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but I’ve been gearing up and I really

wanted to take us all to go personally

and to take us all to to a greater level

of understanding and a greater level of

walking by faith the Bible says the just

shall live by faith Paul said we walk by

faith and not by sight which means that

everything that he did and he

accomplished much he did by faith and if

you study the life of Jesus is the same

thing Jesus everything that he did he

did in this realm in this atmosphere of

faith can you imagine I mean think about

the miracles just look at consider Jesus

as a human because he was just as much

human as he was divine so think of him

as a human and he’s out there and he’s

got this calling on his life and he’s

called to do crazy stuff even like raise

the dead so he was he was operating in

this radical faith but this faith was

connected to his purpose and so and so I

do wanna I do want to go deeper I want

to take us deeper over the next you know

several weeks and the subject of faith

but I kind of got interrupted a little

bit if I’m to be honest with you I got

interrupted because I feel like we’re in

a season where God is going to produce a

newer version of us and with that newer

version of us there is going to be a new

clarity that comes to us and I’m almost

afraid of taking us deeper in faith

before I really bring us or help us to

position ourselves in such a ways that

we can become who God has called us to

become so that we can see what we need

to see so that we can appropriate that

faith in a divine direction are you

tracking with me and so I want to kind

of just slightly interrupt that for a

second and I want to prophetically bring

us to an awareness of the sea

that we’re in because it it is it is

impossible to look and see what’s

happening with not just one hurricane

not just two hurricanes not just through

I mean just I mean we’re gonna be to Z

if something doesn’t happen we get

through one wave and then there’s

another wave and then if that’s not it

then stuff starts shaking in Mexico and

then when we get through that it seems

like stuff start shaking again in Mexico

and then just in case you thought that

it was all about distance we get a three

point six right here in our backyard

that was felt in my community and you

would have to be crazy not to at least

scratch your chin a little bit

and begin to ask God is something up can

I talk to you like that

I’m not preaching no gloom and doom I’m

talking like it is you can’t it would

take a whole you talk about faith it

would take a whole lot of faith to think

that all those things were coincidence

when our Jesus talked about them in

Matthew chapter 24 I here’s my heart for

you I can preach you happy all day

that’s just a gift I care about you too

much to have you be happy and ignorant

to have you be happy and not sensitive

to the moment and the season that you’re

in I can’t do that to you and what I

want to say to you and when I’m gonna

read some Bible in just a second but

what I want to say to you is that when

you see these things happening know that

it is connected to you in some way I

meant to make it plain not to make a

plan make a plan

this is not something that that is

happening and you need to kind of get

like like afraid and what do I do and

you go hide on the rock no these things

are happening to pull something out of

you hmm

and I don’t want you to be so distracted

pointing your faith that your dream that

you don’t realize that any any faith

anything that God wants to give you

faith for in this season is a dream that

is connected to his dream that is

connected to the shaking and everything

else that’s happening listen my Bible

Bible Bible Bible okay Romans chapter 8

real quick

Romans chapter 8

before I start reading this when you are

manifest when the real you is manifest

in a level of maturity there’s going to

be another level of creativity that

comes to you their ideas that God is

going to give you that are going to

cause you to be the head and not the

tail you’re gonna walk in something


here’s something that I heard when I was

praying there’s a lot of things right

now that seem to be at the top but they

will shortly be at the bottom

I feel the Spirit of God let me just I’m

come back to this I just gonna say this

real quick there’s some don’t don’t be

deceived by what appears to be winning

now the the shaking itself is showing if

you think about it shaking the symbolism

of a shaking is a repositioning it’s a

repositioning tall buildings and this is

not insensitive but think about it that

which was tall and stately and and I

sense that the reason why one the reason

why this mess is so important for some

of you is God is getting ready to

produce something out of you oh god I

just felt this who Jesus something’s

gonna be birthed out of you that

instantaneously is going to reposition

you just like an earthquake repositions

