They

see we’re walking it out. MALE:
Whatever God promised you

20 years ago, 30 years ago, 10
years ago, five years ago, four

weeks ago, it is still
on you today and it will

still come to pass tomorrow.
BILL: In the middle

of your worst situation,
speak the Word of God.

FEMALE: Deep within you, there
is a call to lead. Distractions

have tried to bury it, criticism
has tried to smother it, but the

call remains, and now, it’s
time, become an entrepreneur.

God is awakening the call again,
answer it, take a leap of faith,

it’s time for you to change the
story. Not just for you, but for

your neighborhood, your
community, your city, your

world. ANNOUNCER: At Joseph
Business School, we are here to

equip you, to guide you, to
empower you. To step into the

call that God has given
you. FEMALE: It’s time to

launch out. Begin a new
story. The call is clear,

the time is now. Become
an entrepreneur.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid

for Bill Winston Ministry’s
partners and viewers.

on the Believer’s Walk of

Faith. BILL: You got the
faith that takes. I said, you

got that faith that takes. You
can take your healing

back. You can take your money,
your raise, your promotion. You

can take your marriage back. You
can take your kids back. You can

take everything back because
faith, he cannot stop.

BILL: Well welcome to
the Believer’s Walk of

Faith. This is Bill Winston
where we walk by faith

and not by sight. Let
me share something with you

that might encourage
you. God has a plan for

your life that is so big,
you’re gonna need help, mainly

angels, to help you finish it.
I’m telling you. It is just

that big. Why? Because
He’s a big God, and He has

made us to do big things.
Let’s go right into it.

It’s called Living on
Top of the World.

BILL: What is a characteristic
of a person who

fears God? Now that fear, it
doesn’t mean tremble. It means

reverent respect of His Word.
What is a characteristic is that

the angel of the Lord is going
to be encamped around about you.

If you have a reverent respect
for God’s Word, angels are

around you right now. They don’t
only encamp around about you,

but what do they do if you get
in trouble? CONGREGATION:

Deliver. BILL: Is that a
maybe or is that God’s Word?

He has given you His Word

because the angel, if one won’t
do the job, God’s promise is

out, and He said in Hebrews 12,
He’s got innumerable number of

angels. That means there’s no
figure that you can come up with

that can designate how many
angels he’s got. So if one won’t

do your job, how about two? If
two can’t get the job done, how

about three? Daniel, in Daniel
chapter 10, had fasted for three

weeks on a Daniel fast, he was
waiting on a Word from God. The

angel finally showed up, and the
angel came and told him, I would

have been here for the first day
you started and petitioned God,

I was sent. He said, but I had
a war in the heavenlies. I was

warring against Satan and his
army. Watch this, and I couldn’t

break through, so I called for
backup. I called for Michael,

and Michael, do you hear what
I’m saying? Michael came, who is

the chief warring angel, so if
God had to call Michael to get

your money to you on time, He
will call for Michael, and you

will have your deliverance. Look
at Psalm 91. He said, “There

shall no evil befall you.” This
is verse 10 now. Verse 10.

“Neither shall any plague come
nigh your dwelling.” Watch this.

“For he shall give his” who?

“Angels,” what? CONGREGATION:
Charge over you. BILL: “Charge

over you. To keep you.”
CONGREGATION: In all your ways.

BILL: “In all your ways. And
they shall bear you up in their

hands even if you dash your foot
against a stone.” Let’s look at

those same verses up there that
you just played starting at

verse 10, and let’s look at them
in the Good News Bible, and just

see what the Good News Bible
says or the New Living Bible,

and just see what it says
starting at verse 10. “No evil

will conquer you. No plague will
come nigh your home for he will

order His angels to
protect you wherever

you go.” Keep going.
“And they will hold you up

in their hand so that you
won’t even hurt your

foot against a stone.” You won’t
even stump your toe. Are y’all

hearing what I’m saying? Now I’m
talking about the blessing and

what you have been equipped
with. If you look now, let’s go

over to Matthew’s gospel chapter
28 and verse 20. He said,

“Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have

commanded you, and lo I am”,
what? CONGREGATION: With you.

BILL: With you what?

