John Tesh Testimony Riverside Gospel Truth Seminar 2017

it’ll test them on in I just got to meet

got John and Connie this Wednesday was

the first time I’ve met them but you

know what they’ve already become my

newest best friends I’ve just loved to

end John had an awesome miracle happen

that he just heard about this afternoon

so I’d like to ask John and Connie come

on Connie I’d like to invite them up

here just to tell you a little bit about

what’s happened to them and I if I’m

correct it’s only been three or four

weeks ago that I think it was cha cha

right here that gave them some of my

materials it means these people are

fired up and love with the Lord and I

just but I don’t know why I miss my kids

I haven’t prayed about my throat yet

because I know it’s temporary and what

we’ve been praying about for John was

more important to our legend

well actually Connie does get her voice

back every every morning because we pray

about it but then she sings so allows

the worship services you know I’ve been

struggling because I’ve been singing all

right so yeah some of this isn’t you

just got to control yourself yeah yeah

well like you said I’m Italian yeah yeah

I want to use that later off you just

control yourself honey so so Connie and

I said I don’t want to take up too much

your time because I can’t wait for the

teaching tonight just yeah just like you

but I want a quick story because I think

maybe it’ll speak to you first of all

Connie I’ve been married we’re on our

25th year and

and it’s been you know when I was a

recovering Methodist and so I I grew up

on Long Island and when I got to college

I was sort of okay I’m Donna I completed

that whole thing and sort of went crazy

and then I met Connie in 1991 and we

were going out and and she said hey

would you like to come to my my church

and I said you know I really not really

not not interested I’ve already

completed that program and so she said

well if you like me you’ll come to my

church I said okay okay okay okay okay

tell me so if there have been thudding

gasps exactly so they’ve been so many

times in my life where this has happened

to me where Connie has put me in the

position of just being being being

blessed and what happens to me a year

and a half ago to sort of cut to the

chase is that my doctor sort of

accidentally found a lump and I long

story short I ended up with probably the

most aggressive prostate cancer gene you

could possibly imagine

thank the guys it’s one of the hospitals

here locally said you need to just get

your affairs in order and trying to make

lemonade out of lemons and and so we

went of course immediately into prayer

begging God and her for help and before

I knew the truth and and so we ended up

in this great Hospital and with this

amazing surgeon who’s a believer and he

ended up curing me operating on me and

curing me and and and they to this day

they said it was them one of the most

aggressive cancers they’d seen and one

of the most unusual so he pretty much

said I hit the jackpot and I was I

hadn’t had treatment I would have

probably wouldn’t have wouldn’t I made

it so we’re going about our lives and


how long ago was it when like if we

complete that month ago so a month ago I

had a checkup and the cancer had

metastasized and so it had moved to

another part of my body right right near

my my pelvis and so we would I get went

on this journey when traveling around

through which all these big hospitals

and all these tests and everything and

you know bone marrows which I’m sure you

guys will have these tests and it just

you know no fun and all these scans and

everything and I you know it you’ll

definitely resonate with this Andrew I I

my philosophy my paradigm changed from

really you know energetic and and

purpose driven guy to cancer patients

and so all of a sudden I had a cancer

story and I would tell that to people

see how you’re doing well I’ve got

cancer how you doing well I when you I

had the most very on the cash kept

playing these stories about how how

cancer was was killing me not realizing

the cancer had no dominion over me and

so it so we went through this process

and Connie was try was I was depressed I

was going through a terrible time I

couldn’t even even work I just you know

making plans for somebody to replace me

on day on the shows that we do and then

we about three weeks ago our friend

cha-cha sand of all we were we were in

church out in Chino Hills and she and

she said to me she said hey miss Akane

she said why don’t you won’t she will

listen to these these tapes and I mean

listen we we must have people give us

tapes like five or six a week you know

hey listen to this guy hey listen

there’s limit so we’re in the car and

I’m not gonna put this thing in there

this CD in the copy has to figure I’ve

already I’ve already heard all this so

Connie splits this CD in and and before

