Troy Brewer is the founding and senior pastor of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. He is known for his relevant and authentic teachings, amazing insights, and studies on the wonders of God including astronomy, numbers, typology, and times and seasons. He has a radical love for Jesus and a passion for serving people beyond the norm.

now many people realize there’s two

calendars that

we as believers look at one is the

jewish calendar

and the other is the roman calendar the


the one that most people use uh and


a year change every rosh hashanah

feast of trumpets in judaism uh the year


is uh troy brewer who’s a a numbers guy

yes sir you love numbers and i have seen

the supernatural revelation

i want to find out what god is showing

you because

here we are on the jewish calendar

57 81. yes

what does that mean and how does it tie


with the roman calendar you know there

actually is

an amazing convergence of the two

calendars that’s taking place

as we get closer and closer and closer

to the return

of king jesus and i really sought this

last year

in a tremendous way that of course on

the gregorian calendar

we were we were in 2021 i’m sorry we

were in 2020

but we went from one decade into a new

into a new and the same as on the hebrew

calendar you know i would i read

i saw that and i thought well he must


something for the new year that’s right

i didn’t see anything on it so i got you

in the studio so i want to know what

god’s showing you

well 57 81 as we move from

the 57 80 into the 57 and of course now

we’re talking hebrew calendar which is a

lunar calendar it’s a circular calendar

as opposed to the solar calendar which

is the greek and the roman calendar

the or the greg gregorian calendar and

that is a linear calendar

so one is seasons the other one is times

times are always linear

and seasons are always circular okay so

it’s important that we do understand


both calendars from the 5780 we moved

into not just the year but the decade of

the pay

the 80 represents actually represents a


it represents a mouth or a pay and how

fascinating is it that

the year we moved into the decade of

lining up the mouth of god

that our mouths are commanded to be

covered all over the world

how amazing is it that as we enter into

the year where we’re supposed to declare

the breath of god

the saying that everyone has heard of

for justice

is i can’t breathe immediately

immediately as soon as we entered into

this there was something different that

began to take place huge opposition

but in the year in the year 57 80 which

is the year 2020

we saw the changing of the wine skin

like we’ve never ever ever seen

we have seen a worldwide mandate that

you must change your wine skin because i


that there’s about to be an outpouring

of the holy spirit and the lord doesn’t

want to waste this wine so he caused us

all to change our wine skins it’s never


in the history of the earth that the

entire planet earth actually had to


all their methods how they do everything

the entire

the entire body of jesus all over the

world has had to change everything well

it was just like 9 11

we’ve never been the same that’s right


afterwards that’s right we will never be

the same yes and

and even more drastically but where sin

does abound grace does much more bound


they’re innovative and creative ideas

that the lord is unleashing on the

entire planet earth right now

for those who have an eye to see and for

those having heir to hear but brother

we live in a very different world now so

we move from

it’s not just the year of the pay it’s

the decade of the pace so we’re still

in that but now we have a one attached

to it 5781

and we know the one is the head it’s

it’s the

it’s the beginning it’s the head it’s

the authority

so if we look at if we just look at the

numbers five seven

eight one and i know that you know this

brother but i’m just going to explain it

for the sake of anybody that doesn’t

any any single hebrew letter has three

different values

it has a phonic sound okay and then

and then it has a numerical value

because they don’t use

numeral system they use a letter system

and then it also has a prophetic picture

so if we look at 5 7 8 1

there’s already a huge revelation if you

understand what does a 5 mean

the 7 and the 81 okay so

the number 5 in hebrew literally

is well it’s a hey and i’m gonna butcher

the hebrew language i can’t even hardly

speak english

that’s okay we’re only in israel

exactly that’s why i’m saying that okay

so i don’t want to even attempt that

people be like

what okay but the five the seven

the eight and the one so here’s here’s

how this works

it’s it’s like saying this

be strong and look be

separated because the five represents an

i the seven represents a plow

the one represents i’m sorry the hat or

the eight

represents offense of what

offense offense a fence or a wall

and then the one represents an ox and i

a plow a fence and an ox like what could

that possibly be

okay the eye means you need to look and

you need to be watchful

the plow means you need to take action

and you have to be a part of the harvest

you have to be a part of the harvest

you have to be connected to the kingdom

and you have to take action the next one

is offense

you have to be separate you’re going to

have to have a different spirit

you’re going to have to have you’re

going to have to your new source is

going to have to be a different

news source this year and then the ox

means to be strong

and to lead i think that we’re going to

see some of the same things this year

that’s going to carry over from last


but i can tell you this there’s also

going to be a new thing there’s going to

be a definite

separation of kingdom people this year

like we have not seen before in an

and an authority that is given unto

