Most Christians believe that God can do anything, and many believe that He has made promises to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper His children. But some of these same believers find themselves unable to reconcile the Word with what they experience. They live in frustration or disillusionment, wondering why God’s promises don’t seem to be working for them. But God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11). What He has done for one, He’s done for all.


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on God’s unconditional love and grace

faith only appropriates what God has

already provided by a grace it grace

hasn’t provided it your faith doesn’t

make God do anything once I learned that

I already had everything that God was

ever going to give me everything just

started coming into place and now here’s

Andrew welcome to our Friday’s broadcast

of the gospel truth all of this week

I’ve been teaching on a subject that

I’ve entitled you’ve already got it and

this is actually an application of the

teaching that I did for a month on who

you are in Christ I call that spirit

soul and body and this is just an

application that in the spirit we’ve

already had Jesus produce everything and

that his fullness lives on the inside of

you you don’t need to ask for more of

God you don’t need to ask for more faith

you don’t need to ask for healing you

don’t need to ask for wisdom you’ve

actually got all of these things you

need to draw out what is already in you

and somebody might say well what’s the


whether I’ve already got it or whether I

have to go get it the thing is that

until I do something it’s not going to

manifest in my life it is a huge

difference between trying to get God to

do something and then just believing

that he’s done it and you receive it you

know when you stop and think about it if

you get into this mindset that I’ve got

to get God to move I’ve got to get him

to heal me to prosper me to bless me how

do you force God to do anything and

basically this is what religion is all

about is how to get God to move how to

get something from God how to you know

in in the Old Testament they would grab

ahold of the horns of the altar and just

pray and beg God and this is in a sense

what people do they grab hold of the

Lord’s just shake it until God comes out

it is so much

year two just excuse me rest in what God

has already done God has already

provided everything and the verse that I

was using yesterday in Ephesians chapter

one says blessed be the God and father

of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath


already blessed us with all spiritual

blessings in heavenly places in Christ

Jesus you don’t need God to bless you

when you got bored again you were

blessed with everything that he has and

is the fullness of the Godhead dwells in

you bodily Colossians chapter 2 verse 9

and that’s actually saying that in

Christ dwells the fullness of the

Godhead bodily and then verse 10 says we

are complete in him since the fullness

of the Godhead dwells in Jesus and Jesus

dwells in us then we have the fullness

of the Godhead dwelling in us bodily so

you don’t need God to do more you need

to believe that you already are blessed

and man this is the rest of this

teaching I’ll be going through this in

more detail but just because you have it

doesn’t mean it’s automatically gonna

manifest itself there’s things you have

to learn like one of those things is

that the power of God is voice activated

you have to speak forth your faith

Psalms chapter 91 I will say of the Lord

he is my refuge in my fortress God wants

to be everybody’s refuge and fortress

but not everybody is receiving that not

everybody is saying it not everybody’s

cooperating with what God is doing but

man it makes all the difference when you

understand that I’ve already got it God

has already given me everything that

pertains under life and godliness

through the knowledge of him that has

called me to glory and virtue 2nd Peter

chapter 1 verse 3

so again Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3

blessed be the God and father of our

Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us

with all spiritual blessings in heavenly

places in Christ according as he hath

chosen us in him

before the foundation of the world that

we should be holy and without blame

before him in love notice that he hath

chosen us there’s a lot of Christians

that have this attitude that Oh God I

know you bless people I know you use

people would you please use me

oh god please choose me choose me and

they’re just begging god I know that

when I first got turned on to the Lord

I had a burning desire on the inside of

me to share the things that he had done

in my life with everybody and I used to

just pray all of the time Oh God used me

God used me and one day the Lord spoke

to me and he says I’ll use you as soon

as you get usable he says quit praying

God use me and pray God make me usable

and and then it dawned on me that the

only reason I had a desire for God to

use me was because God’s the one that

put that desire on the inside of me if a

