It is Fun Month here at TC and this Sunday is Global Sunday! Today we had a very special guest, Pastor Robert Madu! For 10 years he has traveled around the globe, preaching the gospel and taking every opportunity to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ. He is a family man, husband to Taylor Madu, and father to three beautiful children. In addition to his itinerate ministry he serves on the teaching team at Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, TX.

what’s up tc i am so excited that you

made it to this place of grace today

i believe that god has a word for you

and this is week

two of fun month and we are celebrating

global sunday and i just want to take a

moment and let you know right now

that transformation church is what it is

because of

all of the people all around the world

in different time zones different


different backgrounds who call

transformation church

home we’re not just transformation

nation we really are transformation

nations and i just want to let you know

that your impact

representing all over the world is


everything i want to say thank you and

today as we

celebrate global sunday i wanted to

bring in a global speaker

somebody who knows what it is to see

people be transformed all over the world

he’s not just global but he’s my brother

he has stood with me and natalie even as

we were believing god

for this building let me let you see

this so me

my brother rob yes sir we had the spirit

bank event center come on the future the

future home

of transformation you heard it here

first i’m on somebody it’s happening

i see it oh that’s right ladies and

gentlemen today

robert madue is about to bring the word

listen i need you to get your heart

ready to get your mind ready and be

ready to receive what god wants to say

to you today

let’s give it up on transformation

churches stayed

pastor robert madue good

morning transformation nation

come on wherever you’re watching would

you just give god some praise

or just put some praise hands or fire

emoticons in the chat right now

i’m telling you wherever you’re watching

all over the world you need to know

transformation nation

god’s presence is there with you and he

has something special in store for you

today y’all know me

i am expresso elated uh to be here at

transformation nation this

is absolutely phenomenal it’s actually

surreal for me to step

into this arena again as you saw in that

video the last time i was

in this place pastor mike and i were


we literally broke into a door to walk

in here

and the fact that a building that we

once trespassed in is now

your church come on that’s proof

positive that we serve a god that does

the miraculous

who does exceedingly abundantly above

all you may ask or think so

uh what an honor it is to be standing in

the middle of a miracle today

and it’s amazing to see all that god has

done but it’s also amazing to see all


church statisticians and analysts trying

to figure out how in the world does this

happen in tulsa

oklahoma let me tell you why it’s

happening because of god

and because of god’s favor and his favor

is on pastor mike and natalie todd

and uh not only is his favor on them

they’ve been faithful with

the favor that’s on their lives and i

pray that they are rejuvenated

i love you so much pastor mike is my

brother and right now in the chats i

want you to let pastor mike and natalie

know how much you love them

how much you appreciate them come on

right there let them know that we are


for their vision for their hearts for

their leadership and they’re coming back

20 times better when they get back from

this moment of just refreshing and i’m


on this global sunday and fun sunday i

brought out the tie-dye sweater today

and uh professor mike told you i am

global i’m global because i’m from the

great country of texas

uh my wife and i live there my beautiful

wife taylor we got three little humans

i’m also global

because you all know me i’m

african-american i say it all the time

i’m for real african-american my father

is from nigeria

he pulled eddie murphy came to america

met my mama who’s american so y’all know

me i’m

african-american so i have to do this on

global sunday you know this american me


at tc i can switch i can switch to

nigerian at any moment

yeah i don’t believe me it is so good to

be here at transformation church

oh god is going to do something in this

fun month

if you believe he hey man don’t you so

you know me

african american i’m excited to share

the word

week two of fun month and i’m so

glad pastor mike showed that video

the last time we were in this building

in fact it’s really been just

a year since god opened up the door for


arena i’m glad he showed that video

because i think it’s important

this church remembers the faithfulness

of god that you remember that moment in


i’m gonna give you my title right at the


don’t forget to remember

don’t forget just type that in the chat


forget to remember isn’t it interesting

the human tendency

to remember the things we should forget

and forget the things we should remember

oh come on how many know like over the

years i’ve gotten like

so many good compliments and and so many

good like

encouragement on instagram or facebook

or twitter whatever just people just


good things encouraging me but those

aren’t the ones that i have the tendency

to remember

come on i remember when people just went

crazy i remember your handle

if you said something isn’t it crazy how

i remember those comments

more than the encouragement because

sometimes we remember the things we

should forget

and we forget the things that we should


but don’t forget to remember the thing

god wants you to

remember that’s kind of where i want to

go today go with me to mark chapter 8

because jesus

is talking to his disciples about


that they forgot but they needed to

remember mark chapter 8 where we’re

going to be today

we’re going to start at verse number 14