kingdom people towards the harvest

remember said we all had to change our

wine skins and jesus says

if you don’t change the wine skin

whenever he gets ready to give you new


then you ruin both the wine skin and the

new wine

this new wine that is about to be poured

out will not be wasted

there’s another fascinating thing too

whenever i look at this

because if i look at 8 plus 1

81 that equals 9 and then i also know

that 9 times 9

equals 81. and 9 is

a biblical kingdom number for fruit


okay so the redeemed version of that is

of course you know they’re nine fruit of

the holy spirit that’s galatians 5

22 and by the way five plus two plus two

equals nine

and galatians is the ninth book within

within the new testament you really are

number expression i can’t help it

i i find the joy of the lord in it so

nine represents the fruit of the holy

spirit okay so we know what the fruit of

the holy spirit are you know

love joy peace longsuffering gentleness

goodness faith meekness temperance and

against such there is no law you can do

no wrong and i love that

okay galatians is actually like the

manifesto of christian freedom

you can be free right so in the midst of

all that

i’m telling you that nine is fruit

bearing all the way through the bible it

has to do with fruit and by the way

it takes a woman nine months to have a

child of course

so this is a year that a baby is born

and if you’re not sure of that

if you’re not sure that the 81st

verse in the bible remember it’s 57 81

the 81st verse in the entire bible is

genesis 4

1 and adam knew eve his wife and she


and bore cain and she said i have

acquired a man from the lord

there’s going to be a lot of people this

year that’s going to say my baby has

finally been born

the thing that was hidden within me the

thing i had always hoped for the thing i

have labored for

look at what the lord has done the lord

also gave me this too whenever i was

looking at this 9 times 9 equals 81

the i i heard this lord when i was

fasting and when i was

seeking the lord i heard this word and i

heard god say double for your trouble

i’m like really so if so what i’m

hearing you say

is if you’re in the valley god is saying

double for your trouble yes sir i love


i i just i mean i feel the lord when i

say it i like i feel the presence of god

right now

me too that in the places where we’ve

just been so hurt and we’ve been

confused and we’ve been saying

what does this mean and what could that

possibly mean and how do we do all this

the lord’s like no no no i’m gonna pour

out my grace and i’m gonna cause

i’m gonna cause this thing to be birthed

within you but i’m gonna give you double

for your trouble in the year 5781

how about the year 2021

well whenever i look at 2021 one of the

things that i’m fascinated with

i’m i was so amazed at 2020 because

knowing i was so excited for the year

2020. i’ve been waiting for 2020 my

whole life the lord told me when i was a

young man

keep your eye on 2020. and i’ve been

waiting my whole life wait till 2020

it’s gonna be so great and then oh my


what a difficult year it has been


the lord’s word was still real and what

god said

is still the truth and i’ve seen god do

some of the greatest miracles i’ve ever

seen i’ve seen

this year not two years ago or three

years ago

this year we’re seeing acceleration in

our ministry

unbelievable because i was forced

to do things different your one skin was


it’s a new era it’s a new time it’s a

new season it’s completely different

than how it has been

and the lord is looking for people to

cooperate with that

i know i’m just going to tell you one

little tidbit about 2021

as we move from the zero to the one the

same as

on the hebrew calendar right and we know

that jesus said that there will be signs

in the sun

and in the moon in the stars we know

that but man when god is saying the same


for the sun calendar when god is saying

the same word in the moon calendar

and when the heavens declare the glory

of god and the word is all the same

oh my goodness that is so powerful i can

tell you this when it comes to the

number 21

it’s a very special number because it’s

simply seven times three

it’s seven seven seven

and there are i remember in the hebrew

year five seven seven

seven which was like 2016 on the uh

gregorian calendar that was a year that

everything changed in so many different

ways in so

many people’s lives across the kingdom

there was a huge advancement that

happened in the year 5777

for kingdom people all over the world

i’m telling you that this year

5781 is one of those years and on the

gregorian calendar

it is 20 21. so 20 is expectancy

so you got that 21 both that’s exactly

right you got it both

you got it brother and so there we are

and so we’re going to see it happen

and i just prophesy to you and just tell


that this is a tremendous year for you


this is a this is a tremendous year for

you there’s been a lot of things that

you have fought through

that you have quietly fought through and

you’ve had these burdens and this is a


that the manifest presence of the lord

is going to remove

burdens and destroy yokes for you and

that always happens when there’s a

lineup of 777

so i speak that on you i declare that

over you this year my friend

and declare that over every single

person that’s a part of your listening


a double 777

what more could you ask for but there is

going to be such an

eruption i believe this year of the

manifest presence of god the global

glory of

god that what in the

natural or natural peanut brain

can’t put itself around because

it’s god that’s going to set those loved

ones free yes

it’s god that’s going to turn your

finances around

it’s god that’s going to restore your


it’s god that’s going to restore your


double for your trouble