things I saw it so clearly

and when God knows that he can trust you

that you are truly one of his he’s gonna

reveal to you secrets that are gonna put

you on top

I feel the Spirit of God alright alright

okay it says for I reckon that the

sufferings of this present time are not

worthy to be compared with the glory

that shall be revealed in us so there’s

a connection between the sufferings the

difficulties the challenges to

perplexities the confusions the

disappointments all these sort of things

that we lament all those things that

keep us coming to church in on our knees

praying there’s a connection between all

those things and a glory that is going

to be revealed in you okay in verse 19

it says for the earnest expectation of

the creation eagerly waits for the

revealing of the sons of God of the sons

of God the revealing of the sons of God

we’ve talked about this before we know

that the sons it’s about children it’s

not a sex it’s not a male a female thing

it has no gender distinction in it at

all because there is no gender in Christ

let me say it again

God is spirit that’s what the Bible says

right spirit does not have

it’s spirit spirit has no need I’m

trying because my wife is not here to

reel me in so I’m trying to reel myself

in the Bible says that God is spirit is

spirit so when we talk about sons of God

what we’re talking about is a

positioning it’s it’s it’s a divine

positioning the sons of God those who

who execute for God those who are God’s

representatives in the earth in the Book

of Daniel it talks about those who know

their God shall do great exploits the

sons of God are different from cute

little Christians these are sons and

daughters who have authority these are

people who are friends of God they walk

in victory they walk in power they walk

in faith they decree a things and stuff

starts happening when they step into a

room heaven starts backing them up these

are the son they’re different they’re

different they’re different they’re

special they’re special they are sold

out for God they realize that God has

given them the very breath that they’re

they’re breathing right now they they

realize that they have a purpose they

understand that their citizenship is in

heaven they realize that they’re just

pilgrims walking that’s why the Bible

says earlier it says those who are led

by the Spirit of God these are the sons

of God they don’t walk to their the beat

of their own drum they walk in the

rhythm in the cadence of the Spirit of

God and when they don’t feel the Spirit

of God they go to fasting and praying

and seeking they start reading their

words they stop pressing in

coming to church because they realize

they’re not here for themselves they’re

here for the one and only King of Kings

and they’re different there in the world

but not of the world they’re different

than they walk to a beat of a different

drum they’re not new the way other

people are they are sold out and they

are turned up for Jesus and they speak

in tongues they cast out Devils they lay

hands on the sick and they shall recover

these are the sons of God they are led

of the Spirit let’s talk about it let’s

talk about it I’m not talking about

church people because some sons don’t

even have a church home you not ready

for that

Oh God their relationship with God is on

a very high level it’s at a very high

level it’s not

oh god I’m only gonna follow you if you

bless me I’m only gonna follow you if

you you manifest my husband or you

manifest my wife their relationship with

God is on another level they say things

like here am I send me they say not my

will be done but sure will be done they

say things like though you slay me yet

will I trust you and because they have

died to themselves they are alive to God

and they become friends of God

God will move on their behalf oh it’s

crazy he God will part red sees for

people like them then that ordinary they

this is a distinct tribe tried by fire a

distinct tribe see the revealing of the

Sun see time reveals a lot of things

there were people who walk with Jesus

right when Jesus was the hot thing not

Jesus was hot he was the new hot thing

he was doing miracles people were

following him he was all kind of stuff

what’s happening was hey you know geez

yeah I got his number he was hot and

then Jesus thought it preaches and some

rough stuff talk about suffering and

stuff like that and they steady

distancing themselves these sons though

these sons they have to be revealed and

and the fire reveals them

that the difficulty the suffering this

struggle a priest and dinner on Sunday I

was talking about the bones and how and

how sometimes God has to bring us down

back down to our core because some of

the things that keep us from God are the

things that we build on top of the

foundation of God now I wish I had time

to really dig into that here it says

that all of creation that’s everything

that was created that’s everything