person just on their own no party is is

wanting God to use them because of their

carnal flesh because of their sinful

human nature that is a godly thing and

God is the one who puts that desire in

there if you have a desire for a revival

you don’t have to beg God to give you

revival it’s God that put that desire

for a revival on the inside of you and

instead of you saying Oh God use me Oh

God send revival and all of these things

just learn what you have learn to

cooperate start flowing with him and as

the power of God flows through you

you’ll have all the revival you can

handle God will use you until you

literally don’t have time to eat you

don’t have time for anything I mean

you’ll have to pray and say Oh God give

me some time off amen I’ve experienced

that so anyway he hath chosen us in him

before the foundation of the world now

this shows you that it had nothing to do

with you God chose you before he ever

created the heavens and the earth the

world any of this God had already chosen

you in Christ

some people think how does this work

well we with our finite minds don’t

totally comprehend

but here’s the way that I’ve been able

to accept this is that God chose Jesus

to be the savior of the world before he

even created the world and before men

fell over in the book of Revelation it

talks about that there’s other places

that it says he was the lamb slain from

the foundation of the world before men

even sinned before any of this God

didn’t create us and then when we sinned

he that he came up and said well I’ve

got to do something to redeem him and so

he came up with this idea of salvation

and sending his son Jesus to be the

payment for our sins

as a response to our sin that’s not what


God knew that we were gonna sin God

anticipated all of this and before we

ever sinned before there was ever a need

God had already in his heart in his mind

slain Jesus as the Lamb of God slain

from the foundation of the world and he

chose that Jesus would be raised from

the dead be the firstborn among many

brethren and that any person who would

put faith in Jesus and the payment that

Jesus made for our sins would be

accepted with him so we were chosen

before the foundation of the world in

Christ in other words he chose Christ

and anybody who chooses Jesus is also

chosen because we have become a partaker

of that calling but notice all of this

happened before the foundation of the

world God is not responding to us and I

know that this sounds strange and people

think oh no he responds to this pray you

pray and then God does something no God

has already created the supply let’s say

for instance that you need a financial

miracle did you know that God when you

pray isn’t just all of a sudden

responding to your prayer he had already

made the provision he had already given

you the power to get wealth Deuteronomy

8:18 before you ever needed that wealth

it was all done and God was willing and

able and ready to release his power and

when you

is not when God all of a sudden responds

to you but your prayer should be a

response to God saying God I thank you

that just like it says you’ve you’ve

already blessed me with all spiritual

blessings but boy my bank account

doesn’t know it my landlord doesn’t know

it my gas tank in my car doesn’t know it

it’s there empty I need help but you’ve

already anticipated this and so now

father I just pray and receive this


show me where it is show me how to go

get it show me how to put my hand on the

provision that you’ve already made for

my need and when you get that attitude

it’s not God responding to you it’s you

responding to the fact that he’s already

provided now God where is it

you know if you could imagine that

somebody just you know put a million

dollars in your bank account and then

they told you they sent you a letter

that I’ve got a million dollars in your

bank account you didn’t earn it you

didn’t deserve it it was just a total

gift but even though they put this money

in your bank account did you know it

wouldn’t put gas in your car it wouldn’t

put food on your table it wouldn’t

benefit you unless you believe it’s

there and unless you start writing

checks on it or go and make a withdrawal

you could have all of this money in your

bank account and yet it wouldn’t do you

any good if you didn’t know it was there

and if you never did anything so this is

in a sense what prayer is prayer is not

saying Oh God give me but prayer is

saying father thank you that you’ve

already provided I’ve already got it now

I am making a withdrawal I am gonna

voice activate this I’m gonna say that

God supplies all of my need according to

his riches in glory by Christ Jesus I’m

gonna go out and start this business or

I’m gonna go to my job and I’m gonna

work like it’s to the Lord instead of to

man and you’re doing things but you

aren’t doing things trying to get a

response from God you are doing things

in response to what God has already

provided you’re just receiving and I

know that there’s people watching this

program says you

just dealing in semantics the bottom

line is if I don’t get out and work if I