and land at verse number 21

and it says the disciples had forgotten

to bring bread

except for one loaf they had with them

in the boat

be careful jesus warned them watch out

for the yeast of the pharisees in that

of herod

they discussed this with one another and

said it is because we have no bread

aware of their discussion jesus asked

them why are you talking about having no


do you still not see or understand how

many know when jesus asks you a question

is never for him it’s always for you

he says are your hearts hardened do you

have eyes but fail to see

and ears but fail to hear and don’t

you remember when i broke the five

loaves for the 5 000

how many basket fulls of pieces did you

pick up 12 they replied

and when i broke the seven loaves for

the 4 000 how many basket fulls of

pieces did you pick up

they answered seven he said to them do


still not under stand

don’t forget to remember come on let’s

pray before we jump into this word would

you bow your heads a long prayer

god you are awesome speak today

amen don’t forget

to remember ladies and gentlemen

i regret to inform you that the year


still ain’t over is it just me or does

it feel like this year has been going on

for half

a century i mean come on sure every year

has its challenges every year has its


every year has its defining moments

every year has its problems

but not every year has such a sudden

paradigm shift when you are left with

more questions than you have answers

you’re left with more complexity than

you have

clarity you trying to figure stuff out

like am i an entrepreneur

or i’m a homeschool teacher now do i

live at work or am i working from home

so many questions that we have because

of this year 2020

2020 the irony the irony the number that

is associated with vision

and yet this is the year we are seeing

things that we never

saw coming this has been a year for the

record books and if you’re like me

i was having intense prayer also known

as complaining

uh with god and i said god hold on i’m

seeing some stuff

that i didn’t plan for this year and god

said something to me who that i want to


to you transformation nation he said

robert don’t forget to remember

you prayed for this year i said hold on

wait a minute no i did not pray for


that i’ve been saying this year he said

no no don’t forget to remember robert

you did pray for 2020. he said you’re

the one that said at the beginning of

this year

that god i want to be changed this year

you’re the one that said at the

beginning of 2020 god i want to go

deeper with you this year you’re the one

that said god whatever it takes for me

to have

more of you this year i want more

i said hold on god i didn’t say any of

that stuff what are you talking about

you know it’s bad when god takes you to

your own instagram page

and remind you of the first sermon you


in 2020. would you play that clip real

quick first sermon of 2020



this is


this is my year to give more

whatever it takes for me to get more i

want i wasn’t expecting what i’m seeing

right now and then it’s interesting

the disconnect between what we want god

to do in our lives

and what it will take for that to come

to pass oh come on isn’t it interesting

how we say god hey i want to be stronger

but i don’t want to go through suffering

god i want to go deeper in the things of

you but but don’t disrupt me don’t

don’t mess up my schedule god god i want

to be

changed but i don’t want to be

challenged but can i tell you


god will upset you he will disrupt you

god will wreck your routine and mess up

your schedule

because he is committed to making you

become what he saw

before the foundation of the earth god

will disrupt you oh you can put that

little do not disturb sign if you want

on the door you serve a god that will

kick that door

down because he will disrupt you

he will mess up your schedule that’s

what jesus did on the earth

it was like every day he woke up he was

disrupting things

it’s like every day you woke up the

disciples are like jesus what are we

going to do today

he said the same thing we do every day

we go comfort the disturbed and we’re

going to disturb the comfortable

he was always comforting the disturbed

and disturbing the comfortable he was

always making sure

that ratchet people knew that your

righteousness is not beyond the reach of

god’s grace

and religious people knew that you

aren’t so holy

your breath still stinks you need a

savior too he was always

balancing the tension between bringing

healing to the broken

and making sure the bougie knew they

needed to be broke

and that’s what he’s doing in my text

today i feel like preaching that

transformation nation he uh

he’s been traveling and preaching and

healing the sick and

raising the dead and walking on water

and turning over tables in the temple


doing all kinds of signs and wonders

he’s just fed

4 000 people with a few loaves of bread

and he encounters the pharisees the


people and they are probably still

munching on the fish

and the bread that he multiplied and

they have the nerve and audacity

to say to jesus give us a sign

that you’re really sent from god he’s

like are you for real have you not

seen what i’ve been doing what you mean

you need

a son he looks at him says you will

never get

a sign because it’s not a lack of

evidence you just have

unbelief can i just pause right here

if jesus couldn’t convince and change

the minds of people

who were committed to not believing him

how in the world do you think

you’re gonna change the minds of people

who are committed to not believing

in you some people you just gotta say

forget you you always gonna think that

way about me

but that doesn’t stop the call of god on

my life i’m going to be

everything that god has called me to be

and i don’t need your endorsement

or your favor to do it and all of a

sudden he leaves the religious

pharisees and then he gets on a boat

with his disciples and as they’re