that’s in the universe we can call it

the universe all of creation the earnest

expectation the all of creation is

earnestly waiting for the revealing of

the sons this is what I mean when I say

that we are connected to the crazy we

see and there is remedy to the crazy

that we see in our identity our identity

is the remedy to the crazy we see why is

that we’re gonna keep reading for the

earnest expectation of the creation

eagerly waits for the revealing of the

children of God and it says for the

creation was subjected so the creation

the universe right was subjected to

futility was was basically subjected to

weakness God created the universe and

made its subject subjected to weakness

not willingly it wasn’t the universe’s

it the universe did not create itself

God created the universe so it didn’t

happen willingly but because of him God

the Creator who subjected it in this

futile space in hope did you catch it so

so let’s listen listen let’s talk about

it slow so all of creation is waiting

for us to be revealed us to oh man I

feel God

us to walk in our sonship that

is different it is a different thing

that is when you are aligned with the

creator and because you are aligned with

the create or God begins to endow you

with an anointing to create things in

the earth that are beyond Lord bless me

with a new house I’m talking about

beginning to co-create with God and the

good that he wants to do in the earth

can I talk to you like this I mean like

honestly like like seriously it’s on

that level it’s on that level I promise

is bigger than this audition you got

coming up can’t take you higher see the

reason why I want to take you higher and

really I want to take you deeper is

because sometimes those things are

distractions I mean the things that we

consume ourselves with like we go to

sleep thinking about it

we talk about it all day we’re not in

our circles and we’re talking about it

and we’re talking about it in the grand

scheme of things and these things are

low-level things Wow earthquakes are


well more hurricanes and we can keep up

with our going on what while there’s

ethnic tension everywhere and we’re

talking about an audition can’t talk to

you like this I’m not saying there’s

nothing wrong with the audition I’m just

saying that your mind has to be higher

your sense of purpose and why you are

here has to be higher and you see that

somehow as a means to an end and I think

if you live high you’re gonna be

disappointed a lot less all right so it

says for the earnest expectation of the

creation eagerly waits for the revealing

son of God and then it says that the

creation that the creation ultimately

was subjected by God he created it to be

week but he didn’t create to be week in

a hopeless way he subjected it in this

weakness in hope because of us the

remedy is in your identity the concept

and the idea and the reality to be

created in God’s image and in God’s

likeness the apex of creation rosh

hashanah literally is to commemorate the

traditional anniversary of the creation

of adam and eve in that crazy so so so

to be created in his image to become the

apex of god’s creation must mean

something more than taking up air he

gives Adam and Eve the authority and the

directive to tend to the earth this is

on you

you got this when did the plan change

I’m talking about purpose now what if my

purpose was bigger than me me me me me

but what if God was trying to bring me

into something where I became something

and the impact of my life will shake

this world I wish I had some destiny

people in here right now and you you

just know the truth you’re not here to

suck up air there’s something on the

inside of you that is trying to get out

and if it gets out it’s gonna shake this


that’s who you are something is trying

to come out of you let’s keep reading

because the creation itself also will be

delivered from the bondage of corruption

into the glorious liberty of who so as

go I so goes the universe I wish you

knew who you were I wish you I wish you

would just get a glimpse of who you were

let’s keep going it says for we know

that the whole creation groans in

Labor’s with birth pangs together until

now and we’re part of that see when I

see earthquakes I don’t see earthquakes

I see birth pangs

when I see hurricanes I don’t see


I see creation I see the universe

groaning I see the universe pregnant I

see and when I see it happen it’s almost

like the pregnancy because what we’re

seeing now is we’re seeing it happen we

seeing things happen the the the wars

and the rumors of wars the earthquakes

in diverse places you know the the

hurricanes all the natural disasters

we’re seeing them happen just like a

pregnancy watches we’re seeing them

happen with increased intensity and

frequency think about a woman when she

is pregnant when that baby is getting

ready to birth the pain gets more

intense and it becomes more frequent in

my life I’ve never had it before but