don’t do something if I don’t pray it’s

not gonna happen well that’s true but it

makes all the difference about God I am

NOT making you do this I’m not asking

you to do this I’m thinking you for what

you’ve already done and now I’m gonna go

do these things in faith because of what

you’ve already promised what you’ve

already done not trying to get you to do

something here’s the difference again go

back to that example of putting a

million dollars in the bank account you

know what if you don’t believe it was

already done and so you’re gonna go to

the bank and you’re just by faith gonna

draw out a million dollars but you don’t

really know for sure that it’s there

then you’re gonna get in trouble you’re

gonna be overdrawn they’re gonna cancel

your account and stuff it doesn’t work

that way but if you knew that it was

there then you may still have to go to

the bank and still fill out a withdrawal

to be able to tap into that but it’s

totally different you have an assurance

you have a confidence you have a piece

you were arresting because you know it’s

there you aren’t trying to make it be

there there’s a huge difference this is

saying that he hath chosen us in Christ

before the foundation of the world that

we should be holy and without blame

before him in love man I could spend all

of this program talking about that one

verse I’m gonna move on I’m trying to

get way I’m trying to get through this

entire first chapter but you need to

meditate on this this is powerful in

verse 5 it says having predestinated us

in other words he’s not going to

predestinate us he has already

predestinated us unto the adoption of

children by Jesus Christ to himself

according to the good pleasure of his

will to the praise of the glory of His

grace where he and he hath made us

accepted in the beloved he hath this

isn’t something that we are trying to

become acceptable to God and again I

believe that a vast majority of

Christians are saying oh god I want to

please you Oh

I hope that you accept what I’m doing

you’ve already been accepted it’s

already done you are already accepted

did you know that the Greek word that

was translated accepted in this verse is

only used twice in the entire Bible the

other time is when the angel Gabriel

appeared unto Mary in Luke chapter one

and said hail thou that art highly


the word that was translated highly

favored is the exact same word that was

translated accepted in this verse so

this is saying that we have already been

accepted we have already been highly

favored you are highly favored you’re

already blessed by God God has already

blessed you God wants to flow through

you more than you want him to flow

through you God wants to heal you more

than you want to be healed he wants to

prosper you more than you want to be

prospered he wants your relationships to

function and to succeed and flourish

more than you want them to we don’t need

to beg God and ask him we need to

instead believe that father you’ve

already done this now I know you’re

gonna flow through me so is there

something you want me to do or say in

order to make this healing manifest to

make these finances manifest to make

this relationship work he is gonna flow

through you but it just takes all of the

strain out of it when you aren’t trying

to get God to bless you

he’s already blessed you you’re already

accepted you are already highly favored

in verse 7 in whom we have redemption

this isn’t saying that you can have

Redemption if you pray hard he might

give you Redemption no when you received

Jesus as your Lord you already have

redemption through his blood the

forgiveness of sins according to the

riches of His grace

so Redemption here is defined Redemption

is the forgiveness of sins your sins

have already been forgiven man I’ve got

another great teaching on this entitled

eternal Redemption if you missed that

teaching than I did on spirit soul and

body I dealt with this in detail but out

of Hebrews

to 9 in chapter 10 the scripture teaches

that all of your sins past present and

even future sins the sins that you

haven’t even committed yet have already

been paid for and atoned for and you are

forgiven of past present and future sins

now if you haven’t heard me teach on

that I’m sure that many of you think

this is heresy but man I taught it

straight from the Bible I used dozens of

scriptures you need to get that teaching

you have already got Redemption

forgiveness of sins and verse 8 wherein

he hath abounded towards us in all

wisdom and prudence notice he hath

abounded towards us now later in this

same chapter Paul is going to ask God to

give unto these Ephesians the spirit of

wisdom and revelation in the knowledge

of him some people might think well

that’s asking God to give you some but

right here it says he’s already given it

to us so actually when you put these

together it’s saying that God is just

praying that the wisdom and the

revelation that he’s already made

available to us would begin to function

that we would draw on it and begin to

start understanding these things that

he’s already talking about so again in

