This DVD album was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast. Each DVD contains one week of programming. Please note that while they do cover the same material as a CD album, they are not exactly the same.

some partners of Andrew Wommack

ministries celebrating 40 years of

sharing God’s unconditional love and


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack today Andrew illustrates the

power of God’s word to change our lives

in his teaching spirit soul and body

now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Wednesday’s broadcast of the gospel

truth today I’m continuing a series that

I started a week and a half ago entitled

spirit soul and body and this is the

teaching that God used to just literally

light a fire under me this is how I

begin to start understanding things and

basically this is like a foundation of

everything that God has ever shown me

everything that’s working in my life

basically all comes back to this this is

something that I use every single day of

my life and I just say these things to

say that I believe that this is super

important for you the title on spirit

soul and body may not be real catchy and

it may not you know reveal what this is

all really about but I’m telling you

that this teaching has transformed my

life actually I guess you’d say this

truth has transformed my life and so

I’ve been teaching on this for a week

and a half talking about that there is a

spirit realm and not only out you know

out there someplace but on the inside of

us every one of us have a spirit and the

spirit cannot be contacted or felt in

any physical way but the Bible teaches

first Thessalonians 5:23 that there is a

spirit soul and body on the inside of

every person then second Corinthians

5:17 says when you get born again it’s

your spirit that gets born again old

things pass away all things become new

you can tell that by deduction because

it’s not your body that was changed it’s

not your soul your emotional mental part

that’s changed but there’s a third part

of you your spirit and it was completely

changed totally changed nothing the same

in the spirit realm and again because

most of us are limited to our five

senses what we see taste here

smell and feel most people are not

really aware of what took place on the

inside of them so this week what I’ve

been doing is using scriptures to show

the change that has taken place in your

spirit Ephesians 4:24 says that when you

put on the new man it was created in

righteousness and true holiness it is

created that way it’s not in the process

of growing it’s not like a seed was

planted that it grows and grows and

grows and then eventually someday in

eternity we will be righteous and truly

holy no it says it was created that way

it’s that way right now in your

born-again spirit you are as righteous

and holy and pure as Jesus is first John

4:17 says herein is our love made

perfect that we may have boldness in the

day of judgment because as he is

speaking of Jesus so are we in this

world not so are we going to be in the

next world so are we in this world again

the only way that you can understand

that nobody is living this perfectly

nobody is thinking as perfectly as Jesus

did but in our spirit we are identical

to the Lord Jesus

1st Corinthians 6:17 says that he that

is joined unto the Lord is one spirit

and that word 1 there is is identifying

identical a spirit we are identical to

Jesus in the spirit realm we are exactly

the way that Jesus is these are

statements that are nearly too good to

be true

and I know that there’s some people to

just say no this can’t be true and it’s

because you are so dominated by what you

see tastier smell and feel and you know

that as far as your physical body goes

that there’s problems here you have

weakness tiredness you act wrong you say

things that are wrong in your emotional

realm you think wrong you have wrong

emotions you get angry when you

shouldn’t you get depressed when you

shouldn’t you know that there’s just all

of these failures corruption in the

physical in the soulless realm but I’m

telling you that even though you can’t

feel it in any physical way the Word of

God is a

no end of the Spirit and the Word of God

says that your spirit is identical unto

Jesus that is a powerful powerful truth

let me take another passage of Scripture

and use this to make this same point

again and here’s one of the byproducts

of understanding these things that I’ve

been teaching on spirit soul and body is

that it just gives you an ability now to

understand scriptures that you couldn’t

understand before because there are some

statements in the Word of God that if

just taken on face value and if you

don’t understand this truth about spirit

soul and body they’re impossible to

understand for instance in 1st John

chapter 3 in verse 8 it says he that

committeth sin is of the devil for the

devil sinneth from the beginning for

this purpose the Son of God was

manifested that he might destroy the

works of the devil whosoever is born of

God does not commit sin for his seed

remaineth in him and he cannot sin

because he is born of God did you know

that that scripture is really

problematic if you don’t understand that

this is talking about the spiritual part

