This DVD album was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast. Each DVD contains one week of programming. Please note that while they do cover the same material as a CD album, they are not exactly the same. This teaching is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word. Each person is made up of three different parts: spirit, soul, and body. Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.

Partners of Andrew Wommack ministries

celebrating 40 years of sharing God’s

unconditional love and grace

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack today Andrew illustrates the

power of God’s Word to change our lives

in his teaching spirit soul and body

now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Thursday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today I’m nearing the end of my second

week of teaching on a subject that I’ve

entitled spirit soul and body this is

what God used to change my life I tell

you I get so excited sharing these

things I don’t know if anybody else gets

anything out of my TV program I know I

know that they do but I’m saying I get

it I do this for myself if for nobody


this has just changed my life these

truths have revolutionized me and I am

excited for you I know I meet people all

of the time that I just think God if

somehow or another I could just you know

take what you’ve shown me and inject

these people with it that man I know

people’s lives would change and

basically that’s the whole motivation

behind me being on television is just to

take these things and share them with

you and I’m really excited over this

teaching I think that it’s changing

people’s lives we are having a

tremendous response you know we’ve been

setting records on our phones over

20,000 21,000 calls a month sometimes

people are receiving people’s lives are

being changed and I just want to

encourage you this teaching has the

potential of just transforming your life

and many times people are more excited

about learning how to get healed or to

get prosperity or they’re there looking

for a specific and they’re trying to

find out those keys that will give them

this one thing in their life but I’m

telling you that if you get this

teaching on spirit soul and body it’ll

open up every avenue to you it’ll open

up your relationship with God it will

fill you with joy and peace it’ll get

you healed to get you prosper to get

relationships working this is something

that whether you realize it or not

instead of just going after this end

result over here this is a foundational

truth that will change your life and I

really encourage you to just receive

this you know Paul said one time he was

praising God that they received the word

not as the word of men but as it is in

truth the Word of God which is able to

save your souls and I really believe

that this is the Word of God and I

encourage you to receive it as the Word

of God now I haven’t got time to

summarize everything we’ve been talking

about but this week I’ve been talking

about visions for 24 that your spirit

was created in righteousness and true

holiness first John 4:17 as Jesus is so

are we in this world not so are we going

to be in the future but so are we in

this world

1st Corinthians 6:17 he that’s joined

unto the Lord is one spirit and that’s

talking about being identical in spirit

that God has sent forth the spirit of

his son into our heart crying Abba

Father Galatians 4 If any man have not

the Spirit of Christ he is none of his

Romans 8:9 and I’ve been trying to get

across the point that in the spirit when

you got born again old things passed

away all things become new 2nd

Corinthians 5:17 and in the spirit you

are perfect your spirit is is perfect

right now as Jesus is as you are ever

going to be throughout all eternity so

one-third of your salvation is over it’s

complete it’s done and the rest of the

Christian life isn’t trying to get

something from God you’ve already got

everything that you’ll need in the

spirit the rest of the Christian life is

in renewing your mind and getting to a

place to where you believe what you

can’t see and feel with your five senses

but you believe it because of what God’s

Word says and remember that I was saying

you are a spirit soul and body your

three parts your spirit now is full of

the life of God it’s identical to Jesus

if you get your mind renewed to that in

your mind in agreement with what you

have in the spirit and that’s two

against one your physical body will

manifest healing deliverance joy peace

and all of these things but on the other

hand if you get your soul over here in

agreement with your

and you’re going only by what you see

taste here smelling feel then even

though you have the life of God over

here in your spirit it will be shut off

and it will not manifest well those are

powerful truths right there and what I

want to do today is turn over to

Ephesians chapter 1 and I want to answer

this question I know that there’s some

people who have heard all of these

scriptures that I’ve used and you say

well I know that those things are true

and I believe that when I was born again

that I was instantly created righteous

and holy and I was in right standing

with God and so I accept that but since

then I failed I’ve sinned may be you

committed a big sin maybe you’ve just

committed a lot of little sins that have

chipped away at your confidence in your