getting on the boat the disciples

remember hold on we only brought one


of bread and jesus looks at them and


watch out be careful they’re like what

storm coming he’s like no be careful

of the yeast of the pharisees

and the yeast of herod and disciples are

looking on the boat talking about what

what is jesus ain’t nobody on the boat

but you

and us what are you talking about there

you’re fearing it fair herod is not on

this boat the pharisee’s on his boat

what do you mean

the yeast of the pharisees and that of

herod and i love it because this right


is classic jesus it’s classic jesus a

lot of people say oh it would have been


to like hang out with jesus i wish i

could have been with the physical jesus

no you don’t no you don’t you would have

been confused you would have thought he

lost his mind you wouldn’t understand

the words that were coming out of his


because jesus was fully god and he was

fully man come on you know he wasn’t

just a good man he was a

god man he was god manifested in the

flesh it was humanity and divinity

coming together in one body and anytime

you got humanity

and divinity in one body how many of the

conversations are gonna be

interesting the conversation’s gonna

make you scratch your head

cause sometimes deity is talking and

sometimes humanity is talking

and he’ll leave you clueless trying to

figure out what in the world is he


you know one of my favorite ones in john

chapter 2 john chapter 2

he’s at a wedding first miracle he’s at

a wedding and his mama comes up to him

and says jesus they just ran out of wine

jesus looks at his mama and says what

that got to do with me

one it’s not my time it’s not my time

leaves her in suspense she just looks at

the attendance of like look

just do whatever he tells you to do what

in the world is jesus talking about when

he says it’s not

my time and she said something about


it’s because he was fully god and he was

fully mad

and he understood on a human level yes

they ran out of wine at the wedding

and it was the groom’s responsibility to

get the wine

but jesus also understood that i am the

savior of the world

i’m a groom also and i have a bride

and i have a responsibility as well and

when you said wine

my mind went to the blood that is going

to be shed

for all of humanity so that’s why i said

it’s not my time

because when you said wine i’m thinking

about my blood

that’s going to be shed and my blood has

got to be enough

to cover the sins of the world

this is this is the power of the gospel

this is the power

of god in flesh and he’s doing it again

on the boat because they got one loaf of


and he said be careful of the yeast of

the pharisees and that of herod and

they’re like what is he talking about

he’s like no y’all don’t understand you

have one loaf of bread on the boat

but you have another loaf of bread on

the bar

you holding bread but you also looking

at bread

i am the bread of life and bread said be


of the yeast of the pharisees and that

of hair what what is yeast

yeast is a fungi just a little bit of

yeast is a fungi that if you put

in the dough of bread it will affect and


the entirety of the bread just a little

bit of yeast

will mess up the whole loaf of bread in

the bible

yeast is a metaphor for unbelief it’s a

metaphor for sin

it’s also a metaphor for pride because

whenever you put the yeast in the bread

it’ll start to

rise it’ll be puffed up it’s a metaphor

for pride he said be careful

of mixing pride sin unbelief not in that

bread you’re holding

in the bread you’re looking at if you

mix it with the bread it’s going to


the bread be careful of the yeast of the


the religious system and of herod the

political system

because if you start mixing religion and


with the bread of life it’s gonna

contaminate the bread

if you think transformation is gonna

come through your religious

works and what you do or through voting

your particular candidate in the office

that’s not how transformation comes i

have a kingdom that i came to bring

and i am the true bread of life and the


i am is enough oh i feel like preacher

there i love how the bible is for

today and the disciples were still


he said hold on is he is he mad because

we didn’t bring another loaf of bread

yeah see we should have brought another

loaf of bread because it’s not going to

be enough for us

on the boat he’s like no i’m not talking

about that bread i’m talking about

me this okay you think i’m talking about

provision no i’m talking about me

i have the purity of who i am but since

you’re confused and you’re talking about


let’s go to provision real quick okay

let’s go to provision okay when we took

the five lows

and we broke it for the five thousand

how many leftovers did you have

they were like 12. okay when we took the

seven loaves and we broke it for the

four thousand

how many leftovers did you have there

were like seven he said okay

so the first time we fed more people

with less amount of bread

and you still had leftovers you got one

loaf on the boat 12 of y’all

i think we gonna be all right you know

why cause you got me

on the boat and because i’m the bread as

long as you have me

you got every single thing you need

oh they didn’t understand but jesus had

to break down

how many times he did the miracle

of the feeding of the multitude now

right here i want to pause

not just for a water break

but i want to pause and file a complaint

i want to file a complaint

uh not with the cdc i want to file a

plan with the ssc

sunday school committee okay because uh

i’m raised in church

raised in church okay uh i’m talking

about old school church sunday morning

sunday night vacation bible school

tuesday night prayer meet oh school

church i’m talking about old school

church i’m taught

children church is on the front row with

a coloring book oh

school church okay i’m talking about i’m

talking about you only celebrate

halloween you celebrate hallelujah night

and dress up as a bible character okay