of you that’s the only part of you that

has been born of God your body hasn’t

been born of God it’s got to be changed

it’s been purchased but it isn’t yet

redeemed your soul your emotional mental

part of you it has been purchased by God

but it’s not yet redeemed the only part

of your Redemption that is complete is

in the spirit in the spirit you are

exactly the way you will be a billion

years from now an eternity

your spirit doesn’t have to be cleansed

dusted off refurbished injected with a

new dose of the Holy Ghost

when you go to be with the Lord no your

spirit is perfect right now it’s it’s

perfect and complete as it will be in

eternity in heaven more those are

powerful statements but see if you don’t

understand that and if you just read

this that whosoever is born of God does

not commit sin for his seed remaineth in

it some people just really struggle with

this and let me put this it make it even

more apparently confusing if you don’t

understand spirit soul

because the same author said over in

first John chapter one and in verse

eight if we say that we have no sin we

deceive ourselves and the truth is not

in us if we confess our sins he is

faithful and just to forgive us our sins

and to cleanse us from all

unrighteousness if we say that we have

not sinned we make him a liar and his

word is not in us well these verses are

talking about sins and that Christian

sins and if there’s any doubt that he’s

talking to Christians in chapter 2 verse

1 he says my little children this is the

Apostle John talking to people who were

under him born again people that he had

brought to the Lord and discipled he was

their apostle he says my little children

these things write I unto you that you

sin not and if any man sin we have an

advocate with the father Jesus Christ

the righteous here he is talking about

Christians sinning in yet or in first

John chapter 3 verse 9 whosoever is born

of God does not commit sin for his seed

remaineth in him and he cannot sin

because he is born of God this is the

same author it’s the same letter there

is no way that John is sitting here

saying that a Christian cannot sin and

all of these verses they all fit

together he did not contradict himself

so how do you understand this well a lot

of people just throw their hands up in

the air and say well the Bible so hard

to understand one of the ways that it

becomes crystal clear is again in first

John chapter 3 verse 9 whosoever is born

of God what part of you is born of God

your body’s not born of God yet your

soul isn’t born of God it’s the spirit

part of you that was born again if you

were to turn over to John chapter 3

where Jesus was talking to Nicodemus he

said that you have to be born of water

talking about this natural birth and of

the Spirit there has to be a physical

birth and there has to be a spiritual

birth it’s the spirit part of you that

is born again and the spirit part of you

can not sin it’s incapable of sin it’s

righteous it’s holy it’s pure if you are

out here as a Christian live

you know life of sin then that is a

testament to the fact that you are not

letting the born-again part of you

dominate you aren’t walking in the

spirit you are being governed and

dominated and controlled by just your

physical soulish appetites but see you

cannot sin in the spirit realm now some

translations have tried to deal with

this verse and this apparent

contradiction that I’ve explained today

by saying well this is talking about you

can’t habitually sin in other words you

might sin a little bit but you won’t

habitually sin and they will use as an

example that a person might have been

alcoholic before they get born again

they might go get drunk once or twice or

three times but you aren’t going to

still be an alcoholic there’s going to

be a change and they will say that you

can habitually sin you know you might be

able to interpret it that way if you

only talk about the big sins but if you

use the Bible definition like to him

that knows to do good and does it not to

him it is sin the Bible defines sin as

not only violating some standard over

here and doing what’s wrong but failing

to do what is right is also sin and you

know what every one of us habitually sin

everyone on us habitually fail to pray

to study the word as much as we should

to love God and to love our made to love

our children and to love our fellow man

the way that we should we all habitually

sin you don’t even have to go into all

of those things you most of us

habitually overeat because you know what

if you’re if you’re fat and I know that

some people get offended me talking

about this but the truth is this is this

is accurate if you are fat you can’t get

fat off of eating one meal and you and

you get fat that’s not how it happens to

gain way and to be overweight you have

to habitually overeat you can’t just you

can’t gain a hundred pounds in one meal

you have to have alii do it over

and over and over and over and over

again so a person who would interpret

first John 3:9 that says that this is

talking about you cannot habitually sin

then you are going to have to say that

any person who’s overweight can’t be

born again because that’s a sin the Lord

told us with our body as a temple of the