she does is shot says says you should

listen to him but but don’t pay don’t be

pulled off by his accidents because it’s

because it’s because it’s very different

well what what cha-cha doesn’t know is

that is it my whole family from the deep

south so all of a sudden the CD goes in

there and and Gomer pile comes on

and and starts and sorry I’m really

sorry about this no it’s true it starts

and starts it starts teaching and Connie

and I who have been in the words and you

know since forever all of us on our

heads are spinning around because we’d

never heard teaching like this before

and we’re realizing it oh my gosh we can

we can work with Jesus with God and we

can provide we can take the full

authority of God and work on the healing

here and Connie was it never stopped

praying for for healing for and for a


she’ll destroy hell we weren’t finished

by the time we got home there was two

more on the first day on the first CD we

sat in the driveway with the CD cause it

was really sick I mean I mean and then

and then we met we met Andrew and and

Jamie on Thursday and we had breakfast

with him and they were telling us their

stories and we were like no we heard

that one no no we got that one together

and so we were we really read it for

three weeks we devour these these tapes

but just couldn’t get enough and I

realized when I look on Andrews face

that he we look at me like I’m afraid

these people might be stalkers but

anyway what happened today was well

about a week ago we got a result from

from UCLA from this high-end scan and

all of a sudden they’re like well we see

that tumor that you guys saw in Chicago

but now it’s not making much of a signal

and so we’re not really sure what’s

going on this is in the middle of these

of these teachings and then today and

why don’t you tell them what happened

because they can’t hear me

the Epis morning service I said to John

after he’s been prayed over and we have

agreed that he’s cured I said to him and

leaned over to him and I said you know

when we get the biopsy report back and

that’s what we’ve been waiting for is

they did a bone-marrow biopsy because

the doctors are very concerned that the

cancer has gone to his bones because

that’s what prostate cancer does oh look

my voice is back hey man

so we did we did the biopsy which was a

very very painful experience for him and

so I said to him today I said if the

biopsy report comes back positive you’re

going to have to take another test

before you get any treatment because now

you’re cured and you’re going to have to

show the doctors that your charge by

taking another test and then we finish

the service we went back to the hotel

and had some lunch and we’re sitting at

lunch and I got the email

I’m MD Anderson that it’s not it’s about


so I lay me to listen I I have to tell

you that you know I grew up I grew up as

and as an engineer as a scientist and

some of you may know me from working on

sports and the Olympics and

Entertainment Tonight I’ve lived in the

world for for so long but um this is it

this is amazing not only the healing

right but the but the teaching and and I

feel like I feel compelled to tell you

that that if if that CD from from ChaCha

had ended up in our car I don’t know

what would have happened to me and and

and I think I just would have been on

the on the same journey and so I really

want to exhort you guys and really and

really encourage you to do the same

thing you know one of the hardest things

to do

certainly in Hollywood right but one of

the hardest things to do for anybody is

to witness to a friend it’s really hard

sometimes to a non-believer because I

what I’m going to do my alternatives I’m

not going to lose a friend it can be as

simple it’s just taking one of these CDs

and saying hey listen to this guy

because not only does he make a heck of

a lot of sense but it’s always in the

word right and he’s hilarious I mean I

have you heard the story about him going

on the cruise if you haven’t heard that

story you know one more thing what we’re

saying for things okay so this book this

book right here this book is not

available here right this is an amazing

book living in God’s best but the one

thing we need to do is to go on Amazon

right or go on – go on go on the website

and by this book I’m going to tell you

why because then it’ll end up being a

best-seller and then people are get it

going to show up at people’s

recommendations right and they’re going

to say who is this guy and I think that

God Andrew I think I think that God

ended up putting together an experiment

one day he said hey what would happen if

I gathered up some of Paul’s DNA some of

Billy Graham’s and some of Gomer piles I

put them all together and what would I

get and if this guy so god bless you

thank you thank you

hey god bless you guys let me grow in

that great at the current testimony just

happened today got that report back