this just what I heard about if Haleh if

you’ve had it before and that’s how it

goes out holler at you boy

yes yes yes it the pain intensifies and

the contractions become more frequent

because something is getting ready to be

birth and this text is telling us that

we have a connection with what’s

happening and this next verse is going

to describe to you how you feeling it

says not only that but we also who have

the firstfruits of the Spirit even we

ourselves groan within ourselves that’s

what you’ve been feeling this some

people you know I can hear your groaning

right now you say pres I’m hungry no

that’s not what it is

groaning is when the deep that is inside

of you it’s trying to get out and you

start getting uncomfortable there places

that you used to be in and now all of a

sudden you’re uncomfortable you you

don’t fit in environments that you used

to fit in anymore you’re getting

uncomfortable and it’s because there’s a

baby on the inside of you and that baby

is the real you and it’s trying to come

out and they’re things squeezing it and

pressuring it life is pressuring you


because God is trying to produce

something out of you

that life cannot pressure I wish I

didn’t say it again I say it again who

you are spiritually cannot be pressured

the pressure is against who you are not


I’ve got to kill who you are not so that

who you are can come forth and when who

you are comes forth when your sonship

comes for you wanna turn this place

upside down that’s where we are and so

in this season of becoming I want you to

do eight things I’m a runt of them


I want you to do eight things the first

thing I want you to do is rest the first

thing I need you to do is rest because

God is getting ready to change the

choreography of your life and you need

to stop because if you don’t stop you’ll

be trying to do a new thing in an old

rhythm you have got to stop sometimes it

takes more faith to stop than to go

because you think that God can’t hold

your universe together if you stop some

of you need to take a Sabbath right now

you need to stop and rest so that you

can hear clearly because because you’re

too busy I since I feel you your life is

too busy you just got this going on

right now you got 15 text messages

waiting for you got these emails you got

to stop you need to stop for a minute

it’s rest it takes faith – I’m preaching

to me it takes faith to rest I was

looking at my calendar I say it takes

faith to rest I’m gonna take tomorrow

down though I’m gonna take tomorrow down

okay first thing I do is rest right

revelation doesn’t come in busy I’m

gonna keep it 100 with you particularly

not the revelation that will move you to

birth the real you that does not come in

busy you gotta be still be still and

know that I’m God

be still and that the knowledge of God

come to you be still number 2 release

whoo you gotta release imma show you

this pastors real quick Leviticus

chapter 26 and verse 10

it’s a powerful pastor description I’m

just show you real quick and a real fast

miss goal to hit in the boom I’ll just

go crazy butBut it basically says you

shall eat you shall eat the old harvest

and clear out the old because of the new

you shall eat the old harvest and clear

out the old because of the new that has

so many interpretations to me 3 coming

to mind I’ll tell them to you really

quickly the first thing is I believe

that when God is trying to bring you

into the new you have to go ahead and

finish out what you need to finish out

if there’s some things that you need to

complete you need to complete it sonic

go finish it just finish it eat it up

real quick because it’s the old harvest

and there are so I feel the Spirit of

God that there are some unfinished

things in your life that are keeping you

from promotion and God wants to move you

to the next but you haven’t finished

there and you have to understand that

God is a God of sequence I promise you I

wish to God you can just jump from level

1 to level 5 it doesn’t work that way

it’s step by step we go from glory to

glory step-by-step there’s some things

in here that the only reason why you

haven’t been promoted is because you

haven’t finished it you’ve got to eat

the old harvest eat the old harvest so

that God can bring the new that’s one of

the things that it means another thing

that it means to me is is how God


time’s right before the season where God

is going to bring you into the new one

and bring you into another dimension

there is a drought and we kind of talked

about that before us you know and

sometimes we miss interpret lack we

think that lack means it’s over no

sometime lack means the old is over and

it is creating space for the noon and

that can be in relationships that can be

in resources do not misinterpret lack do

not misinterpret something drying up

something drying up is a signal that

there is something flowing abundantly

elsewhere from another source and then