Lord we’re supposed to glorify God in it

and again you can’t get fat off of just

one time it has to be habitual sin you

would have to exclude any person who

habitually fails to study the word and

pray and love their mate and habitually

Falls in any area you know what that’s


this cannot be what it’s talking about

but if you understand that this is

talking about your spirit in the spirit

realm you were created righteous and

truly holy first Ephesians 4:24 first

John 4:17

as Jesus is so are you in this world in

1st Corinthians 6:17 it says he that is

joined under the lord is one spirit if

you take all of those things and talk

about your spirit being perfect and pure

and then say that your spirit cannot sin

well then see that makes perfect sense

and basically the point that he’s making

if you were to read all of 1st John he’s

talking about that there were people who

had taken these teachings about that in

the spirit you’ve been united with God

you’ve had God’s righteousness and

holiness and goodness imputed unto you

it’s not based on your own personal

works people had taken these truths but

then they had basically gone far beyond

what God intended to the point that they

said it doesn’t matter you just can go

out and live any way you want to it

doesn’t matter sin is unimportant

anymore and so what John is doing in

this book is writing and saying first of

all that if you’ve been truly born again

that born-again part of you cannot sin

Paul said this over in Romans chapter 6

that the born-again part of you doesn’t

want to sin you are dead under sin

Romans chapter 6 verses two and three

and if a person is truly born again they

aren’t looking for an excuse to go live

in sin they are so in love with God they

want to

have a holy life they want to do what’s

right so the very first thing is that a

person who would say that man this is

wonderful I could just go live in sin

you ought to be born again you need to

get your nature changed you need to get

rid of that sinful dead nature that is

looking for an excuse to sin and you

ought to be born again but then beyond

that not only do you not have the desire

to sin you’re born again spirit can’t

send your flesh can your in your actions

you can still do things that are wrong

but you’re born again spirit doesn’t

have any propensity for sin whatsoever

but then beyond that you need to

recognize that even though your spirit

is in right standing with God and God is

a spirit and he’s looking at you in the

spirit and you’re clean you don’t want

to go out and yield to sin because

Romans 6:16 says know ye not that to

whom he yield yourselves servants to

obey his servants ye are to whom you

obey whether of sin unto death or of

obedience unto righteousness if you go

yield to sin then you yield yourself to

Satan the author of that sin and Satan

is going to come in and take advantage

of you it’s just like you fling a door

or a window open to the devil and you

will allow him to come in and wreak

havoc in your life you don’t want that

so there’s two real good reasons right

there and basically this is what Romans

6 is teaching about if you’d go study it

it gives you these two reasons first of

all you’re dead to sin your spirit

cannot sin there is no desire there is

no leading towards sin in the born-again

spirit and then secondly you don’t go

live in sin because every time you live

in sin you give your physical body and

your soul each emotional realm over to

the devil just to come in to steal kill

and to destroy John 10:10 says that’s

all he ever comes to do is steal kill

and destroy but Jesus came to give us

life and give it to us more abundantly

so you don’t want a give place to the

devil you don’t want to open up your

life to the devil so a Christian is

wanting to live holy but men these are

powerful scriptures and this is the

point that he’s making that if you’ve

been truly born of God that born-again

spirit on the inside of you does not

want the sin it cannot sin and it will

lead you away from sin

it will lead you into agreement in

cooperation and compliance to God and to

his standards any person who would say

that man I’ve received the grace of God

and I now am clean in my spirit and so

this frees me to go live in sin you have

really missed some serious foundational

truths here I would question whether

you’re truly born again but that’s what

these verses are talking about and when

I begin to understand this I tell you

what it just transformed my life it just

transformed me for instance you know I’m

I still have a physical body

I still have a soulish mind now I’ve got

this born-again spirit on the inside of

me but I’m not completely redeemed yet

my spirit is redeemed and it’s complete

but in my soul and in my body I still

make mistakes and you know when people

talk about me and people say things it

tends to hurt my feelings and I can be

depressed which is wrong it’s a sin I

could be angry and bitter and critical

and have unforgiveness in my life but

now see with this understanding that I

have I know that it’s not my spirit my

spirit at my nature level my born-again

self isn’t angry with people I can turn

around I can see how Jesus was and as

Jesus is so am I in this world 1st John