relationship with the Lord but I need a

lot of people that say well at one time

yes I was like that I believe when I was

born again men there was just total

restoration with God I felt the love of

God the joy and the peace of God but

then you’ve done something wrong you

lose your temper again you fail you go

back and sin you do something and many

times people just come back into

condemnation and they say I had that but

I’ve lost it let me share this first

with you out of Ephesians chapter one in

verse 13 and I wished I had time to put

all of this in its context but the whole

book of Ephesians is talking about

everything is already done and complete

in your spirit it’s already steadfast

and in Ephesians 1:13 he says in whom

you also trusted after that you heard

the word of truth the gospel of your

salvation in whom also after that you

believed you were sealed with that holy

spirit of promise now this is a powerful

truth once you believe this says you

were sealed with the Holy Spirit of

promise and you know there are different

ways that people use seals like there is

a Good Housekeeping Seal here in the

United States if you’re watching our

program here in the US and they put this

seal on products to say that good

housekeeping a name that is recognized

over here has tested it and they put

their stamp of approval on at the

see it they put this seal on it it

doesn’t mean that it’s you know somehow

another preserved or kept from having

any problems but it’s been tested and

it’s guaranteed to perform up to a

certain standard but then there’s a

different type of seal like when a woman

you know makes preserves or something

like this and you you put them in a jar

that is it that keeps out the impurities

and then you put paraffin or something

over the top and seal that so that none

of these airborne impurities can get in

there and spoil the preserves or

whatever it was that you put in this jar

that’s this type of seal it’s saying

that once you were born again according

to all of these scriptures that we’ve

used you were created in righteousness

and true holiness as Jesus is so are you

you are one spirit with the Lord you are

identical to the Lord you have the

Spirit of Christ in you you have all of

this perfection you are now the

righteousness of God second Corinthians

5:21 and this doesn’t fluctuate it you

don’t lose that because once you

believed according to this verse in

verse 13 you were sealed vacuum packed

with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit

just in cases this new born-again self

so here’s what happens when you get born

again in the spirit you are created

righteous and truly holy you are now the

righteousness of God as Jesus is so are

you and instantly your vacuum packs so

that as a Christian once you receive

this and have been sealed by the Holy

Spirit if you sin sin in theirs into

your physical body and it’ll give Satan

an inroad against you physically can

cause you to be sick

it can come against you you could be

thrown in jail if you go out and sin and

you could have your physical body

punished you could have people hit you

that you could get into fights you can

have all kinds of physical things in the

emotional realm you can have

discouragement fear anger bitterness and

on and on it goes all of these things

can come against you but that sin

doesn’t penetrate the seal around your

spirit and your spirit therefore it

retains its righteousness and holiness

that it was created with

and now you add to this John 4:24 that

says God is a spirit and those who

worship Him must worship Him in spirit

and in truth God is looking at you

spirit to spirit he isn’t looking on

your external he’s looking in your heart

in your spirit and since your spirit was

born again righteous and truly holy then

vacuum-packed even if you go out and sin

you have just done a stupid thing and

you’ve allowed Satan to come into your

physical body and into your soul around

and you’re going to suffer for it you

aren’t going to prosper as much as you

can you need to quit living in sin but

the good news and this is nearly too

good to be true news is that that sin

didn’t break the seal around your

born-again spirit therefore your spirit

is still as righteous as holy and as

pure as the day you got born again it is

righteous and holy and pure as it will

be in eternity when we die and leave

this life and go into eternity it’s not

like your spirit is going to be

refurbished cleansed injected with

another dose of the Holy Ghost it’s none

of those things right now your spirit is

identical to Jesus that’s as perfect as

pure as you can get it’s his perfect

disappear as it will ever be and it’s

going to be that way throughout all

eternity right now one third of your

salvation is complete it is over in the

spirit you are as perfect as pure as you

will ever be you are is perfect as pure

as Jesus is right now that is all true

of you in your spirit and the rest of

the Christian life is renewing your mind

to it so that you get your spirit and

your mind and agreement and when you do

that your emotions your physical body

your physical circumstances everything

else will just have to change it’s two

against one your spirit and soul in

agreement your physical body will start

manifesting the power of God well that’s

powerful this has changed my life and I

know that there’s people listening to me

