People spend billions every year to retain or restore health. No one wants to be sick. Yet, religion often tells us that God is either causing sickness or allowing it for a reason. But that’s not true—GOD WANTS YOU WELL.

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on God’s unconditional love and grace

and now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Thursday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today I’m continuing a series on healing

that I started this week on Monday of

this week talking about healing and

basically I’ve just been trying to

establish that healing is valid for us

today that people are still sick today

and God has never changed he’s the same

he used to heal the sick in his day he

still heals the sick today if people

will just believe in receive but it’s

not God’s lack of willingness to heal

that’s the problem the problem has been

that most people have coped with the

sickness and the suffering and the

disease that we see and rather than say

it’s not God’s fault and they certainly

aren’t going to say well it’s because I

don’t know the Word of God and I don’t

know how to believe God and rather than

accept any responsibility themselves

they just say well this isn’t for us


either the non-religious have just never

been told this stuff and so they assume

by looking around that people don’t

receive miraculous healings today or if

it’s a religious person most of the

religious system today actually teaches

against healing and tells you that those

kind of things passed away with the

Apostles and when I start teaching on

healing you know Here I am trying to get

people well you think that nobody would

would complain about that that that

would be something that well you know if

there’s only one person that receives

what you say and they get well that’d be

good but I can guarantee I’ll get a lot

of criticism because there’s people that

don’t want to believe that God heals

because if it was true that it was God’s

will to heal well then what about all of

the people that are just sitting here

and suffering and they’re struggling and

people that die and they would say you

mean I could have believed God and we

could have received a miracle this

person didn’t have to die this person

didn’t have to be in hurt and pain all

of their life and rather than accept the

fact that maybe we

aren’t receiving everything and that

would mean that we have to change and

that we have to accept responsibility

and maybe we just can’t sit and watch

five or six hours worth of television a

day and we’re going to have to get into

the word and we’re going to have to

start grow it and rather than accept

that responsibility

most people just respond by saying well

those things don’t happen today or some

people will respond by saying well it

was God’s will for this person to go

like when my dad died at 12 years old

the pastor of the Baptist Church I went

to he came to me and I remember walking

and I knew when the pastor came over to

our house something was up and my mother

had been staying at the hospital for

weeks with my dad and so we were

actually staying with some other people

and when the pastor of the church walked

in I knew something was up and he says

well God needed your dad in heaven more

than you needed him God took him today

and they credited this to God that it

was God’s will and it wasn’t God’s will

that my father died at 54 years of age I

wasn’t God that killed him and yet see

this is a way that religion basically

copes with this and I tell you there’s a

lot of people when I start talking about

these things this really rubs a lot of

people the wrong way but I’m telling you

you’ve got to face some of these things

and realize that God wants you well that

healing is in Christ atonement that it’s

part of what was purchased for you it is

not just optional you know let me take

this very word Sozo this is a greek word

that was translated healed or made whole

and it is the basically the most

all-inclusive word in the New Testament

for salvation it’s translated salvation

saved hundreds of times in the New

Testament but this Greek word Sozo it’s

spelled s Ozio but it’s pronounced as if

it’s s o de and then zo is the way it’s

pronounced is so though and it literally

means to make hole to save heal to

protect or make hole whether it’s

literally our figurative it was used

made a hole in the Bible when the woman

with the issue of blood came to Jesus

and she said if I can touch but the hem

of His garment I shall be made whole and

she touched and in Matthew chapter 9

verse 20 to mark 534 Luke 848 this same

Greek word Sozo was translated made

whole in reference to healing also in

James chapter 5 in verse 14 it says is

any sick among you let him call for the

elders of the church and let them anoint

him with all praying over him in the

name of the Lord and the prayer of faith

shall save the sick the words save right

there of course is talking about healing

their body it’s not talking about that

you get your sins forgiven it’s applied

directly to healing and my point for

bringing this up is to say that if you

go to the Bible and just take this word

Sozo that is used hundreds of times to

refer to forgiveness of sins it also

refers to the healing of your body and

if you actually study out salvation in