Always where? CONGREGATION: Even
to the end of the world. BILL:

Even to the end of the world.”
He’s not going to leave you. And

look at Psalm 103 and verse 20.
Psalm 103. This is just one area

I’m talking about now. “Bless
the Lord ye his angels that

excel,” in what? CONGREGATION:
Strength. BILL: “Strength that

do his,” What? CONGREGATION:
Commandments. BILL:

“Commandments hearkening into,”
the what? CONGREGATION: Voice of

his Word. BILL: “Voice of
his Word.” Now let me take this

microphone, and let me put this
microphone by the Word of God,

and let’s see what it says.
You ready? Well I can’t hear

anything, can you? So who’s
going to give voice to the Word?

am. I’m going to give voice to

the Word, so I’m going to take
his Word and give voice to it,

and over in 2 Kings chapter 19,
the king of Assyria had attacked

Israel, and as they had attacked
Israel, now the king didn’t know

exactly what to do, so he sent
to the prophet, and said, hey,

send me a word. Send me a word
from God. So the prophet got a

Word from God, sent it back to
him, and he got the word and

went up into the temple and
spread the word before the Lord.

Why? Cause the Lord said,
himself, put me in remembrance

of what I said. Now don’t think
the Lord forgot it. He said

that’s the rules to get the
angels to move for it. You put

me in remembrance, and once
he went and prayed, the prophet

sent a word back and said, “The
Lord has heard you.” That’s all

you want is that the Lord hear
you because He can’t deny

himself, so He hears you,
and when He heard you, all of a

sudden, the Hezekiah and his
people went to bed. Why’d they

go bed? Because faith takes
corresponding action. If you

believe and stay up all night
worrying, you never believed. I

got to say and forget
it. Glory to God. I

said, I got to speak it and then
forget it. Say it’s already

done. CONGREGATION: It’s already
done. BILL: I got to start

praising God like it’s already
done, and look at verse 35 in

that same– He said, “And
it came to pass that night,

that the angel of the
Lord went out, and smote in

the camp of the Assyrians, 104
score and 5 thousand.” How many

is that somebody?

but notice what he said,
“The angel.” It didn’t even say

angels. It said one of them went
out and watch this. That’s done.

So don’t think the angel had to
fight all night. I see y’all.

Y’all that’s carnal man. The
angel just (fire sound) that’s

it. That’s it. Now understand,
this means now, that if I’m more

aware of God’s promise than my
problem, then I can put faith in

God that the angels that He
promised in His covenant are

right with me right now. Now
wait a minute. That means if I’m

in a place that I didn’t know or
out in a camp or something, I’m

not thinking a bear’s going to
come. I’m not thinking a hand is

going to come through a wall.
I’m not thinking. Come on.

Somebody going to break in the
door because if they do break

in, they’re going to break in on
that big guy standing by the

door. I have seen an angel. I
saw him years ago when a guy was

preaching, and I saw him, and I
saw him, and he stood so tall,

he was taller than this drywall
that was up here, and I said,

“Whoa.” I mean, it just shocked
me for a minute. I had never

seen anything like that. I
wasn’t look for it. It was just

boom, just happened. I said,
“Wow.” And that put a mark in my

mind of how big these guys
really are. See, they are

walking around with you. As you
walk, they’re walking, because

once you get born again, you get
a guardian angel. That angel is

with you forever. And if you
don’t say what God said, that

angel would fold him arms
because he can only move by

faith based on what God says.
The last angel that tried to

move without that, got kicked
out of heaven. And them angels

know it. They can’t move without
God’s Word. So I don’t care who

says what about your life,
you’re answer is “My money will

be here tomorrow by–.”
Your answer gives

the angels something to do.
Folks, they can not only stop a

bullet, they can stop the gun
from firing. Ooh Wee. Everybody

bullet, they can stop the gun
from firing. Ooh Wee. Everybody

used them in the Old Testament.
Even in the New Testament.

Angels showed up and got Peter
out of jail. Come on, you can

send angels to get that boy out
of that drug house. I’m tell you

that. All you got to do is know
what your rights are. Say amen

to that. CONGREGATION: Amen.
BILL: Daniel chapter 6 and verse

20, and this is when they threw
Daniel in the lion’s den. You

remember. And look what it says,
“And when he came to the den.”

This is the king now. “He cried
with a lamentable voice. He

said, ‘Daniel’, and the king
spake and said to Daniel, ‘Oh

Daniel, servant of the living
God, is the God whom you serve

continually able to deliver you
from the lions?'” Watch this.

“Then said Daniel to
the king,” what?

Notice what he
didn’t do to the king. He didn’t

curse him, and he did badmouth
him. Come on now. See, that

carnal person want to … But
look at Matthew chapter 5. Is

this right group I’m talking to?
Matthew chapter 5 verse 43. Look

what he says. “You have heard
that it has been said that thou

shall love they neighbor and
hate your enemy, but I say unto

you,” what? CONGREGATION: Love
your enemies. BILL: “Love your

enemies.” Keep going. Bless them
that what? CONGREGATION: Curse

you. BILL: So as he threw him
in the pit, the last thing he

wanted to do is come out cursing
him. He wanted to come out

blessing him. Why? Because by
blessing him, he was going to

bless himself Lord Jesus.
This is different folks. This

is different. That’s why
He said in Matthew chapter

5. Lord have mercy, y’all
got me going up and

down. Matthew chapter 5. He said
over there in verse 10, “Blessed

are they, which are persecuted
for righteousness sake for

theirs in the,” what?
CONGREGATION: Kingdom of heaven.