today and this just seems too good to be


and you say it can’t be that simple you

know it is this simple now it’s not

necessarily easy one of the hardest

things you will ever do is get to where

you go by what the word says and you put

faith in it and you start basing your

life on who you are in the spirit that’s

one of the hardest things you’ll ever do

because everything around us is all

geared towards the carnal realm towards

your five senses

matter of fact nearly every person

you’re going to contact whether they’re

Christian or non-christian even most

Christians are going to judge you based

on your physical actions they’re going

to look at the way you dress they’re

going to look at things that you do and

they’re going to criticize you and say

what makes you think God did bless you

and they’re going to constantly be

trying to force you back into relating

to God based on your physical person and

actions but it’s not that way when you

get born again you become a brand-new

creature in the spirit you are identical

to Jesus because it’s the spirit of his

son that was sent into your hearts and

it was sealed and your relationship with

God is all through the spirit this is

why Jesus said that you must worship Him

in spirit and in truth

you can’t come before God in your own

goodness based on your own effort you

have to come before God on the basis of

this born again person that’s on the

inside of it and also let me make this

point there I’m sure that there’s people

watching this program all around the

world and you are thinking that you have

a good relationship with God because

you’ve been a relatively good person and

you go to church and you try and do

what’s right and you’re just hoping that

God is going to accept you

I’m telling you see you’re missing it

see you are trying to clean up this

physical thing you’re trying to clean up

your act and act better and you’re

thinking that if you hit some minimum

standard here that God is going to

accept you but see you are only dealing

with the external in your spirit prior

to being born again you had a spirit

that was from the devil it was dead in

trespasses and sin let me just read a

couple of verses – I know some of these


sänger shocking people but it says in

Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 and you hath

he quickened the word quickened means

made alive who were dead in trespasses

and sins this is talking about that your

spirit was dead not in the sense that it

was non-functional but it was separated

from God and in verse 2 it says wherein

in time past ye walked according to the

course of this world according to the

Prince of the power of the air the

spirit that now worketh in the children

of disobedience

this says that prior to being born again

we all were walking according to the

course of this world in the Prince of

the power of the air the spirit there

was demonic influence in your life Jesus

said this over in John chapter 8 I

believe it’s verse 44 he was talking to

some people and he said you are of your

father the devil so the point that I’m

trying to make and there’s many other

scriptures 2nd Corinthians chapter 4

says this in verse 4 other places it

talks about the god of this world has

blinded the eyes of them that believe

not you know it’s not just a matter of

your actions out here in your thought

life there is a third part of you the

spirit being and the spirit prior to

being born again is separated from God

it is a fallen spirit it is a demonic

spirit it was possessed Jesus said you

are of your father the devil so even if

you could clean up your actions out here

and live a relative holy life compared

to me or compared to somebody else you

can’t change that spirit on the inside

of you by your actions you must be born


that’s what Jesus was talking about in

John chapter 3 when he said that you

must be born again it’s not a suggestion

it’s not the best way it’s the only way

to have relationship with God jesus said

himself in John 14:6 I am the way the

truth the life no man comes unto the

father but by me you have to be changed

in your spirit in the nature the

innermost part of your being and see

most people are just missing this

they’re thinking that it’s all actions

it’s all outward because that’s the way

they followed

human beings are they are looking for a

physical answer to everything they don’t

even acknowledge and and base hardly

anything on the spirit realm but I’m

telling you it’s in the spirit realm

that your problems really exist your

physical actions are a byproduct a fruit

an outcome of the way that you are in

your spirit and even if you change your

behavior out here modify your behavior

so that you restrain yourself on the

inside you’re still going to be seething

and all of this stuff you must be born

again you need a brand new spirit on the

inside of you and see this is what

Christianity is Christianity isn’t going

to church Christianity involves going to

church it should be a byproduct or

result of having a relationship with God

but the point I’m making is it doesn’t

produce relationship with God

you know if sitting in a church won’t

make you a Christian any more than

sitting in a garage would make you a car

you know if you’re a car you ought to

get in your garage for your own benefit

protection if you’re a Christian you

ought to go to church because it’ll help