the Bible and in the Greek it is not

broken up into just the forgiveness of

your sins and then you know there’s

other things like God could heal your

body God could bless you financially God

could help you emotionally but know all

of this is included in the atonement of

the Lord Jesus Christ now this is a very

very important point this is like the

first nail in the wall that I hang

things on when it comes to the subject

of healing you’ve got to know is it

God’s will or not you know one of the

catch phrases one of the default phrases

that religion uses a lot they just pray

and say Lord if it be your will do this

and they’ll refer back to Jesus and say

well he prayed Lord if it’s your will

let this cup pass from me that is not

what those scriptures saying I’m not

going to spend time I could literally

spend 30 minutes or 40 minutes teaching

on that but if you’ll go look it up he

didn’t just say if it’s your will and

not know what he said was Lord here’s

what I want nevertheless not my will but


we’ll be done he was saying I will

submit to your will and he knew what

God’s will was which was to go ahead and

be crucified and bear the sins of the

world and he submitted to it it was a

prayer of commitment and Submission not

a prayer like you just throw your prayer

out there and que sera sera whatever

will be will be

this way that people pray where they say

Lord if it be your will is wrong the

scripture says in James chapter one

verse five If any man lacks wisdom let

him ask of God that gives to all men

liberally and upbraideth that means he’s

not going to criticize he’s not going to

say well you stupid person you you’re in

this mess you caused it you just deal

with it I’m going to let you stew in

your own juice no that’s not 20 that God

is if you’re in a mess

yes you probably had something to do

with it maybe the enemy that caused this

problem but maybe we haven’t you know in

the area of healing maybe we haven’t

taken care of ourselves we haven’t

exercised we hadn’t eaten right we

hadn’t done everything right and yes we

probably have parked to play with this

but if you come to the Lord and say God

give me wisdom what do I need to do to

receive this even he’s not going to

upbraid you he’s not going to criticize

you and tell you it’s just your fault

you got to live with it so again James

1:5 If any man lacks wisdom let him ask

of God that gives to all men liberally

and upbraideth not and it shall be given

him but let him ask in faith nothing

wavering for he that wavers is like a

wave of the sea driven with the wind and

tossed let not that man think that he

shall receive anything of the Lord a

double minded man is unstable in all of

his weight now see right there it’s

saying that if you don’t know God’s will

then pray and get God’s will have him

tell you in other words this prayer of

Lord if it be your will and you just say

we’re just going to wait and see and if

it works it must have been God’s will

for them to be well if it doesn’t work

it must have been God’s will for them to

die that’s not right that’s not the way

that the scripture tells you to approach

things if you don’t know God’s will go

to James 1 5 through 8 and pray and get

wisdom and find out what God’s will is

and then according to first John chapter

5 verses 14 and 15 it says this is the

confidence that we

having him that if we ask anything

according to his will we know that he

hears us and if we know that he hears us

then whatsoever we ask we know we have

the petitions that we desired of it so

you have to pray according to God’s will

this prayer if God if it be your will

and you just leave it up to God you

aren’t going to receive you know I could

go through more scriptures I could make

this much more detailed and hopefully

convince people but I’m just not going

to spend a whole program or two days

programs trying to make this if you

would just be honest if you would think

you aren’t going to receive from God if

you don’t pursue the things of God it

doesn’t just automatically come to pass

you don’t get born again by saying well

Lord if it’s your will I’ll receive

salvation no you have to believe that

Jesus died for your sins you have to

confess with your mouth you have to

believe with your heart and you have to

pursue the things of God if you pursue

it you’ll get it if you don’t you want

and that’s true with healing this whole

attitude of well I know that God can

heal but we just don’t know if it is

God’s will well then you ought to go to

the Word of God and find out what does

the word say and like I’ve been using

this Greek word for salvation was also

translated made whole heal in a number

of different places and you can see that

salvation included the healing of your

body it wasn’t just forgiveness of sins

I think that one of the worst things

that’s happened in the body of Christ is

that over 2,000 years since Jesus

established the church we have

degenerated and today we have people

that say salvation is just about the

forgiveness of your sins Jesus came to

forgive the sins of the world well

certainly he came to forgive the sins of

the world and he did it but that’s not

all he did

he also took stripes on his back for

your physical healing he also became

poor so that you through his poverty

might be made rich 2nd Corinthians