oh school church just showing up in your

ezekiel outfit okay

oh old school church and in all my years

of going to church and sunday school

i don’t even remember anybody telling me

that the miracle

where jesus multiplied the fish and the


and fed the multitude that miracle


not once but twice he did that miracle

twice yes once where he took the little

boy’s fish

and bread but he did it again twice and

nobody ever told me

that miracle happened twice some of

y’all watching right now you’ve been

saved your whole life

you didn’t even know that that miracle

happened twice do you know how many


i could have got extra goldfish and

graham crackers if i knew

that miracle happened not once but

twice he fed the 5 000 and then a few

months later

he did that miracle again and he fed 4

000 and there’s even a debate in


where scholars think that mark messed up

and he’s mentioning

the same miracle twice but jesus totally

refused that thought

because he says as we read in mark

chapter eight now remember when i fed

the five thousand

and then i did it again and i fed the


thousand and so many people focus on the

feeding of the five

oh but i want to pause today and i want

to thank god

not for the feeding of the 5 000 i want

to thank them for the feeding of the 4

000 because the feeding of the 4000 says

to me

that if god did something great in your

life once

that if god ever opened up a door in

your life

once that if god ever healed you before


that if god ever came through before

once how do you know then he can do it


the same god that did it once

oh i feel like preaching in here can do

it again

oh don’t you let the difficulty of this


make you doubt the faithfulness of your


come on some of you you know the history

you have with god

if he’s brought you through before he

will bring you through right now

if he’s opened up a door before he will

do it again

oh i need somebody who’s feeling me

right now in the chats would you just


he’ll do it again he will do it again if

he did it before

he will do it again some of you need to

review the history

of god turn off cnn and fox and abc and


and hijk elemental p and just start

reminding yourself

of god’s faithfulness in your life if he

brought you through in your past

he’ll bring you through in your present

he did it

twice he did it twice i love this

feeding of the multitude

because hear me it is one of the only


outside of the resurrection that is in

all four gospels

every single gospel writer mentioned

this miracle

that means jesus did not want us to

forget this miracle

not only that it lets us know that if

this is the only miracle mentioned where

he fed

thousands of people if it’s the only

miracle mentioned besides the


that lets me know that jesus is not just

concerned with the condition

of my soul he’s also concerned about my


that god didn’t just care about my soul

and spiritual food

how many know he cares about my physical

needs as well

he cares about what’s keeping you up at

night god cares about the spiritual

and the physical he cares about your

needs this miracle reveals

not just god’s greatness but his

goodness that if something matters to


guess what it matters to god actually

scratch that

if it matters to you it matters more to


he doesn’t just care about your soul he

cares about

your need as well look at jesus

who had the power to attract thousands

of people with his preaching

so much so that when he fed the 5000

they forgot to eat for a day

he was preaching so good when he fed the

four thousand they forgot to eat

for three days he was preaching so good

so you think you can preach

you know you preaching good when for

three days people forget to eat cause

they just

listening to the words coming out of

your mouth that right there

is the litmus test for good preaching

where people like forget chick-fil-a

forget chipotle let me just listen

to this sermon but even in the middle of

his preaching and captivating thousands

he looked out and said wait a minute i

can’t just keep preaching

they’re hungry they need food

that means jesus cares about your need

that is a message to us today that he

cares about what you need

your physical needs not only is a

message it is a mandate to the church as


that we cannot just be concerned with

the condition of people’s souls

if we don’t meet their needs the church

has got to be a church in this day and


where we are concerned not just with the

transformation of soul

but we are meeting the actual needs of


thank god you’re a part of a church

that’s going to do both we’re going to

preach the gospel around the world but

we’re also going to meet your needs

in actuality because it’s both

it’s both and and that’s why god wants


to participate in the miraculous so we

can transform souls but we can also meet

needs and some of us are praying about

stuff we need to get up off our knees


and start doing something about it

i love what the great theologian howard

thurman says

he says that the power of prayer is

directly connected

to your willingness to be a part of

god’s answer

i’m going to say that again the power of

prayer is directly connected

to your willingness to be a part of

god’s answer

that means god has always been and will

always be looking for people

to participate in the miracle he wants

to manifest

i’m preaching billy y’all are talking in

the chats i dare you to just put a

little praise hand in there

and i want to look at this miracle if we

can all of that was my introduction

i want to look at these two miracles of

the feeding of the 5000

and the 4000 so we can remember what we

need to remember

i want to do like those pictures you

ever seen those pictures where it’s the

same picture

and you got to circle what the

difference is yeah i want to do that

with these two miracles

because the first thing i noticed in

both miracles

is that you had a whole lot of people

and you also had a problem

you had a whole lot of people and you