BILL: “Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye when men shall

revile you and persecute you and
say all manner of evil against

you falsely for my name’s sake.”
What are you going to do? You

going to give God a shout. See,
if you know nothing can stop

your progress, nothing can stop
your increase, nothing can stop

you from being healed, nothing
… See the last thing you want

is for the devil to give you
something. Look at Luke chapter

5. I’m going further now.
Luke chapter 4, pardon me,

and verse 5. Luke
chapter 4 and verse 5. Are y’all

with me here? CONGREGATION: Yes.
BILL: “And the devil taken him

up to a high mountain, showed
him all the kingdoms of the

world in a moment of time.”
He’s showing this to Jesus now.

He’s tempting him. “And the
devil said to him, ‘All this

power will I give you in the
glory of them, for it’s been

delivered unto me and to
whomsoever I will,'” what?

Give it. Give it. Give it. Give

it. He’s controlling the money
system. He’s controlling the

world system. He’s controlling
many elections. He’s

controlling, but see, you don’t
want the devil to give you

nothing. You got the faith that
takes. I said you got the faith

that takes. You can take your
healing back. You can take your

money, your raise, your
promotion. You can take your

marriage back. You can take your
kids back. You can take

everything back because faith,
he cannot stop. Don’t let him

give you a thing. What did
Abraham say over in Genesis

chapter 14? He said, “No, don’t
you give me anything.” He said,

“I won’t even take a shoelace
from you unless you start

talking about, I made
Abraham rich.” See, God doesn’t

even want you to …
He doesn’t even want you

to be in a position
where you’ve got to

tell a man thank you. Do
you hear what I’m saying? God’s

going to put some favor on you
that you’re not going to have to

tell a man nothing. Now, I know
some people in here, I don’t

know about all of that. That’s
because you’re in unbelief.

That’s because you’re carnal,
that’s because you’re ignorant.

But I’m going to help you. I’m
going to help you even though

you can’t help yourself right
now. I’m going to help you to

think right, to walk right, to
speak right, and to live the

abundant life. I’m going to help
you do that. So I don’t care

what you think about me. I’m
going to rejoice. When you start

talking about me, watch out.
Watch out. He says, “I’m gonna

curse those that-” CONGREGATION:
Curse you. BILL: You’ve got to

pray for those people. They
start talking about you, start

praying for them because
something’s coming back

ricochet. We call it ricochet.
So here’s what I’m telling you.

God has a plan for your life
that is so big, that you’re

going to need a group of angels
to help you get to the finish

line, and I’m saying your days
of being broke. I’m saying this.

I’m saying this. Your days of
being broke are over. I think I

got one more thing for you. Say
amen here. CONGREGATION: Amen.

BILL: So what am I saying now?
For you, as far as you are

concerned. You are no longer
natural. You are supernatural.

God has given you words to serve
you. Say amen. CONGREGATION:

Amen. BILL: And when you speak
your words, your words will go

out and accomplish what you have
told them to do. You are born

again, created to rule, you’re
anointed and blessed to speak

things and designed to decree
things and declare things, and

the will of God in the earth
will be declared by you. You are

ordained to operate in the
supernatural living the God

class, and you were born again
for this day, this purpose, this

time, at this place, and made to
produce supernatural

manifestations of heaven on
earth. Greatness is in you. It

is in your DNA, that you are a
citizen of the Kingdom of God.

You are created to reign and not
be reigned on, and you also are

in this earth for God to bring
Heaven to earth. You are chosen

by God, Himself. You have been
His workmanship. Oh, there is no

finer quality in you that is in
anyone in this earth, for God,

Himself, has put you together,
and you are made to bring peace

to every place you go and
manifest His kingdom on earth.

You are not defeated. You are
victorious. God has not rejected

you. People may reject you, but
God says you are accepted in the

beloved. You are His precious
person. You are His workmanship.

And the devil is totally
defeated in your life. Now say

it and see it. And every part of
your life, right now your

spirit, soul, body, financially,
and socially, are now made

whole. You are going to be
promoted. You are going to be

famous and distinguished for
God, Himself, has His hand on

you. Jesus is your King and your
Lord. He is also your elder

brother, and He is seated,
making intercessions for you.

For He has sent His angels to
encamp around about you and keep

you in all of your way, so the
devil is under your feet, and

all you got to let Him know is
you are head over this earth in

Jesus’ name. Now give God
praise! Whooooo. (Praying in

Tongues) Yes sir, yes sir,
yes sir. No more doubt.