chapter 8 verse 9 says that that’s a

part of what Jesus came to do he also

came to deliver you from the oppression

of the devil

matter of fact there’s an Old Testament

scripture says whoever calls on the name

of the Lord shall be delivered in the

New Testament in the book of Acts that

same scriptures quoting it says whoever

calls on the name of the Lord will be

saved and it shows you that part of

salvation is deliverance freedom from

the oppression of the devil and then you

put with that Acts chapter 10 verse 38

how that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth

with the Holy Ghost and with power who

went about doing good healing all that

were oppressed of the devil

so salvation includes healing the

forgiveness of your sins the physical

deliverance from the oppression of the

devil and financial prosperity and

blessing and I think it’s one of the

greatest travis’s that ever happened

that people have come along and just

said our we’re only going to preach this

portion and we’re going to say that this

is what Jesus died to do because the

other things are controversial because

the other things if we preach ev’leen it

doesn’t seem like every single person

gets healed and we’re going to have to

deal with the problems here and talk

about why isn’t every person healed and

deal with this and so let’s just not

talk about that because it’s going to

offend somebody somebody’s going to be

hurt and so they just don’t talk about

healing they don’t talk about prosperity

they don’t talk about deliverance

because those things are things that you

know not everybody agrees on so let’s

just preach one portion of it I tell you

that’s wrong if you could imagine that

first if somehow if I was God and if I

took one of my sons and crucified him

and saw him suffer and it produced not

only the forgiveness of your sins if it

was going to stop the the hatred between

us and it was going to remove all of the

problems and bring us back into unity

well that would be good but if also I

had him bear stripes and be brutalized

like some of you saw that movie The

Passion of the Christ and I don’t even

believe that that fully Illustrated but

it was brutal and you if you can picture

that in your mind’s eye and see what it

was like when gee

this was physically beating and you do

that to your own son so that you could

provide a healing for people and then it

says in second Corinthians 8 that Jesus

became poor so that we through his

poverty might be made rich and of course

this is a relative statement Jesus of

course was God in heaven with all of the

glory in the world in the universe and

everything and he left that to become a

man and he walked down here and he had

to work and do things to make a living

he was a carpenter with his father

Joseph and you know in relative terms

Jesus became poor so that we through his

poverty might be made rich and if I was

to do that for you and do not only

sacrifice my sons just to stop the

hostility but then also to heal your

body and to deliver you and to prosper

you and if I did all of these things and

went to all of this effort and if you

came and said well I appreciate what

you’ve done but you know what I’m only

going to receive one-fourth of this I

really appreciate the fact that now we

aren’t going to be at odds with each

other anymore and so now the hostility

is gone and thank you but these other

things they just aren’t important to me

I’m not going to receive those I tell

you what that wouldn’t bless me it would

make me feel like well why did I pay

this price why did I go to this effort

my son suffered all of these things and

you’re only going to receive one-fourth

I’m just pick and choose what you think

is important

I wouldn’t Please Me I guarantee you if

if man if I was a good thing that I’m

not God I think I might turn us all into

a pile of ashes and just blast them but

praise God he’s bigger than that He

loves us even though we haven’t received

everything that he’s provided for us but

I tell you what I don’t believe it

pleases God I don’t believe that he is

pleased with the way that we are just

picking and choosing and saying well

we’ll receive the forgiveness of sins

but the healing of our body we believe

you could do that but I’m not going to

accept that as being something that you

provided when the Bible very clearly

states that by the stripes of Jesus we

were healed it was done let me just use

some scriptures over here Isaiah chapter

53 I’ve used these verses often in

teaching on different things like the

war is over but breaking right into the

midst of this it says in verse 3 he is

despised and rejected of men a man of

sorrows and acquainted with grief and we

hid as it were our faces from him he was

despised and we esteemed him not

surely he hath borne our griefs and

carried our sorrows Jesus didn’t just

die for the forgiveness of our sins but

he died to set us free from grief and

sorrow surely bore our griefs and our

sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken

smitten of God and afflicted but he was

wounded for our transgressions he was

bruised for our iniquities the

chastisement of our peace was upon him

and with His stripes we are healed again

I made reference to this earlier in the

week but the church has not preached

healing physical healing they have

