Through this powerful CD series, Rick illustrates from the Greek text, providing you with a deeper and richer understanding of the end times so that you can be prepared. You will also learn how you are anointed for such a time as this and how God has provided you with what you need to prevail.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome. Welcome
to my world where it’s

naturally supernatural.

My guest says, you do not have
to take it any more from the

devil when you realize, when you
come to your senses that you are

dressed to kill.

Now we Jewish people have a

It’s called meshuga and it means

My guest Rick Renner takes three
small sons and a wife and goes

to the former Soviet Union
before it was the former Soviet


I’ve been there, Rick.

How could you do that?

Rick: You know, it was just, God
invited me to go on a trip.

And when I was there, I stood in
front of this Bible school where

we were speaking, and when I
opened my Bible to speak for the

very first time, I heard the
Spirit of God say, “Welcome to

your new home.”

And the whole rest of the time I
taught that class, I kept

hearing the Holy Spirit saying,
“Welcome to your new home.”

And I understood that God was
calling my family to relocate to

the Soviet Union, and it was
still the Soviet Union at that

time, not the most desirous
place to move your family.

Sid: As we were checking notes,
I went to the former Soviet

Union, involved in an outreach
at about the same as Rick.

And we were in a hotel room, and
in the hotel room the bugs were

so bad in the room that many had
to take their bed and move it

into the hallway.

If you have never seen a Soviet
hotel from back then, you don’t

know what living is.

I can’t imagine your family
going to that place.

Rick: Sid, it was supernatural.

I fell in love with the Soviet

In one week, it’s like they
entered into my heart.

And when I went back to the
United States after that short

trip, everything in me just beat
with the desire to gather my

family together and move back to
the Soviet Union.

And the Lord spoke to me very
clearly, and I said, “Why?

Why are you calling my family to
move to the Soviet Union?”

And he said, “Because there’s
going to be a revival here

that’s going to need great Bible
teachers and you’re going to be

more needed here than you are in
the United States.”

Sid: And you know what, I see
why he did that with Rick,

because you started the first
Christian television station


You have a TV network today.

You have an apostolic network,
over 400 congregations.

You have a brand new church
building in Moscow, what, 3700


And I think you haven’t even
touched what God has you for


Now in 1980, you had a
visitation of an angel.

Rick: Yes I did.

Sid: Now I have seen angels, but
I have, you’re provoking me to


Rick: I was in my apartment and
I had laid down on the couch to

take a nap, and suddenly I felt
a presence, and sat straight up

on that couch.

And it was one of those moments
when you feel someone’s

presence, but you don’t see

And in just a few moments, just
about as far as you are from me,

a man materialized, and he began
speaking to me, but he never

opened his mouth.

It was non-verbal communication.

And he said, “I am a man from
the presence of the Lord.”

Sid: It was going from spirit to

Rick: Whether it was
spirit-to-spirit or mind to

mind, I really don’t know.

He thought a thought and I
received the thought.

And he began to speak to me
about my ministry, and that my

ministry would be a sojourning
ministry, and that particularly,

I would be sent to a people who
had suffered.

Now at this particular time,
Denise and I were not married.

In fact, Denise was not even in
the picture yet.

And so my life was young and I
certainly had no thoughts of

moving to the Soviet Union.

And suddenly, a map came in
front of me that filled the

whole room, and the whole map
began to violently shake.

And this angel began to
communicate with me that my

ministry would be located in the
part of the world where there

would be violent shaking and
many, many changes, and an

in-time ministry.

And certainly, that is what we

Sid: 1985, another visitation.

Rick: Yes.

Sid: But this time from Jesus.

Rick: Yes.

Sid: What happened?

Rick: I was awakened in the
middle of the night and I went

to the back room of the house,
and began to pray in tongues,

and I began to pray very deeply
in tongues.

And I closed my eyes as I walked
back and forth in that room, and

when I opened my eyes, the room
was gone, and I was standing in

the spirit realm.

Now the spirit realm has

I was, it was a dark place, but
yet it was not a scary place,

but it was the spirit realm.