verse 8 he hath abounded towards us in

all wisdom and prudence having made

known unto us the mystery of his will

notice that every one of these verses is

not talking about what is possible what

might happen in the future everything is

in the past tense as a matter of fact if

you were to read the book of Ephesians

this whole book of Ephesians is written

from this standpoint of what has already

been accomplished and just praying that

we would get a revelation of what we

already have the first three chapters of

Ephesians are all making this point it’s

already done you already have the same

power that raised Christ from the dead

you’re already quickened made alive

you’re already saved you’re already you

know forgiven and he wants to show

through us even to the principalities

and powers in heaven the greatness of

his power all of these things

in the first three chapters it’s already

done then in Chapter four five and six

since it’s already done then how should

we live and it basically starts talking

about Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 don’t

be like people that don’t know the Lord

that don’t have things already done

start using what God has given you and

then it tells you how to live holy and

how to relate to your husband and wife

and then how to relate to government and

people that are over you and things but

the book of Ephesians all of these

verses that I’m reading are in the past

tense about what God is already done

most of us are asking God to do what

he’s already done and that just doesn’t

work it honors God when you say father

thank you that I am forgiven thank you

that I am already accepted I am already

blessed I already have wisdom and

prudence I already have been chosen

you’ve chosen me you’ve already got a

plan for my entire life instead of

begging God O God do something with my

life come and say God you’ve got a plan

for my life I’m chosen in you before the

foundation of the world what is that

plan help me to understand help me to

cooperate it’s totally different in

verse 9 he says having made known unto

us the mystery of his will according to

his good pleasure which he hath purposed

in himself

somebody said but I don’t know the

pleasure of his good will you do in your

spirit you know all things first John

chapter 2 verse 20 you have an unction

from the Holy One and you know all

things you don’t know it with your

little peanut-sized brain up here but in

your spirit you have the mind of Christ

1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 and

as you pray in tongues the Bible says

it’s your spirit praying the part of you

that has the mind of Christ and it says

in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 I believe

verse 2 that when you’re praying you’re

praying the hidden wisdom of God and

then 1st Corinthians 14 13 says when you

pray in tongues pray that you interpret

so just ask God to explain to you what

your spirit all

already knows you have the mind of

Christ you know all things you’re

speaking out of your spirit and now just

to ask God and interpret it to you and

you can draw out that knowledge but just

as this verse says he has already given

us showing us the mystery of his will we

know the mystery of his will according

to his good pleasure it’s in there

revelation knowledge is there but you

have to draw it out I mean these are

powerful truths in verse 10 that in the

dispensation of the fullness of times he

might gather together in one all things

in Christ both which are in heaven and

which are on earth even in him in whom

also we have obtained notice it’s not

saying that we can obtain that if you do

everything right you might obtain you

have obtained an inheritance you’ve

already got it it’s in you and it’ll go

on and say this he’s praying that the

eyes are your understanding so it would

be enlightened so that you could see the

exceeding greatness of his power towards

us who believe and what this power is in

verse 18 it says what the riches of the

glory of his inheritance in the Saints

God’s glory and his riches aren’t just

in heaven heavens gonna be a blast but

did you know that in you you have

already obtained an inheritance it says

over in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 that

you have been called to the obtaining of

the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ you

already have the glory of God on the

inside of you and I know some of you are

immediately going and looking in the

mirror and say where I can’t see it it’s

not in your body it’s not in your mind

in your emotions it’s in your spirit the

glory of God dwells in you you have

obtained an inheritance being

predestinated according to the purpose

of him who worketh all things after the

counsel of his will that we should be to

the praise of his glory who first

trusted in Christ in whom ye also

trusted after that ye heard the word of

truth the gospel of your salvation in

whom also after that you believe

you were sealed with that holy spirit of

promise this isn’t something that is

going to happen it’s something that’s

already happened if you watched my