lastly it says you shall eat the old

harvest and clear out the old because of

the new and that last aspect of that for

me has to do with you really from that

place of rest recognizing what you got

to release there are some things look

we’re in Rosh Hashanah man we’re in the

new year and there’s certain things that

you’ve been carrying way too long and

you know it you just say somebody’s name

and you get all funny no you know what I

mean if I say that person’s name right

now you just you know to me and I ain’t

the holy ghost see that you you know

that’s something else you there’s some

stuff you just you can’t carry forgiving

is so much better it’s so much better it

is is so much better the second thing

you have to do is release the third

thing that we have to do the prepare for

the new is reset reset I’m in a season

right now well I’ve pressed the reset

button on everything good son in my life

reset what does that mean that means

that we starting over oh I feel the Holy

Spirit that takes faith right there to

to start over right it’s a clean

whiteboard right because I want God to

write oh I don’t want to assume that

just because it has always been that’s

how it’s supposed to be are you tracking


reset number four reassess now is a time

I promise you family now is a time to

reassess everything in and around your

life is it still relevant does it still

make sense

is it still profitable are you tracking

with me it is time in this season if

you’re gonna do this ten days and nine

days left of the fast or if you’re gonna

do it three days you’re moving into the

season of the new I want you to pause

and reassess everything I don’t want you

to assume anything I want you to look at

everything all over again from top to

bottom as you’re praying and see if it’s

still what God wants for you in your

life you gotta reassess number five

refocus once you reassess now it’s time

to refocus oftentimes when we get busy

and we get into this rhythm our focus

gets real broad and anybody knows that

you can’t do anything big with broad

focus you got a laser being that focus

so it’s time to refocus as well once you

rest once you release what needs to be

released once you press reset once you

begin to reassess you have to refocus

number six reposition that’s interesting

because this necessitates strategy and

particularly if you’re a business person

or you may be in ministry can be

anything it could be your circle of

friends right we have a team we ought to

have people around us in situations

around us or our life success has a

structure hello somebody success has a

structure personal success professional

success ministry success it all has a

structure and sometimes in order for it

to continue to prosper and thrive

you have to reposition the pieces you

have to be the coach of your own life

you have to be the CEO of you and you

have to learn in seasons as you’re

listening to God and you have to listen

to God and don’t let your heart get in

the way because your heart will have you

stuck on stupid and missing something

it’s not about your heart sometimes you

got to use your head and God will speak

to you and it will show you how to

reposition the pieces and the player

in your life so that you can move

forward in the new are you tracking with

me you have to reposition number seven

recommit I believe that as we get steel

and as we begin to reassess I believe

that we’re going to discover things that

we signed up for that we never followed

through with I believe we’re going to

discover moments where we were touched

by God and we made some commitments to

God and some covenants with God but in

the busyness of life some of those

things got lost and I believe that God

as you make room for him as you clear

out the old to make room for the new

God’s gonna show you hey remember we

partnered on this and maybe you got

discouraged or maybe you got distracted

come I feel the Spirit of God on this

maybe you got discouraged or maybe you

got distracted or or something happened

to you and you have lost your way I

still hear God saying I still need that

I know you thought that I forgot about

it but I don’t know the only thing I

forget about is your sin I still need

that I don’t forget about destiny things

I still need that recommit and lastly

number eight is to reach your head it’s

to reach ahead there’s more I want to

pray for you

oh I’m pray for you I believe with all

tomorrow and come on stand with me if

you would I believe if you don’t have to

leave don’t leave because I believe that

this this this time of prayer is gonna

be everything and I’m praying the Lord

would let me seal this up with some just

some final instruction and some final


it’s on you it’s on you you’re it

the remedy is in your identity and when

you see things that need to be remedied

your prayer should be God manifests my

sonship manifest my sonship I believe

that sonship happens by faith I believe