also had

a problem don’t forget to remember

that you are called to problems because

you are called to people

a whole lot of people come on it says 5

000 but that’s not including the men

women and children

it’s probably 15 000 people

there that day 4 000 of us in the other

crowd and because you’ve got a whole lot

of people

you got a problem because you cannot


people from problems you are called to

problems because you are called to


some of you in this season you’re like

i’m so sick of people i just want to be

by myself i’m tired of the drama

i’m just going to isolate myself and i

want to fool with people

the problem with ice to letting yourself

is you still got to be with you

you can’t run away from you come on

that’s what this shelter in place order

really did for a lot of people

some of us found out that we were

running away from ourselves

and we were keeping ourselves busy with

our careers so we would never have to

face ourselves

but when everything shut down some of us

were forced to

look at ourselves and you’re like i

don’t even like me

you know why because people and problems

cannot be

separated they are together you call the

problems because you call the people

and defeating the 5000 he had they had

the disciples had to put the groups of

people in groups of 50 and 100. can you


20 000 people you got to put in groups

of 50 or 100

how long was the setup for this miracle

just one two three four five six

is your head put you about to mess up my

account put your hand up and down for

one two three four five

is that your child then what is he over

here for god can you imagine how long

the setup people people people yes i

know people are frustrated

but in this season it’d be awesome if we

could have grace for people

especially difficult people you know why

because you’re one of them too

you call the problems because you’re

called to people i also found it


in both miracles compassion

started the miracle it was the


of jesus and in the feeling of the 5000

the bible says that jesus

was moved with compassion feeding of the

four thousand

jesus verbally says the only time he

verbally says

i have compassion compassion started you

know why

because don’t forget to remember


activates the miraculous you want to

start seeing miracles in your life

start getting compassionate some of you

if god answered your prayer request

it would only benefit you but if you

want to see god start doing the


in your life start asking god for


it was compassion and both of the

miracles that caused

jesus to move he had to move in one

instance he moved his body

in the other instance he moved his lips

and said i have compassion

but compassion will not give you the

luxury of apathy

you’re gonna have to do something if you

have compassion

because compassion hear me is when care

and action

collide oh god give us a church give us


who have compassion who care about

somebody besides themselves compassion

started the miracle

i love it in the 4000 because jesus

looked out and he said something

interesting he said i can’t send them

away hungry

he said because if i send them away

hungry he said some of them will faint

along the way

because some of them have come from a

far off they come

from from afar off that means jesus and

his compassion

in a multiplicity of thousands of people

he knew with specificity

where some of them came from he knew

their address

that lets me know you can’t have


unless you have clarity on where i’ve

come from ah you can’t have compassion

unless you care enough to know what i’ve

been through

and the things i had to endure come on

i’m the only one ever been in a

circumstance where you talk to somebody

and they’re talking to you crazy like

they’re going off on you and while they

talking your heart is palpitating

sweat is coming down your face cause

they talking to you like they forgot you

ain’t always been saved

and uh they forgot that you know some

words that are not in the king james

bible you ever had one of those moments

you’re like oh they don’t understand

that i will go off on you and you almost

want to go off on the person you’re

about to respond a certain way

but don’t you just wish in that moment

that a pause button could be pushed

and all of a sudden you could just get

clarity on where they came from

how they grew up who was in their life

who wasn’t in their life maybe even just

what they went through that day

and all of a sudden your reaction and

response would change why

because you got clarity on where they


from you cannot have compassion unless

you care to know people’s story

and where they came from because

compassion activates

the miraculous in both miracles i’m

almost done and both miracles i noticed

watch this

they asked the wrong questions asked the

wrong questions feeding on the 5000

they said it would take six months wages

to feed all these people are we to spend

that much money to feed all these people

wrong question feeding of the four

thousand the disciples said

well where can we even find bread for

these people in this place

wrong question see don’t forget to


to always ask the right question

see they looked at the magnitude of the

problem and they asked the wrong

question i wonder right now are you

worried because you’re asking the wrong


because worry is often the byproduct

of asking the wrong questions some of

y’all are so stressed right now you know


because you’re looking at the magnitude

of the problem and you’re asking the

wrong questions

and worry is the byproduct of asking the

wrong question

okay somebody like give us some

scripture for it robert i’ll give you a

scripture for it okay

go to matthew chapter six matthew

chapter six real quick this is jesus

talking matthew chapter six

i want you to see the words of jesus in

matthew chapter six look at what he says

in matthew chapter six

i want you to see it well jesus says he

says so do not

worry don’t worry here comes the