you and bless you but going to church

doesn’t make you a Christian any more

than sitting in a garage and make you a

car you must be born again and there are

people who are trusting their actions

and they think well I go to church and I

read the Bible every once in a while and

I’m a relatively good person and I’ve

quit some of the things that I’m doing

and I’m improving and I’ve helped this

person none of those things are going to

change you you’ve got to be changed in

the spirit level you must be born again

but the good news is once you get born

again once you come to the Lord and you

say God you know forgive me for the

things I’ve done and even though I may

have been doing better or maybe you’re

doing worse it doesn’t matter you just

say it doesn’t matter about these things

I want to humble myself I want to be

born again I want you to come live on

the inside of me I want to receive that

salvation when you receive that then

like I was teaching today immediately

you are vacuum packed you’re sealed and

you know what you’ll still make mistakes

you don’t have a glorified body yet

you’ve got one coming but you don’t get

an instant changed body your mind isn’t

instantly changed you can renew it and

as much as you renew it you’ll begin to

start experiencing different emotions

and different actions and so it’s

definitely good to do but your body and

your soul aren’t instantly changed but

in your spirit you are totally changed

you become a brand new person and now

God lives on the inside of you and as

you focus on God and you worship Him in

spirit not based on your performance but

you just find out who you are and you

start thinking about these things that

I’ve been saying did you know what you

are changed in the nature at the core

level of you and all of a sudden your

emotions your thoughts your actions

begin to change as a byproduct not in

order to get God to accept you but

because God has accepted you and you are

so in love with God for what he’s done

for you that now you want to give up

you’d give up bubblegum if you thought

it would please him man you just want to

serve Him so much you want to do

anything God how can I pay you back how

could I you can’t pay him back but you

have this desire that God I just want to

do anything to bless you I want to live

my life for you you died for me the

least I can do is live for you and see

that’s the way that the Christian life

should be you come you get born again

you get this brand-new status with the

Lord you’re perfect you’re completing

your spirits you go to worshiping God

and even though you still make mistakes

in your flesh that doesn’t change your

relationship with God you just keep

accessing God and having fellowship with

him even though you aren’t the perfect

person because you’re approaching him in

spirit and in truth and as you do that

then you wind up just serving God more

accidentally than you ever had on

purpose before man that’s good news that

is wonderful news you know today I just

really feel impressed to do this I think

it would be ashamed to tell you all of

these things and somebody I know right

now for the very first time understand

that your relationship with God isn’t

based on what you do

but it’s based on what Jesus did for you

and it’s just a matter of you receiving

it and I think it would be ashamed for

me to impart that truth to you and then

not give you an opportunity to follow

through and to be born again you know

the scripture says in Romans chapter 10

verse 9 that if you shall confess with

your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in

your heart that God raised him from the

dead you shall be saved

it says you have to confess it with your

mouth that Jesus is your Lord that’s

more than just saying the word when you

say Lord this means you are turning your

life over you are making a commitment it

doesn’t mean that you’re making a

promise that you can’t keep because none

of us will ever do everything perfectly

but you are willing to put him into

lordship give him the control of your

life and if you will say that with your

mouth and believe it in your heart it

goes on to say in Romans 10:10 for with

the heart man believes unto

righteousness and with the mouth

confession is made unto salvation

you have to believe it in your heart and

then confess it with your mouth and if

you’ll do that you shall be saved and so

right now here’s what I want to do I

want you to pray with me and I know that

many of you watching this program are

already born again but if you aren’t

absolutely sure if there’s any

reservations if you’ve been basing your

relationship with God upon your own

performance you need to pray this prayer

I’m going to say what you need to say

based on those scriptures I quoted out

in Romans chapter 10 and if you will say

these words after me and mean them from

your heart I believe you’ll be born

again I really believe that just say

this repeat this after me say father I’m

sorry for my sin I believe that Jesus

died to forgive my sin and I receive

that forgiveness Jesus I make you my

lord I believe that you are alive and

that you now live in me I am saved I am

forgiven in Jesus name Amen

boy that’s powerful

again this isn’t magic you have to

believe it but if you prayed that and

believed it then right now in the spirit

you are this person I’ve been talking

about and you have just now instantly