it happens by faith God I am who you say

I am I believe that we’re going to come

out of this season of a rest of

reassessing of I’m just I’m not looking

at that I’m just talking of

reconsidering the reset refocusing

releasing what needs to be released

repositioning and the way that things

need to be repositioned I believe that

that something’s going to emerge from us

and I believe what emerges from us is

going to have authority I really believe

that I believe that that you stomp your

foot in California and it’ll be felt in

Europe I believe that I believe that but

as your sonship is manifest your

influence is going to grow Wow what what

what would happen if the entire body of

Christ went from being Christians to


there would be no division there would

be no competition we all got the same

daddy we all have the same heart and the

same mind and we are after something

we’re gonna be cheering each other on

because we’re sons I believe that that

who we are is getting squeezed out of us

and I believe in this season there are a

lot of low level things that were high

level in your life that God is getting

ready to flatten he’s getting ready to

flatten so that so that so that we can

choose better so that we can choose

better you’re more than and what you

think you are and you have more

influence than you think you have you’re

not just a pawn in the game God handed

you the game he handed you the game but

only sons will play it to win all his

sons if you’re here tonight you’re here

tonight and there was something about


there’s something about sonship

something about

I won’t image that concept because it’s

beyond a concept there was something in

the identity of sonship that wrong that

wrong that that touch you deep it just

it it just like oh I I don’t know how to

get there necessarily but I feel like I

belong there if that if that’s you do

what you’re doing if that’s you I want

you to meet me here I promise you man I


promise you I promise you that’s the

word of the Lord right now I promise you

a million sermons but only one word I

want you to I want you to see things

differently I don’t want you to be

afraid and I celebrate man we are the

most compassionate generation alive

right now we are and we’re going to

continue to be compassionate and we’re

going to continue to give and reach

people and mend the broken we’re going

to continue to do that but what we’re

going to do for sure is become sons

because that’s what

creation is crying out for its another

level there people in very high places

right now and I know him

I know many of them and you see them as

this but they are sons and that’s why

they got the influence and they’re

behind scenes behind the scenes and

they’re behind doors and they are

praying and I talk about no little I’m

talking about it’s extremely successful

very influenced you can make a call can

reach anybody like this and this son’s

got put them there that’s you that’s you

that’s why that’s why we’re here and

that’s why I’m praying he’s gonna exalt

sons those who are led by the Spirit of

God these are the sons of God it all

comes down to yielding I’m Yours Lord

I’m yours speak speak a word and I’m in

speak a word and I’m in the psalmist

said in Psalm 73 who do I have in heaven

but you and there’s none that I desire

on the earth beside you I’m I’m to a

Psalm 73 I’m too valuable to be so

invested in fleeting things

I’m too valuable to invest my time my

talents my energy my focus and my

attention and something that is fleeting

I’m worth too much for that


I’m not falling for that no more I’m in

it but not of it I’m in it but I didn’t

come from it I’m not telling you to not

be in it I want you to be in it I just

don’t want it to be in you you tracking

with me I want you to be a minute but I

want you to be in it as a son that’s how

I want you to be in it I want you to be

in it

with heavens smiling and having backing

you up God’s gonna give you influence I

see it isn’t give sun’s influence but

things are gonna start shifting and

changing if you’re here and you say wow

and there’s a lot I gotta go home and

process it that’s cool I’m not mad at

that but how about this you can process

that all you want to but here in God’s

house and in this moment you can’t deny

there’s something divine touches you and

if you hear and you say something divine

touch me

I don’t not I don’t have all the answers

but but I want I want more of what

touched me if that’s you I want you to

come forward because I want to pray for


cuz that’s God touching me and he wants

to be in a relationship with you and if

that’s you I just want you to come

forward god bless you I see god bless

you I see I see

come on Icee Icee i love you i love you

god loves you more but i’m telling you i

love you too I just want you to be ready

but you should see me I’m like me I’m

supposed to talk my face some more think

I was like not you say what I tell you

to say you say what I tell you to say