And far in the distance, I saw a
light and the light got brighter

and brighter, and brighter until
finally it manifested in front

of me, and it was a throne, it
was a chair.

I can even draw a picture of the

It’s that real to me.

And seated in that chair was
Jesus, and Jesus began to speak

to me about my ministry.

I was on my knees because I had
already gone to my knees in


And the Lord reached out and
took my hands, and he took one

hand at a time, and I say that
he sandwiched my hands.

He put one hand on top, he put
another hand underneath, and he

said, “See today, I give to you
an anointing of love mixed with


And I said, “Well what is that?”

And then he did it to the other

And I said, “Lord, what is love
mixed with hate?”

And he said, “That is an
anointing of compassion.”

When the love of God is so
strong and yet the hate for the

work of the enemy is equally as
strong as they float together,

and when they float together
they create compassion.

And suddenly, I saw myself in
the spirit walking through a

hospital ward of people very

And I know today, it was a
Russian hospital ward.

Sid: But at that time, you just
knew it was a hospital.

Rick: I just knew it was a
hospital and it was different,

and it was dilapidated.

And the Lord began to speak to
me again about the fact that he

was going to send me to a people
who had suffered great lack and

great hardship.

And then the most amazing thing

The Lord held his hands out to
me like this and he said, “See

today I place before you
finances on a realm that are

already amassing more finances.”

And Sid, it felt like those
finances entered into me,

greatness of finances, and I
understood that God was going to

supernaturally provide for
whatever it was he was calling

us to do on the other side of
the world.

And God has been absolutely
faithful for everything that we

have done.

And now 24 years later, we’re
still there.

Sid: And you know what’s so

I mean, God, our God is so

Do you know that?

What is so amazing, Rick is a
world class Bible teacher in a

realm way beyond anything I’m
familiar with.

He’ll take one Greek word,
because he’s a Greek scholar,

and for instance, on the End
Times, he has teaching you’ve

never heard before.

Have you ever read in the Book
of Hebrews, it begins, “In these

last days…” and some skeptics
say, well back then they thought

it was the last days and look,
they don’t, we don’t even know

when the last… But you don’t
even understand from the Greek,

there is a difference between
the last days and the last of

the last days.

But if you don’t know the Greek,
you don’t know it.

I want Rick to teach on that
when we come back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

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We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So as I was saying before
we went into the break, there’s

the last days, but Rick, there
is, when did the last days


Rick: The last days started on
the day of Pentecost.

Sid: That’s a long time.

Rick: Yes.

Sid: So where do you get the
last of the last days?

Isn’t that all the same?

Rick: Well first of all, for
people that are skeptics who

say, oh, they’ve been talking
about the last days for 2000

years, they are absolutely
correct, because the last days

began in Acts, Chapter 2,
whenever Peter said that God

would pour his spirit in the
last days.

And that initiated a period
which some people call the

Church Age.

Some people call it the Age of
Grace, but the Bible calls it

the Last Days.

But when you come to Second
Timothy, Chapter 3, Verse 1,

Paul writes, “This know also,
that in the last days, perilous

times shall come.”

And the word “last”, which Paul
uses is the Greek word,

“eschatos”, and it’s where we
get the word for eschatology.

And the word “eschatos”
describes the very, very, very,

very end of a thing.

For example, if you were
describing the last week of the

year, you would use the word

You can’t go any further.

You’ve come all the way to the

The word “eschatos” was used to
describe the final port for a


The ship couldn’t go any further
than that.

Sid: So you say that there were
18 characteristics.

Tell me some of these
characteristics that caused you

to believe we are at the final
port, so to speak.

Rick: Well the first
characteristic is in Verse 1 and

it says, “This know also that in
the last days,” notice it

doesn’t say in the last period,
but “in the last days”, the

Greek word, “humitas” [sp] which
describes really the final


It says, “Perilous times shall

And that word “perilous” is the
Greek word “calipas” [sp], and

the word calipas is only used
one other time in the New

Testament, and it’s found in
Matthew, Chapter 8, Verse 28,

where it used to describe the
two demoniacs of Gadara.