discredited and they’ve taken all of the

verses in the Bible that talk about

physical healing and they have

spiritualize them to the point that

people don’t even recognize that this is

talking about physical healing there’s a

lot of people I read this verse before

the Lord really changed my life and I

had had it explained so many times that

I just automatically defaulted to

thinking that this was talking about

well he healed me emotionally he set me

free from my sin in my sense of guilt

and condemnation and that there is a

proper place for that yes God does heal

us emotionally but this isn’t talking

about just limited to emotional

spiritual healing this is talking about

the physical healing of our bodies over

here in Matthew chapter 8 is an instance

where Jesus was ministering healing to

people and they brought all of the sick

he healed Peters mother-in-law which you

know what you can’t have a mother-in-law

if you don’t have a wife so for those

who believe that Peter was the first

pope and never got married that kind of

kills that doctrine right there he

healed Peters mother-in-law and then

because of all of these healings people

begin to come from every

we’re and it says in Matthew chapter 8

and in verse 16 it says when even was

come they brought unto Him many that

were possessed with devils and he cast

out the spirit with his word and healed

all that were sick that it might be

fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the

prophet saying himself took our

infirmities and bare our sicknesses

that’s a quotation from Isaiah chapter

53 verse 4 we just read that and over in

isaiah 53:4 it says surely he hath borne

our griefs and carried our sorrows when

that was quoted by Matthew in the New

Testament it was quoted this way it says

that this was fulfilled by Isaiah the

prophet saying himself took our

infirmities and bare our sicknesses and

again I could go back into the Hebrew

words from Isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 and

show you that the word sorrows and grief

literally are talking about the sorrows

and griefs associated with physical

sickness and disease and it was

interpreted that way you don’t have to

know the Greek or the Hebrew you could

just take the Word of God and if you

keep reading the Word of God will be a

commentary on itself and it will explain

the word and so when this verse was

quoted in the New Testament the words

sickness and disease were substituted

for the word sorrows and grief in the

Old Testament showing you that this

isn’t just spiritual eyes it’s not just

talking about spiritual emotional

healing Jesus died and by His stripes

you are healed physically that’s what

these verses are saying and this

scripture under the inspiration of the

Holy Spirit Matthew said this is the

fulfillment the physical healing of

these bodies it didn’t talk about the

people being born again it didn’t talk

about them getting their sins forgiven

in this context he was talking about

people being healed and it says that

this physical healing of their bodies

was the fulfillment of the old testament

passage that says he bore our sorrows

and griefs here it says that he bore our

sicknesses and our diseases it’s talking

about physical healing over in 1st Peter

chapter 2

and verse 24 it says who his own self

bare our sins in his own body on the

tree that we being dead to sins should

live unto righteousness by whose stripes

you were healed here again is talking

about physical healing and notice this

that it couples the forgiveness of your

sins in the first part of that verse it

says who his own self bare our sins in

his own body on the tree that we being

dead to sins should live unto

righteousness by whose stripes you were

healed it talks about the forgiveness of

your sins and the healing of your body

in the exact same verse here’s another

passage of scripture it goes right along

with that is Psalms 103 verses 1 through

3 it says bless the Lord O my soul and

all that is within me bless His Holy

Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget

not all his benefits who forgiveth all

thine iniquities who healeth all thy

diseases in the exact same verse it

talks about the forgiveness of your sins

and the healing of your bodies the point

that I’m trying to get across is that

healing is for us healing is God’s will

God wants you well this is not right the

way that the church has said oh well the

only thing that is guaranteed the only

thing that Jesus really came to do for

every person and that any person can

receive is the forgiveness of your sins

no that’s wrong

the very greek word Sozo that was

translated salvation was also translated

made whole in reference to healing it

was also talking about that you would be

healed if the elders prayed a prayer of

faith over you and anointed you with all

you would be healed of that disease that

very Greek word that is talking about

salvation includes healing here I’ve

given you examples of where healing is

used in the same verse in Psalms 103

verse 3 in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 24

I’ve used the scripture in Matthew

chapter 8 verse 17 that quotes the Old

Testament passage from Isaiah chapter 53

verse 4 and it substitutes the words and

invitees and diseases for sorrows and