because we have a whole bunch of faith

but be oblivious to what’s going on

around us faith in the wrong direction

will distract you


faith is it’s a it’s a powerful tool and

just like any powerful god-given tool it

has to be pointed at the right thing and

if it’s not pointed at the right thing

it can be a distraction without a

foundation you can be exerting the

energy of faith towards something that

God doesn’t want you to have so I want I

want us to have this foundation so that

we can be in agreement with God with our

faith and all things will be possible

father thank you so much Lord for for

tonight I thank you God for your

presence I thank you for your love it is

rich and radical for each one of us God

thank you for reminding us of how

incredible we are thank you for

reminding us of how amazing and

unprecedented the human design is you

designed us Lord not to be expendable

but you designed us to be children who

reflect your ray of light in the earth

and changes things for the better the

healing of the earth the healing of the

nations the healing of this planet

you’ve placed on the inside of us we are

a brilliant and remarkable creation and

may we never forget it and father I pray

that you would give patience and

endurance to those who are being

pressured so that the that the precious

present can come forth pressured so that

what is valuable can come forth give

endurance show us how to live in our

spirits and not our flesh that the pain

of the pressure would be reduced greatly

bring healing to your children each and

every one


you Jesus God just move amongst your

people or move amongst your people Jesus

we’re here at the altar saying yes we’re

here at the altar saying yes here to say

is Jesus

would you say yes to you God say yes to

Jesus such abuse such abuse you must

know Jesus father give us the faith to

rest give us the faith to rest Oh


give us the faith to reset

we trust you Lord we trust you

Bree said give us the revelation to

release what should be released God in


give us the wisdom God

and the discernment to reassess school

to reassess Jesus thank you Jesus father

show us how to reposition things in our

lives so that we are not hindered but

that we are helped thank you Jesus


hallelujah I thank you for maturity and

give us your mind that we would think

your thoughts I thank you for the shift

in direction for the shifts and passion

for the shift and purpose but I thank

you for the countless that are going to

be helped and blessed and liberated I

thank you for the generations that are

going to be changed because of the

decisions that are being made in this

room right now thank you Jesus I thank

you for your power the power of God that

will be released in the earth in an

unprecedented way because of the

decisions that are being made in this

room right now hallelujah gather I thank

you that every lie every high thing that

exalteth itself against who you say your

sons and daughters are I think it is

being broken right now and and buried

once and for all

and that your sons and daughters true

identity is coming forth I thank you for

redemption I thank you Lord God for even

releasing self from guilt and shame from

the past

I pray tonight that the strength to

release yesterday and what yesterday

tries to tell you about today I thank

you God but that’s being released right

now in the name of Jesus and there’s a

divine mirror

that is being erected in our face right

now than we might see ourselves the way

you see us and not the way our guilt and

our shame and our condemnation tries to

paint the picture of us I’m here hearing

this message not because it’s not for me

but because it very much is me wash wash

in this house when a new season a new

time a new day

I’d give us the faith God to walk it out

father I pray in Jesus name that you

would shake some things up in their

lives I pray God that everything that’s

not connected to them that everything

that’s not assigned to their destiny

will be shaken up right now in the name

of Jesus I pray the Holy Spirit will

begin to shake rattle and roll


that assigned to them let everything

that can’t be shaken me shaking right


and only allow that which cannot be

shaken to remain I pray in their time of

rest that they would have intimate

moments with you and in those moments

with you that you would show them who

they are


break every yoke Jesus break every yoke

Jesus no more chains Jesus lift

oppression Jesus lift every lie Jesus I

pray God the joy of the Lord would be

their strength God give the garment of

praise for the spirit of heaviness open

the prison doors to those that are bound

no addiction will have dominion over

your sons and daughters take every face

lead-in the stray


sons I break the spirit of fear for you

have not given us the spirit of timidity

but of power and love and a sound mind

let it flow in here break the spirit of

fear i decree right now but this is a