saying what shall we eat or what shall

we drink or what shall we wear

for the pagans run after all these

things and your heavenly father

knows that you need them but seek first

his kingdom

and his righteousness and all these

things will be given to you as well

do you see that worry is connected to

asking the wrong

questions some of you in this season

you’re stressed cause you’re asking the

wrong questions what if i lose the house

what if i lose the car

what if i lose the job what if there’s

another shutdown what if i got to be at

home with my kids and teach them online

what if this happens what if that

happens what

you just sneezed what if i got it what

about this what about that

wrong questions i’m not saying you

shouldn’t have wisdom

i’m not saying you shouldn’t have

concern but sometimes you’re asking the


questions stressing at night asking the


questions and it’s producing worry in

your life

you got to ask the right question can i

give you the right question

can i give you the right question jesus

asked it in both both miracles here’s

the right question

jesus says how many loaves do you have

that’s the right question how many


do you have that is the right question

what question

should i be asking in a global pandemic

how many loaves

do you have i want somebody to type that

in the chats right now

how many loaves do you have that’s the


you ought to ask yourself is how many

loaves do you have

i like that question because that

question doesn’t lead to worry

that question leads to work it makes you

start looking

and trying to figure out what is it that

god has

given me it makes you start looking for

what do i have

left it shifts your focus from what you


to what you still have with you come on


how many loaves do you have oh

that’s the question you gotta ask

yourself in this season

not what you’ve lost not what’s walked


but what do you have left how many

loaves do you have

oh i’m feeling this sermon are y’all

recording this i’m gonna watch you later

it’s blessing me

how many loaves do you have

see that question will make you be


for what god has given you how many

loaves do you have

okay let me let me give you an

illustration you know pastor mike he

always got an illustration

so let me come to tulsa with the

illustration how many loaves

do you have see this is my bread i got

this bread i had to bring this bread

to tulsa this is my bread because some

of y’all are judging it you don’t like

it but

it’s okay it’s wonder bread might not be

your brand might not be gluten free

but guess what it’s mine it’s what i

have it’s what i have and some of you

even right now

just as an illustration y’all just go to

your pantry and see what bread you got

what do you have what do you have see

some of you don’t like this

because it’s easier to complain about

what you don’t have

it’s easier to look on instagram and

like pictures of other people loads and

go oh they got a raise during the

pandemic when i lost my job

it’s easier to look at what other people

have instead of taking

inventory on what god has given you

oh yes you lost your job but you still

got your mind

yes you lost some things but you’re

still here you’re still

standing how many loves


do you have i love this and some of

y’all judging my illustration cause you

don’t like this bread and you’re like oh

that’s all you got that’s the only bread

you could bring

and some of you talking about why you

ain’t got no fish look i didn’t have any

fish to bring okay

just had to bring the bread and not only


jesus never even asked for fish

he never asked for fish read both the

miracles when you get home

he never asked how many fish do you have

he asked how many loaves do you have

that means it was in the process of

looking for the loaves

that they found out i got some fish too

oh it was in the process of searching

out what you do have

that you found out you had something

else i feel

like having church in here today is

there anybody in this season

that has found some things you didn’t

know you had you didn’t know you could

pray like you’re praying right now

you didn’t know you could worship like

you’re worshiping right now but if you

start looking for the loaves

i promise you you’re gonna find some

fish because the fish was just

extra if you look for the loaves

you’ll find the fish he never asked

how much fish you got she said how many

loaves you got

in the process of looking for the loaves

they found out i got fish too

watch this even after they found it

they still realized it’s not enough

it’s not enough can you imagine

looking out at 20 000 plus people

and only having a few fish and bread and

knowing that what’s in your hand is not

enough am i the only one that’s ever

looked at the demand on your life

and looked at what’s in your hand and

come to the alarming conclusion is

it’s not enough i don’t have what it

takes to be the father he’s called me to

be i don’t have enough

to be the leader you don’t have enough

to be the mom you don’t have enough to

be the student

it’s not enough and can i tell you it

will never be enough

it will never be let me just mess up all

your self-help stuff it will never

be enough if it is in your hands

you got to get it out of your hands your

life is not

enough in your hands if it’s in your

hands that means you’re trying to

control it

and if 2020 hasn’t taught you anything

it ought to teach you

you cannot control some things the only

thing i can do

when i feel like the demand on my life

is more than what i have

is to get it out of my hands and put it

in the hands of god

and say take this marriage take this kid

take my finances

take this business i don’t know what to

do i don’t have enough

they put in the hands of jesus and he

took it

that’s where the miracle starts is when

you put it in his hands

and he took it and he blessed it

and he broke it and then he gave it


back to them to feed the multitude

