This video encourages all women of God to pray first and always! If you’re a praying lady don’t stop now! If you’re a praying mother don’t stop now!

a praying woman is a dangerous woman

that’s just something about her a

determined woman on her knees praying

for her home her

family her children her church you want

to see power

start praying woman of god

i value the role of a godly man in the

home a father in the home

but i want to speak to the women many

times the first person in a home the

first person in our families to be

sensitive to god is a praying woman

so i’m speaking to you mom i’m speaking

to you lady

i’m speaking to you grandma keep on


keep on seeking after god

you can have a powerful godly influence

in your home

on your family on your marriage at your


god can use you to make an impact

to be the vessel through which he starts

a revival

there is no one who can take your place

woman of god

you are needed as a resource in the body

of christ

don’t stop praying you’re part of the

defense line for your family against the


and we need praying women who stand up

and say no

this for satan and no further

women of god we need to pray a praying

woman is a dangerous woman

prayer is a force and in the hands of a

virtuous woman

the weapon of prayer is fierce and


the power of prayer is the power of god

prayer gives you strength in the middle

of a storm

be strong in prayer we are called to

pray without

ceasing to pray always to pray with


the battle is fought on your knees the

battle is one on your knees

we need praying women we need praying


we need to teach our daughters to pray

our sons to pray

prayer is a lifeline and on the other

side is your answer from god

prayer is your weapon when the enemy


pray in your day of trouble ladies

pray you can’t make it in this life

without prayer

you can’t live without prayer at some

point in your life

you will realize prayer changes things

don’t wait for trouble to come

so that you pray don’t wait for an

attack for you to realize how important

it is to pray

pray always pray diligently and pray

with authority

when you need a provider get on your

knees and pray

when you feel lost find yourself in


when you’re broken find healing in


when you’re in need find safety and seek

refuge in prayer

when you’re tired endure in prayer

don’t just go through trials don’t just

go through life

pray through life let me tell you what

happens when you pray

you cast down strongholds break

generational curses

wage war in the spirit you break


you gain knowledge in prayer you build

character in prayer

you bring the love of god back into your


into your relationship everything about

you changes when you are devoted

to prayer breakthroughs are found in


you find peace in your home through



the power of a praying woman

if you’re a praying lady don’t stop now

if you’re a praying mother don’t stop

now if you’re a praying

wife or a young girl then press on

keep praying because now more than ever

is the time that we

need women of god to stand up in prayer

now is the time to seek god we need

women of faith and prayer we need women

filled with more

faith than fear it’s these kinds of


that can alter the destinies of their

own families

of their children of everything and


around them let me tell you something

about a praying woman

a praying woman is dangerous a woman of

faith is dangerous she goes to war

in her prayer closet the shunamite

woman’s faith was so strong

that she took the lifeless body of her


straight to the feet of god’s servant


and she was like god you deal with that

and i’m speaking to you right now take

it to the lord

and tell him god you deal with this

you deal with my finances you deal with

my business

you deal with my kids with my supervisor

at work the power of a praying woman

can be seen on hannah

crying pleading but more importantly

praying to the lord give me

a child and her prayer

moved god you see the power of a

praying woman will push past her


it’ll push past people’s opinions it

pushes past the holier than thou

people in church it pushes boundaries

and touches the hymn

of jesus garment let prayer be

her portion let prayer be our passion

let prayer be our practice let our

prayers be

intentional and intense let us be found

at the throne of grace every day

every day let us be found in our prayer


let us be found at god’s altar in god’s


let us be found praying we need to get

to the stage where we

say i am tired devil of you pushing me


i’m tired of you accusing me trying to

confuse me

i’m tired of you devil afflicting me

attacking me trying to oppress me with


and doubt insecurities and feelings of

low self-esteem get

fired up and tell the devil no more

pray to be set free pray for the victory

we must be a people with a cutting edge

of mighty prayer a people that disrupt

and dislodge satanic forces that try to


strongholds in our homes in our minds

i want to highlight the fact that one


can make a difference by her powerful


in fact god has always used women

for his kingdom and his purpose

a woman’s absence is the first thing

that god declared to be not good

in creation and that’s because god knew

the type of role that women would play

in his kingdom

you know i remember when i was younger

coming home early one day and finding my

mother praying

and when i listened i heard that she was

praying for me

i learned that mom believed in prayer

and also believed in me

now do you know what that does to a kid

it stays with you for life

and when i began to search for answers

in life when i became pressed with my

back against the wall

those things came back to me those


that practice of prayer

so moms pray for your children

teach them to pray too

teach them early to love god’s house

your child needs to know that they are

not alone


without a doubt god desires for us to

bring to him

our prayers and petitions and a praying


a virtuous woman keeps the home together

one of the best things that a wife can

do is pray for her husband

by telling him that you’re praying for

him that simple action

can produce amazing changes in a

marriage or in a home

it invites an atmosphere of unity and


so pray first before you speak about an


pray first before you speak

on a matter that might be divisive pray

first pray for the wisdom to communicate

clearly a praying wife takes authority

over her marriage she doesn’t allow the


to come in and steal the joy and


between her and her husband in so many

cases ladies

we are the last line of defense against

the onslaught of the attacks on the


from the devil if you have been tempted

or tested in your marriage it’s not just

a coincidence

it’s not just something that’s happened

by chance

understand that the devil is trying to

attack you

and cause division among you he is

afraid of what a praying couple

a unified couple who stand in faith

and stand in prayer together can do in

the kingdom of god

and one of the most important things

that men should be praying for

regarding their wives their mothers

their grandmothers

is that their relationship with god will


pray that it deepens and that it’s

strengthened by the holy spirit

pray that she is strong in the lord pray

that she is spiritually

fed because her relationship with god

including yours will affect your


stand together as a family and make sure

that your house becomes a house of