And when you read that verse in
Greek, it says that those two

men were calipas [sp], or they
were exceeding fierce, hard to

bear with.

If you went near those two
demoniacs of Gadara, you were

entering into dangerous

In fact, the verse says, “So
that no man could pass by that


So in Second Timothy, Chapter 3,
Verse 1, when Paul says, “This

know also, that in the last
days,” or in the end of days,

“perilous times will come.”

He’s actually saying,
exceedingly fierce times will

come, times hard to deal with.

And in fact, it will be an
impasse, it will be difficult

for people to get passed those

Sid: Could it have, I mean, what
I’m reading in the newspaper of

in Africa, they’re running into
girls’ schools and they’re

kidnapping these girls, and
they’re selling them into sexual


I mean, they’re cutting people’s
heads off and making videos of


It couldn’t get much worse than

Rick: Well you know what, when
you continue to read Second

Timothy, Chapter 3, Verses 2 to
5, Paul gives those 18

characteristics of things which
will happen to society in the

last days.

And one of them is brutality.

It’s savageness, which will come
forth in society, a violence.

And in fact, it’s the same word,
“violence”, which was used to

describe the violent games in
the Coliseum, the violence of


And if you think about it, Sid,
people enjoy violence today.

We may not go to an actual
Coliseum where we see bloodshed,

but our computer games and our
movies, our entertainment is

absolutely filled with violence.

Sid: It’s breeding that to be
within the brain of our young


Rick: And that is one of the
signs of a last days society.

Sid: Well tell me some other

Rick: Well the very first sign
that is listed is, lovers of own


Sid: You can’t get, I mean,
let’s face it, this is what

America and most of the world is
right now.

Rick: It’s the Greek word
“filatos”[sp] and the word

“fileo” [sp] means to love.

It’s the same word that is used
in John, Chapter 18, when the

Bible says that Judas Iscariot
gave Jesus a kiss.

It’s the Greek word, “fileo”

And it’s usually a word that you
would use to describe what you

feel for someone else.

But when you compound it
together with the word “autos”

[sp], which is where you get the
word for autobiography, it

describes self, it is self-love,
and really it is the picture of

self-kissing, people so in love
with themselves that they are

making sacrifices for themselves
that they make for no one else.

It’s misdirected love.

And out of that misdirected love
comes all the other flaws, which

we see in a last days society.

Sid: How much worse can it get?

Rick: Well it’s going to be
pretty dark.

Actually, the Bible says, Paul
speaking to Timothy about this,

says, “Deceivers and sorcerers
are going to wax worse and


And the good news is we’re
anointed for this time.

Sid: That was what I was going
to ask you.

I mean, reading this in the
Bible, especially in the Greek,

you can get pretty fearful.

So what would you say to someone
that’s fearful of living in the,

at the last port, the last days?

Rick: I would say these
scriptures were not written to

scare us.

They were written to prepare us.

These verses were written so
that we could insulate ourself

against what is happening in

For example, if we know that
self-love is going to be a

primary characteristic of the
last days, then we need to work

on loving others and loving God.

If we know that greed is going
to be a major sign of society in

the last days, then we need to
work on giving.

We need to flip those verses and
around, and we need to work on

the opposite of those things.

Sid: But you know the most
important thing you said?

He said that we were created to
live at this time.

It’s in our spiritual DNA and
God trusts us with this.

I’m going to tell you one other

When you find out Rick’s
revelation from the Word about

Paul the Apostle, who spent a
lot of time in prison and

observed the Romans, guards in
their uniforms, and then wrote

in the Book of Ephesians what
they meant, and once you

comprehend all of this, you’re
dressed to kill.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So I’m here with Rick

Rick says we are dressed to

We’re believers by our love.

What do mean we’re dressed to

Rick: Well I’m talking about
spiritual armor.

Sid: Explain.

Rick: Spiritual weaponry.

In Ephesians 6, Verse 12, Paul
says, “For we wrestle not

against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against

powers, against the rulers of
the darkness, against spiritual

wickedness in high places.”

And Sid, in that verse, it’s
almost like the Apostle Paul had

a revelation, and suddenly the
spirit realm was parted and he

was able to see into the spirit
realm of how Satan’s kingdom is

aligned militarily.