can you imagine looking at 20 000 people

and giving it to jesus knowing it’s not

enough and all he does he takes it

he says thank you breaks it and gives it

right back to you and says okay go feed


you’re like hold up you want to bless

this a little more it’s a lot of folks

out here

come on how many you know the

multiplication did not happen in the

hands of jesus

the bread did not multiply in jesus

hands that wouldn’t have taken

faith that as soon as they handed it

over to jesus the bread would have just

started popping and growing now they

would have been excited then no

what jesus will do is just bless your

little bit

he’ll bless what’s not enough he’ll

bless the thing you’ve discarded and

just give it right back to you

and now it’s still the same but at least

it’s blessed

and now he gives it to them to pass out

think about this this miracle is not


you got 20 000 people and 12 dudes have

to feed

everybody jesus you could do better than

that you could have just wiggled your


and just made everybody be full you

could have set up an in-n-out fish and

bread stand

and just got everybody through how long

is it gonna take

for these 12 dudes to pass it out to

thousands of people no

they have to take their time you know

why because multiplication happens

through interaction i want you to


with every person you hand the bread to

and i want you to see it get down to


nothing and right when it’s down to

almost nothing i want you to see me


again come on anybody in this season

you’ve been down to nothing

but you saw god show up and come through


the blessing is through the interaction

can you see him talking to people

as they’re handing the bread saying is

that your son he cute

there you go and just passing the bread

this is why the enemy wants us divided

because he understands that

multiplication happens

through not isolation but interaction

interaction and as they passed it was

enough don’t you let the enemy divide

your marriage in this season

don’t you let them break up

relationships because multiplication


through interaction come on i speak to

myself let’s talk to the married people

i was preaching before i got married i

was preaching while i was married i was

doing some things while i was married

but can i show you three things

i wasn’t able to do until i got married

to the beautiful taylormadeu

put that picture up real quick of my

three little humans real quick

of my beautiful come on that right there

oh i couldn’t do that by myself

that was multiplication hello through an


and the enemy wants us divided because a

house divided cannot stand

but if you start connecting with people

it’s amazing what multiplies and they

passed it out

and they had leftovers but here’s my


with the pharisees excuse me with the


is i get the first time while you were


i get the first time why you were

stressed because it’s the first miracle

my question is how come just a few

months later

when it’s another crowd why are you

stressing the second time

after you already had history of god

doing it before

he had already done the miracle before

the second time you saw the crowd

you should have looked out and said oh i

already know how we’re going to do this

it’s about to go down come on somebody

get the bread get the fish we’ve done

this before

why are you stressing when you’ve seen

jesus do it before

well maybe it speaks to the fact that

many of us are stressing right now

and we’ve seen jesus perform before and

come through before

but i actually think it’s deeper than

that way deeper

because i found it interesting in the

feeding of the 5000

the issue seemed not to be

the bread but the price of the bread

they did the math they said it would

cost us

thousands to feed these people the issue

was the price

feeding of the four thousand the issue

wasn’t the price

it was the people and the place

they said where can we find enough bread

for these people

in this place which made me think about

what was that place and who were those


the feeding of the 5000 happened

near galilee in bethsaida in

jewish territory but the feeding of the


happened in the region of the decapolis

don’t miss this

in gentile territory

the feeding of the 4000 happened in an

area they didn’t want to go

with people they didn’t want to deal

with and jesus

forced them to go over there to a place

and a people

they thought they were better than that

they had spent their whole life staying

away from

he said this is a field trip to show you

that if you’re going to be my witness

to jerusalem judea samaria and to the

ends of the earth

you cannot think the bread which is me

the bread of life

is only for people that walk like you

think like you talk like you and vote

like you

now this brand is for the entire world

and because it’s for the world you don’t

get to pick who you pass it out to

so i’m gonna take you and do it again

not just to show you my provision

but to show you that i am enough for the

entire world

and everybody needs bread old people

need the bread of life

young people need the bread of life

democrats need the bread of life

republicans need a bread of life

independent neither bread of life

young old black white red yellow blue

everybody needs

the bread we took them on a field trip

to break their ideology to break them

because if you’re going to pass out the

bread you got to know this bread is for


and you don’t get to pick who you want

to give it to

the feeding of the 4000 was the moment

where he was doing to the disciples what

he did with the bread

he took him he blessed them

then he broke them so that he could use


to spread the gospel around the world

that’s what god is doing with you

right now some of you in a breaking

season you know why god is breaking you

right now

because he’s about to use you like

you’ve never been used before

after this year i’m telling you the

people you’re going to be able to reach

after 2020

that’s why you can’t quit that’s why you