4:17 I can see that Jesus had so much

compassion and love that he could turn

around to the people crucifying him and

say Father forgive them for they know

not what they do

see I know that now in my spirit I have

that type of compassion I have that love

I don’t always feel it I had a guy spit

right in my face while I was witnessing

to him one time and I guarantee I didn’t

feel goose bumps and love just rolling

out of me I wanted to punch the guy’s

lights out but you know I am no longer

limited to only what I feel in my flesh

and in my soul I know that there’s a

third part of me that is identical to

Jesus and what would Jesus do well I saw

him on the cross

forgive the very people who were

crucifying him and I believe that I have

that same love on the inside of me so

when this guy spit in my face I was able

to why

that off and keep going I never missed a

word in the sentence and I just kept

telling him about the love of God and

telling him about how Jesus loved him

now see some people think you can’t do

that that’s because they aren’t

spiritually minded all they are is

physical minded all they’re doing is

they think that what they feel is

reality they don’t know that there’s

another part of them that is beyond what

you feel if you’ve been born again there

is a spiritual part of you that can live

as God lives because it is his spirit

that has come on the inside of you and

this is just revolutionized my life to

understand this I come up against

situations where in the natural it’s

physically impossible and you know what

there’s a tendency to just limit

yourself and say well this is beyond our

ability and you just kind of roll with

the punches and you become accepting of

all of these things that are just you

know bigger than you but when you

understand that you’ve been born again

and that now you have this Spirit of

Christ living on the inside of you

it changes your attitude I no longer

look at things and say well this is

impossible there is nothing impossible

impossible isn’t a word that even exists

with God with God all things are

possible and it changes the way you look

at things you know we’re in a building

that was just absolutely impossible but

we’re now in it I have seen miracles

happen in my life and in the lives of

other people which are absolutely

impossible but it it happened I tell you

when you begin to understand these

things it changes your identity I no

longer am just an old sinner saved by


I was an old sinner but I got saved by

grace and now I am the righteousness of

God in Christ Jesus second Corinthians

5:21 in my spirit I am identical to the

Lord Jesus I have the mind of Christ I

have his power his nature his ability

living on the inside of me and so

therefore I don’t approach my life and

my situations and the problems that come

against me as an old sinner saved by

grace I approach them as a new born

again man a new species of being that

never existed before old things that

passed away all things have become new

I’ve got power and ability on the inside

of me that makes a difference in the way

that I face my situations and I don’t

know if this is helping you it’s about

to get me preached happy amen

I can never go through these things

without it just blessing me this is

what’s changed my life you know I know

that there’s people watching this

program that for whatever reason you

just are sitting this and I don’t

understand why you’re excited about this

I’m telling you you are missing one of

the greatest truths

if this doesn’t light your fire your

wood is wet you know what you need to

keep at this you need to listen until

somehow or another this sinks in on the

inside of you you need to get these

materials I’m telling you that this this

is the foundational thing that just

revolutionized my life to understand

that I am a new person and anytime I’m

out here and caught up in my emotions

and it feels feels like old man I’m just

driven to sin driven to anger bitterness

or whatever it is and and I go to

feeling like well I can’t help it it’s

just the way I feel boy it has changed

my life to recognize there is a third

part on the inside of me in the spirit

realm according to first John 3:9 it

cannot sin it will not see and it has no

desire for sin and all of a sudden it

just breaks the dominion of that sin

that lusts that desire on the inside of

me to know that there’s a part of me

that is unaffected by this I can’t feel

it I can’t see it in the mirror but I

can go to the Word of God I can look in

this spiritual mirror and I can find

that it’s there and just me knowing that

I have this resurrection power that I

have overcome sin in my spirit realm

that my spirit man is dead to sin it

affects the way I think it affects the

way I feel it affects my actions and you

know what I’m living holier accidentally

now than I ever lived on purpose before

see when you think that you’re just an

old sinner saved by grace and that

that’s all there is and you think that

your salvation is really going to start

when you

get to heaven but right now you’re just

the center down hearing that you don’t

have any power if you think that then

when sin comes you’ll resist to a degree

but after a while you just think well