been sealed there is so much more you

know I’d like to encourage you to call

our helpline we’ve got a book that I’ll

give every person who’s prayed that

prayer and got born again today it’s

entitled the new you you also need to

receive the Holy Spirit if you’ll call

our helpline and say that I prayed that

prayer with Andrew we will give you

these materials and I guarantee it’ll

make a big difference also of course we

have all of our other materials on the

spirit soul and body that are available

to you and I’d encourage you to get all

of this but especially those of you who

prayed this prayer Moore has taken place

on the inside of you right now than what

you understand you’ll spend the rest of

your life trying to discover what just

happened to you and I’d like to help you

along that path so we have a number on

your screen and I’d like to encourage

you to call to get all of the materials

on spirit soul and body but tell the

people that you prayed with me and we

will give you a special package of

materials that will help you get your

life started with the Lord praise God

I’m excited about that remember that the

we’re going to continue to offer all of

these materials but we’re drawing

towards a close it’ll probably go in

next week but we’re drawing to a close

of giving you this second teaching in

our spirit soul and body album as a gift

so please listen to our announcer and

please call our write today Andrews

four-part teaching title spirit soul and

body is available in a CD album or it’s

available in a DVD album as seen on TV

ask 40 10:27 and be sure to specify CD

or DVD when you make a gift of 13 pounds

or more

the second teaching in the audio CD

album is also available for a donation

of 3 pounds or more

we encourage everyone to send a gift but

if you’re simply unable to afford it

Andrew and his partners will provide

this second CD free of charge request

teaching TK 92 when you write for call

and will be pleased to send it to you

spirit soul embodied the book is also

available when you send a gift to the

work of this ministry

request T 3:18 when you write call or go

to our website for the very first time

this teaching is available in a

companion study guide for a gift of 17

pounds 50 or more included as a cd-rom

that allows you to duplicate any

resources needed for each lesson request

study guide T 418 when you contact the

ministry I know that there are many of

you that prayed that prayer with me on

today’s broadcast and I really encourage

you that there is more taking place than

what you understand right now but I’ve

got two books or actually I’ve got I’ve

got these two books and combined into

one that I will send you they’ll tell

you about what happens when you be born

again and then also about the baptism of

the Holy Spirit if you will call and say

that you prayed this prayer with me we

will send those books to you as our gift

just to help you get started in your

Christian life remember that we have all

of the other materials that are

available the ones on spirit soul and

body my book CDs DVDs a study guide so

we have the information on your screen I

encourage you to call and request these

materials today the very best way to

reach us is through our website you can

order ministry materials online 24 hours

a day at a WME net or you can use your

credit card to order by telephone our

helpline number is zero one ninety two

two four seven three three hundred again

that’s zero one nine two two four seven

three three hundred when calling from

outside the UK you must dial your

international calling code then forty

four one nine two two four seven three

three hundred

helpline hours extend from 7:00 a.m. to

4:00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time if the

lines are jammed remember you can go to

our website and there’s no fee for

reaching us through the internet if you

prefer to write us our address is a WME

that’s Andrew Wommack ministries of

Europe PL box for 392 Walsall WS 1:9 a

our England we hope to hear from you


we’d like to point out Andrews upcoming

speaking schedule mark your calendars to

come meet Andrew at one of these events

and let the word of God transform your

life you’ll be in Kampala Uganda July 11

and 12 he’ll also be in the northwest

province of South Africa on July 20th

and July 21st through the 23rd for more

details on Andrews next meeting in your

area call our helpline or visit our

website at a WME net be sure to tune in

tomorrow for more gospel truth when you

get born again it’s not God just now

trying to get you to do it better and

then you did before you got born again

though you are completely changed on the

inside and that spirit will never

fluctuate I don’t know if you’ve really

thought about this but if it is

dependent if your salvation is dependent

upon you confessing every sin and

getting it under the blood and atone for

after you’re born again then I guarantee

you you’re never gonna make because sin

is not only the major things we do wrong

sin is what we’re failing to do right

and every one of us are failing to do

things we aren’t praying as much as we

should we don’t love other people we

aren’t thinking about other people

we don’t intercede we get caught up in

our own self we don’t study the word we

don’t pray we don’t do anything exactly

the way that we should it’s the nature

of fallen human beings to be incomplete