can’t kill yourself that’s why you can’t

give up

yes it’s breaking you but he’s not

breaking you to kill you

he’s breaking you so he can multiply you

and use you more

everybody needs the bread

i found this out this year can i confess

to you

this year has been a breaking for me

it’s been a breaking season up until

2020 i didn’t have a point of reference

for people dealing with anxiety attacks

and dealing with depression found myself

in a dark place when everything was shut

down and wasn’t able

to travel was really in a bad place and

even got to a place where all of the

tension and racial injustice it made me

want to throw in the towel i’m just

being honest

i wanted to quit i said god i’m sick of

this what’s the point and

just found myself and not in a good

place and i had to remember i had to

remember i took a trip

on father’s day i went to pittsburgh


that great metropolis pittsburgh texas

because i remember my mom told me about

the church

that my grandfather built in pittsburgh


i brought a picture of the church look

at this mega church

in pittsburgh texas that little bit of

church i drove there on father’s day

in the season where i was depressed and

in a season where i had anxiety

and i sat in that little bitty church

and i reminded myself

how my mom said my grandmama used to lay

her hands on me and said god’s gonna use

you to preach the gospel

around the world i reminded myself of my

grandfather that prophesied over me

even when i was just a young child you

don’t know their names oh yeah they

don’t have an instagram account

they didn’t have more than 50 people in

that little church

but can i tell you every time you hear

robert madue preach you hear harold

tutman preach

and fannie mae tuttman preach because of

their faithfulness

what god did then he’s doing through me


and that’s why you can’t quit and that’s

why you can’t throw in the towel in the

breaking season because god just wants

to use you more

the breaking it’s not to destroy you

it’s to multiply so that more people can

get bread

so you can tell somebody how you get up

when you’re depressed so you can tell

somebody how you raise those kids

when it’s just you by yourself on a

little budget so you can tell people

how you kept preaching when people are

leaving your church so you can tell

people what happened

in the breaking i won’t ever hear bowed

when every

eye closed just think in your living

room in your kitchen wherever you are

just have a moment

i want to pray for people who’ve been

through a breaking

the break is not to destroy you it’s so

that god can multiply what he wants to

do in your life

don’t forget to remember his


he brought you through that he’ll bring

you through this

your history with god gives you strength

to stand today

father i pray for every person watching

around the world right now who’s in a

breaking season god

thank you that the breaking is not to

destroy them

god you’re just going to use them more

so they can comfort other people with

the comfort they have been comforted

with god

thank you that the breaking is always to

multiply to feed more people

if you’re watching this right now and

you’ve never given your life to jesus

you’re hungry you’ve been going to other


to fill you up maybe this season where

things have been shut down and things

you used to go to to feel

aren’t doing it anymore can i tell you

there is a savior his name is jesus

he is the bread of life he is enough

you never made that commitment or

surrendered your life to jesus i want to

give you that opportunity

right where you are say god i’m coming


i’m tired of running other things to

fill me up i come to you

would you just write where you are with

your hands lifted just right there i

know you might have people at the watch


even watching with you it don’t matter

just zone them out lift up your hand

right where you are

i want you to pray this prayer say dear

jesus thank you so much

for loving me enough to pay the price

for my sin jesus i believe

you’re the son of god you lived for me

you died for me you’re coming back for


i cannot do life without you

forgive me of my sin make me brand new

from this moment forward i’m walking

with you

in jesus name amen amen come on if you

prayed that prayer

i know tears are coming down your face

but i dare you to just celebrate right

where you

are because that’s what the angels in

heaven are doing right now there is


happening even when one sinner comes


i want you right where you are and even

in the chat there’s actually a number

coming on the screen

that you can text if you prayed that

prayer for the first time or just type

in the chat said today today

i surrendered i gave my life to jesus

what an incredible moment what an

incredible day

don’t forget to remember

god’s faithfulness transformation thank

you so much for letting your boy

preach the word today please tune back

next week

it’s only going to keep getting better

right here at transformation church

fun month love you

thank you so much for watching this

message if this has impacted you

in any way i’m asking you to do a couple

of things first thing

join transformation nation subscribe and

make sure to join us

right here every single sunday gather

your friends your family

and be a part of not just this moment

but this movement

the second thing i would ask is that you

would share this share it with your

friends your co-workers all of the

people that are around you

because transformation is just one click


the last thing i would ask is that you

would consider partnering with us

financially if this ministry has

impacted your life

and is transforming you listen we want

you to pray about it

see what god would say that you would

give to this ministry so that this


can go to the whole world i want you to

know that we

love you and your best days are right in

front of you

this week go out and live a transformed

life we’ll see you next week