And he saw at the top of Satan’s
kingdom there were

principalities then there were
powers, then were rulers of the

darkness of this world, and then
there were low-level demons,

which are powers in the
heavenlies, which are dispatched

into our atmosphere.

And the only way that we can
resist those low-level demons,

which are dispatched into our
atmosphere is if we carry and

walk in the full armor of God.

In fact, Paul says, “Therefore
take unto you the whole armor of

God that you may be able to
stand against the wiles of the


Sid: Now I’ve heard a lot of
believers take that literally.

And every morning they get up
and I put the helmet of

salvation on, I put on the
breastplate of righteousness,

the shield of faith, and they
say that, but it’s almost become

a religious banter rather than
what you teach.

Rick: Well I think that it’s
very sincere when people do


But if I sat on the edge of my
bed and said, I’m going to put

on my helmet, that is not
putting on my helmet.

The Bible very clearly says,
“This is the whole armor of God”

and “of God” in Greek means it’s
the armor which comes out of


And the only that you’re going
to be able to habitually walk in

the armor of God is if you’re
walking with God, because it

comes out of him.

It’s a result of your
relationship with God.

Sid: When I heard you teach
about the various parts of

armor, when a Roman soldier was
actually prepared to kill and

when we have our armor we’re no
longer defenseless against the


Tell, take one piece of armor
and tell me what that means and

what it was in the natural, what
it is in the spirit.

Rick: Well we have what’s called
the shield of faith.

And Paul is referring the shield
of a Roman soldier, and there

were two kinds of shields.

There were small, round,
decorative shields, which you

would carry in a parade, but you
would never use that to defend


It was just a decorative shield.

But the shield which a Roman
soldier used when he was in

battle is from the Greek word,
“thureon” [sp], which is the

same word for an oblong door.

If I were to pick out any door
in this building, it would be

the word “thureon” [sp] and
that’s the same word for a Roman


And what happened, Sid, is when
a Roman soldier would come into

the infantry, they would measure

Now this is very important
because Romans, Chapter 12,

Verse 3 says, “God is given to
every man the measure of faith.”

Well what is “the measure”?

Well they measured a Roman
soldier from side to side and

from top to bottom, and they
would make a sword just for his

size so that he was covered from
side to side, and he was covered

from top to bottom.

If you had a shield, you were
completely covered.

Sid: So each one had it tailor
made for their needs.

Rick: Tailor made.

And they were made out of wood
and leather.

And they would take the leather
and they would dip it into the

water, and they would saturate
so that whenever flames would

hit it, it would put out the

And likewise, our faith has to
be saturated in the Word of God.

And when our faith is saturated
in the Word of God, it becomes a

force that the enemy cannot

Sid: You know Rick, I’d like to
spend the whole time, if we had

it, the whole day, talking about
this armor because, you see,

when you understand, really
understand what Paul was talking

about, you realize how much
protection God has given us.

You realize that you’re
literally dressed to kill.

You said the mind is so

Would you pray for people that
their mind renewed to the Word

of God right now.

Rick: I will because the mind is
where the main attack takes


And so Father, in the name of
Jesus, I pray, Lord, right now

for people whose mind is under
assault, the enemy is trying to

pave a road into their mind and
to bombard them with lies about

their self-image, about their
health, about their marriage.

And Father, I pray that they
would listen to the Word of God

and that every one of those lies
would be uprooted and removed

from their minds in the name of


Sid: The devil comes at you like
a roaring lion, like, like a

roaring lion.

But you have that shield of

You have the sword of the

You are dressed to kill.

You are more than a conqueror.

Sid: Next week on It’s

My guest went to a spirit-filled
church and he saw such excess.

So he left and he said, “I’m
going to an evangelical church

where everything is biblical.”

And he saw such dryness.

He got burned out.

But then he prayed to God.

He said, “God, there’s got to be
an answer.”

And God spoke to him and he had
a breakthrough.

How many of you want to find the
revelation for breakthrough?

Your gifts to this ministry will
help Sid air It’s Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and
distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.