teaching the last month on television I

was talking about that our spirit is

born again in righteousness and true

holiness Ephesians 4:24 and then

according to this verse we’re

immediately vacuum-packed

we’re sealed so that there is a seal

around your spirit and if you sin as a

Christian that sin can enter into your

physical body and give Satan an inroad

with sickness and disease and things

like this it can enter into your mind

and emotions and give Satan an inroad

for depression discouragement

unforgiveness hurt bitterness all these

things but it can’t penetrate the seal

around your spirit your spirit remains

righteous and truly holy and it’s

something that’s already done you were

sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise

do you want to connect with like-minded

believers do you want to go deeper in

God’s Word through the teachings of

Andrew Wommack then Cara’s Bible studies

is the place for you connect with

believers in your area to dig into the

message of God’s unconditional love and

grace the leaders are Karis alumni with

a solid foundation in the Word of God

Cara’s Bible studies are connecting

believers with the Word of God in your

neighborhood find a Bible study near you

by visiting Karis Bible studies net so I

think the thing that had the biggest

impact after we started tuning in with

Andrew is the all right you’ve already

got it

you know Jesus is not going to come back

and take those stripes upon his back


he’s already provided for that we’ve

already got it and once that I got that

solidified you know in my heart things

really began to start happening as far

as getting answers to prayers seeing

healings through our ministries and that

sort of thing

Andrews complete teaching titled you’ve

already got it is available in a CD or

DVD album made from our daily television

broadcast it’s also available in a book

and study guide in english or spanish

each of these products is available for

a gift of any amount or you can get them

in the you’ve already got it package

this package includes the book the study

guide in your choice of either the CD or

DVD album this package has a catalog

value of 90 dollars but you can get it

today for only $60 hello this is Andrew

Wommack and I’d really like to encourage

you to get this teaching that I’m

entitled you’ve already got it I’ve got

this in book form we also have a study

guide which is the same material as the

book it’s just reformatted so that you

can teach other people it’s made for

Sunday School Bible studies and things

like that and then I also have DVDs that

were taken from my television teaching

on this and then CDs that were taken

from a meeting but this teaching on

you’ve already got it is probably one of

the most radical things that I teach and

when you get born again he placed on the

inside of you everything that you will

ever need before you ever had the need

God had already made the supply and

that’s what this teaching is all about

I’ve seen thousands of people set free

through it and I believe that this would

really really make a difference in your

life so check it out in book form see

these DVDs or study guide we also have

this in Spanish but please get this

teaching on you’ve already got it in

Drew’s book you’ve already got it is

available for a gift of any amount when

you write or call and we encourage

everyone to give because there’s a

blessing and giving but if you’re simply

unable to afford it andrew and his

partners will provide this book to you

free of charge we want to say a special

thank you to the grace partners of

Andrew Wommack ministries your gifts

make it possible to put free ministry

materials into the hands of many people

in need if you’re not already a grace


we ask you to pray about becoming one

today you can become a grace partner or

order resources through our website at a

WMI net or call our helpline monday

through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30

p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six

three five eleven eleven man before I

came to Karras I was so broken I dealt a

lot with anxiety and depression I didn’t

really realize I could have an actual

relationship with God when I came here I

started to see God like you know he just

wants to have a relationship with me

it’s totally transformed the way I look

at God God longs to have fellowship with

you this is where faith comes from it’s

not just head knowledge Bible School

knowledge it’s revelation knowledge that

changes you just been set free from a

lot of bondage I was in I haven’t been

depressed and so I’m free awesome having

not just weight lifted and putting on

Jesus’s yoke you come here and you meet

God personally and then he gives you a

whole new direction this is a time this

is a season of your life the guys

wanting to show you who you really are

what he’s wanting to do in your life if

you have a desire for Bible College

God’s want to put it there if you’re

considering coming to Karras I just want

to say it’s gonna be one of the best

decisions you’ve made in your life


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