No more carnality. For
God’s blessing is on you

now, and it’s moving by
faith, and the kingdom of God

has angels as resources, and
they’re coming to you right now.

They’re asking you, “What is it
that you want me to do?” “Give

me a bidding,” saith the Lord.
“Give me a bidding. Give me

something to do, ” says the
angel. Give them the Word and

let that word bring this
prosperity, the riches,

the honor, the glory,
and the blessing into

your life. This is
your season. This is your

time. It will not be
delayed any longer. This is

your time and season to shout
because God has brought you out.

BILL: Well I trust that you
were blessed by that powerful

message. Now let me share
a couple of points

that you want to remember.
God doesn’t want you

to be in a position to have
to tell any man thank you. Now

you say, what do I mean by that?
That’s called the favor of God.

You see, God opens doors for you
that no man can open, and it’s

when that favor comes up, you’re
going to be in a position you

don’t have to tell a person
thank you because they’re going

to know God did it. Isn’t that
powerful? Also, God has given

you words to serve you. Now
that’s mainly what words were

for in the beginning when Adam
was speaking words. They were

spoken to serve him. They would
go out and create whatever he

said. You’re made just like God
to function like God, and you

were made in the image of God,
so when you speak those words,

make sure you speak them
faithfully. In other words, when

you say your words, say what you
mean, and mean what you say.

You’ve got angels even listening
to the voice of your word.

They’re powerful. That’s all we
have for this time. This is Bill

Winston saying, we
love, and we’ll see you

next time. Until then,
keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: What does living on
top of the world look like? It’s

living in divine health, peace
in your home, financial freedom,

and much more. Learn how to live
on top of every situation in

life with Dr. Winston’s
teaching, living on top of the

world. To order your copy of
this powerful message, living on

top of the world on CD or MP3,
on DVD or MP4, contact us online

at billwinston.org. You can also
call us at 1-800-711-9327, or

order our special Living
on Top of the World bundle,

which includes Living
on Top of the World series

in either CD or DVD, the
Possessing Your Mountain

mini-book, and the Blessing
of the Lord single CD

teaching. Start winning in
every area of life with this

powerful bundle pack,
order your copy today.

MALE: I’m from Trinidad and
Tobago, and my wife is from the

United States Virgin Islands.
ISAIAH: My name is Isaiah, I

came from West Africa. FEMALE:
Well I am telling you there has

been things that have been
speaking to me, that I’ve been

afraid to step out. I need to
step out of the boat. FEMALE: I

don’t even look the same,
because of the anointing of God

on me so I invite you to come
here. Enjoy yourself. You will

be changed forever, and nothing
will be the same once you attend

this conference. MALE: This is
our 30th year, wedding

anniversary. And we we’re
looking all over the nation

of where to go and what
to do. And we saw that

all of our faith
heroes are preaching here at

this meeting, and
we’re like there’s no better

place to go than Chicago.
MALE: Don’t let Nebuchadnezzar

intimidate you, don’t let
Pharaoh bully you around, don’t

let Jezebel cast her spell on
you. You are to break the demon

wall. It’s not enough to have
faith, you have to have faith

and you have to have Spirit. I
am going to the enemy’s camp,

and I am taking back what he
stole from me. I have faith,

and I have Spirit. MALE: You
ain’t never let me down. He said

okay, well I got your back
this year. Glory be to God. He

has never let you down.
If he delivered you

10 years ago, baby, ain’t
nothing about today that’s

going to cancel his
deliverance. Hallelujah.

FEMALE: Every day, ordinary
people are given the opportunity

to do extraordinary things. A
chance to come together, share

the love of God. Go into all
the nations, heed the Great

Commission. Put our faith in
action and change the world. At

Bill Winston Ministries, we’ve
been called to the nations, and

are committed daily to praying
for you. Isaiah chapter 56,

verse 7 reads, “For my house
shall be called a house of

prayer for all nations.” And
here at our new Bill Winston

Ministries Prayer Call Center,
we believe in the power of

prayer and the power of
partnership. The new Bill

Winston Ministries Prayer
Call Center. One body

of believers with a heart for
God, and a passion for

people, ready to stand in faith
and pray with you.

ANNOUNCER: The mission
of Bill Winston Ministries is to

preach the Gospel of the
Kingdom throughout the world.

This broadcast has been
made available to you through

the faithful support of Bill
Winston Ministry partners and

friends. We invite you to become
a partner and join Dr. Bill

Winston as he trains believers
how to live independent

of this world’s system and
have dominion over it. Thank you

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of the Believer’s Walk
of Faith broadcast.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries’
partners and viewers.