bold generation bold in their God bold

in their identity bold in their purpose

bow in their calling bold in their


Oh generation


Oh generation


Boldin their God

your word says that the righteous are as

bold as a lion I pray God that that lion

spirit not ly I in l io in the spirit of

a lion would rise up in your sons and

daughters right now the spirit of a lion

unshakable and unbothered by opposition

those who know those who know their God

shall do great exploits I thank you God

for the anointing to do great exploits

God they will walk in a place bold and

confident from the prayer closet things

will shake

we’ll shake

all of creation eagerly is waiting for

the revealing of sons Sons sons with

their gifts sons with their talents sons

with their influence sons with

everything that you’ve given them sons


now silvus we seal this time or mama or


we seal this time and we seal this

prayer with the blood of Jesus I plead

the blood of Jesus Christ over each one

of these sons and daughters in this

house watching via live stream I plead

the blood right now I Trump bloodline

over them and everything evil and wicked

must pass over them in the name of Jesus

no evil will befall them no weapon

formed against them it’s gonna prosper

I can’t win right now

the blood

the blood the blood you’re covered fear

not for I’m with you says the Lord

not dismayed for I am your God I will

strengthen you I will help you I will

uphold you by my righteous right hand

since the Lord


and that passage in Matthew 24 where it

talks about wars of rumors of war as an

earthquake and diverse places and all

that stuff and says oh and by the way

and the gospel of the kingdom will go to

all nations in the midst of the worst of

things the best of things are going to


I see innovation and technology I see

innovation and technology


two things I heard don’t sell it too

quick and don’t be discouraged by the

devaluing of your idea


sometimes what God gives you is hidden

so that it doesn’t abort itself to

earlier it’s hidden it’s hitting keep at

it if God gave it to you I want you to

trust it and be relentless be relentless

with it you may not get support in fact

you probably won’t unless God opens that

person’s eyes

I’m gonna say it

there’s a company I won’t name the name

but there’s a company that’s been on top

for a long time and they’re not gonna be

the Lord showed it to me and in your

generation you would never consider this

company not being on top but they’re on

their way out you hear me you mark my

words those who have ears to hear hear

with the Spirit of the Lord is saying

why not you why not you with the next

telecommunications company why not you

with the next major entertainment

company why not you with the next

consumer product that takes over the

world why not you



God wants to do it but he wants to do it

for sons


last thing I’m going to say we got to go

home when you think ministry I don’t

want you to think this unless that’s

what God gives you but I don’t want you

to automatically default to this


what if Apple was Kingdom

what if Apple was Kingdom

what would this world look like if Apple

was Kingdom do you think that that God

would not give you innovation like that

now I believe this character does a lot

of things that you would have to do you

have to work hard you have to break

that’s lazy spirit I’m not saying you

have it but you have to break that that

procrastinating spirit a lot of times

that procrastination is just doubt

because as long as you’re talking about

winning you’re successful but but once

you put yourself out there so sometimes

you find I’m saying once you put

yourself out there then there is the

possibility of failure and so a lot of

times doubt and we’ll get into faith

again but a lot of times doubt is what

makes you procrastinate and if you

procrastinate you will hold in sometimes

what God is trying to get out only think

up here is is only think up here if God

shows you up here it might be different

it might be a crazy Kingdom idea and

because you’re a son you’ll hold it

right and you’re so it right and it’ll

happen right so father I thank you for

the night this is wonderful we seal this

in our hearts and our minds bless your

people please repeat after me Heavenly

Father I heard you tonight you spoke to

my heart

I receive it I’m gonna rest I’m on a

reset I’m gonna reassess I’m going to

refocus I’m on a reposition I’m on a

recommit and then I’m gonna reach ahead

and thank you for Jesus thank you for

making him who had no sin all in mine

all of my weakness all of my failure all

of my mistakes all of my limitations

you placed in his body nailed it to the

cross and put it to death and just like

he was raised up free and victorious

because I’m in him

I’m raised up to and nothing can stop me

nor hold me back I’m a child of God with

a powerful destiny

and in his name I will do great exploits

in Jesus name Amen

amen god bless you