griefs and shows that when it says by

His stripes you are healed it is talking

about the physical healing of your body

you know the very prayer that we call

the Lord’s Prayer where Jesus taught us

how to pray he says your will be done on

earth as it is in heaven and it’s very

clear in Scripture in the book of

Revelation that in heaven there’s no

more sorrow no more sickness no more

crime no more disease God wants to set

you free it is God’s will for you to be

well and I know that there are many of

you that know God could do it but you

have no confidence that God really wants

you well many of you think that God is

punishing you that you deserve

everything that you’re getting and you

may have done things wrong that allowed

the devil to come against you but I’m

telling you God does not want you to

suffer God does not want you to limp

through life with some deformity or some

pain or some problem that just

incapacitates you the rest of your life

it is God’s will for you to be well God

wants you well that is God’s will and

that’s what we’re talking about and I

believe that this is going to help you

to receive God’s healing power in your

life I’m out of time today but I do

encourage you to listen and please get

all of these materials they’ve got a

brand new book on God won’t you well and

an entire package of materials that

we’ve entitled a better health care

package and so please listen is our

announcer gives you that information and

call or write today

Andrews complete teaching titled God

wants you well is available in a

brand-new book for eight pounds fifty

request book number T three thirty when

you contact us you can also get this

teaching in a companion study guide for

seventeen pounds fifty request study

guide t 430 the entire series is also

available on either CD or DVD as seen on

our daily TV program each is available

for 13 pounds request item T 1036 C for

the CDs or item T 1036 D for the DVDs or

you can receive the book study guide and

album as part of the better health care

package the package includes your choice

of either the CD or DVD series the new

Godwin see.well book along with the

companion study guide plus healing

journeys Volume one and volume two and

the healing scripture CD the entire

package has a catalog value of 68 pounds

but today we’d like to offer it to you

for fifty pounds to get the better

health care package request item T 4505

be sure to specify CD or DVD the first

teaching in the god wants you well CD

series titled healing as in Christ’s

atonement is available for three pounds

but if you’re simply unable to afford it

Andrew and his partners will provide

this first CD free of charge

request teaching TI 0 1c and we’ll be

pleased to send it to you you can use

your credit card to order resources by

telephone our helpline number is zero

one nine two two four seven three three

hundred when calling from outside the UK

you must dial your international calling

code then forty four one nine two two

four seven three three hundred or you

can visit our website where you can

order ministry materials 24 hours a day

seven days a week at a WM e net to write

us use the address on your screen we

hope to hear from you today we’d like to

point out Andrews upcoming speaking

schedule mark your calendars to come

meet Andrew at one of these events and

let the word of God transform your life

you’ll be in Warwickshire England for

the Grace and faith family camp May 28th

through the 31st for those of you

looking forward to our annual summer

family Bible conference remember to mark

your calendars and join us in Colorado

Springs June 28th through July 2nd I’d

like to give you a special invitation to

join me on Friday the 28th of May

through Monday the 31st of May this is

the bank holiday in the UK and we are

having our Grace and faith family camp

at Stone Lee park in Warwickshire and I

tell you I’m excited about this we’re

expecting a large turnout it’s going to

be four days over this bank holiday and

I will have also Wimble par ministry

with me I believe that David Hinton is

six foot seven cowboy is going to be

there ministering and music and it’s

going to be a great time there are

accommodations Motel accommodations

there’s accommodations for caravans

tents all kinds of things we have a

website for this they have that address

on the screen

you can actually go to that website it

will give you all kinds of information

booking information of course you can

contact our offices but remember these

dates over the bank holiday May the 28th

through the 31st at stongly Park in a

warrior for more details on Andrews next

meeting in your area call our helpline

or visit our website at aw mu net

be sure to tune in tomorrow for more

gospel truth Bethsaida was one of the

two cities that Jesus said was so full

of unbelief that it was going to be

worse on them than it was on the cities

of sodom and gomorrah and if you couple

this together with what I was saying in

mark chapter 6 where Jesus could do no

mighty work because of their unbelief

then you see that the reason I believe

he took the men by the hand and led him

out of the town was because of all of

the unbelief of those people it would

have affected him from receiving and

even though he got the man out of the

town he hadn’t gotten all the town out

of the man