you know what I can’t help it it’s what

I feel it’s what I am and you give in to

it but when you know that man there’s a

part of you that is holy and righteous

and pure and when you’re focused on that

it will become a self-fulfilling

prophecy as you think about how that

your spirit man is dead to sin and it is

now dead to failure as you think that

way you’ll start experiencing that in

your life it will give you a new

motivation a new dose of the power of

God to be able to resist and that’s what

I experienced in my life you know what

my life honestly is not normal if you

just consider people out here even

normal Christians you know what I’m

living above the normal I’m living and

seeing things happen that could not have

happened in the past and I’m saying that

this teaching on spirit soul and body I

believe is a key they planted that seed

that’s making all of these things work

this is powerful I really encourage you

to receive this teaching you know I have

this brand new study guide on this we

have DVDs from the television the exact

program you’ve seen today you can get

that we have a book we have a CD set on

this if you listen to our announcer is

going to give you some information and I

encourage you to please get these

materials and not only for yourself an

order an extra copy and give it to

someone people need to hear this and

then join me again tomorrow as we

continue spirit soul and body teaching

here on the gospel truth broadcast

Andrews four-part teaching titled spirit

soul and body is available in a CD album

or it’s available in a DVD album as seen

on TV as 40 1027 and be sure to specify

CD or DVD when you make a gift of 13

pounds or more

the second teaching in the audio CD

album is also available for a donation

of 3 pounds or more

we encourage everyone to send a gift but

if you’re simply unable to afford it

Andrew and his partners will provide

this second CD free of charge request

teaching TK 92 when you write for call

and will be pleased to send it to you

spirit soul and body the book is also

available when you send a gift to the

work of this ministry

request T 3:18 when you write call or go

to our website for the very first time

this teaching is available in a

companion study guide for a gift of 17

pounds 50 or more included as a cd-rom

that allows you to duplicate any

resources needed for each lesson request

study guide T 4:18 when you contact the

ministry the very best way to reach us

is through our website you can order

ministry materials online 24 hours a day

at a WME net or you can use your credit

card to order by telephone our helpline

number is zero one nine two two four

seven three three hundred again that’s

zero one nine two two four seven three

three hundreds when calling from outside

the UK you must dial your international

calling code then forty four one nine

two two four seven three three hundred

helpline hours extend from 7 a.m. to

four p.m. Greenwich Mean Time if the

lines are jammed remember you can go to

our website and there’s no fee for

reaching us through the internet if you

prefer to write us our dresses WME

that’s Andrew Wommack ministries of

Europe P o box for 392 Walsall ws 198 R

England we hope to hear from you today

I’d like to encourage you to go visit

our website we have that address on your

screen and I tell you we have one of the

most powerful websites of anything I’ve

ever seen I get comments about how

user-friendly it is I have hundreds of

my teaching available for free downloads

and there’s literally been people’s

lives saved by having all of this

teaching material available to them free

of charge we have our living commentary

there I have about I think it’s eight

years or more of our television programs

that you can view right there on the

website we have about 10 or 11 years

worth of my radio programs there it’s

just a wealth of information so please

join us on our website we’d like to

point out Andrews upcoming speaking

schedule mark your calendars to come

meet Andrew at one of these events and

let the word of god transform your life

he will be in Colorado Springs Colorado

for the 25th annual US ministers

conference September 29th through

October 3rd he’ll also be in Gosforth


in the UK on October 18th through the

19th and in Buxton England for the

annual a WME ministers conference

October 20th through the 22nd for more

details on Andrews next meeting in your

area call our helpline or visit our

website at a WME net I want to let you

know that on July the 20th through the

23rd I’m going to be ministering in

South Africa and I’m really excited to

be coming back this will be only my

second trip there on the 20th I’m going

to be ministering its spirit word

ministries this is a Sunday afternoon

service and then on Monday through


Arthur min chess and I know that that’s

not the way you pronounce his last name

but Arthur’s a very good friend of mine

and he is South African we’re going to

be holding a meeting on Monday through


with morning and evening services and

it’s just going to be a great time in

the Lord so remember this is July the

20th at spirit word ministries and then

the 21st through the 23rd will be using

their facilities for our own conference

there it’ll be called a Grace and faith
